Sharky is probably a better Pony pilot (and a much better trainer) than I am, but if you need or want another perspective look me up in the arena or email me to meet you sometimes.
Last tour (only flew the P-51) was my best ever and I finished with a little over a 4 to 1 K/D rating in the Mustang. Not necessarily because I am worth anything as a pilot but mainly because of patience, decent SA, and knowing when to run

(which is what you said you were looking for)
Best way I have learned to teach this kind of thing is to fire up RW, and do ride alongs in the MA, talking about what is going on as it happens.
Just don't expect alot of excitement

I usually only get 1 or 2 kill missions and I take my time stalking each and every one of them, but I do usually make it home.
PS: East Coast, early evenings on weeknights are best for me.
**MOL**, Men of Leisure
"Real Men fly Radials, Nancy Boys fly Spitfires"
[This message has been edited by Vermillion (edited 06-06-2000).]