Author Topic: My newbie mistakes (or things to avoid)  (Read 1422 times)

Offline Paxil

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My newbie mistakes (or things to avoid)
« on: September 27, 2000, 12:25:00 PM »
OK... being newly born into the skies of Aces High... I thought I share a few of my dimmer moments so far... it can only get better.

Panzer moment: I snuck my Panzer deep into enemy territory toward what I thought was the enemy base. It was a long trip, but finally in the dim evening light... I see the white tops of an enemy base pop up in the distance. Showtime! My Panzer unleashed a furious volley of fire. Surely the enemy base must be leveled right? I closed in to investigate, only to discover 2 dozen mutilated sheep.

Bad aim: OK... I figured out why I couldn't hit anything... it was because after sitting high up in my seat to get a better view of the field on takeoffs... I'd forget to sit back down. DOH! And I kept complaining to the maintenance people that my guns were misaligned.

Paratroopers nightmare: I learned that dropping troops off at 20,000 feet into live Ack is not a good idea. I've yet to convince any more troopers to board my planes.

Anyone for Lawn Darts? So that is what compression is! Enough said.

Honestly... I dropped my drop tanks on your base on purpose... I was planning on igniting them with my cannon but missed.

After 3 bombing runs... I finally figured out that the ins key was how you looked into the bombsite.

Offline... I lost a dogfight with the drones when I stalled and crashed.

Hey Knights... I'm 5 minutes out on a sneak attack on a26 with a B-17. Hmm... Hmmm... I thought the country channel text was green... why'd that come out in gray?

I hope everyone realizes that there are pilots of all skill levels, ages, and nationalities in AH, and its continued success is in part contingent on experienced members of AH bestowing a little of their knowledge to new pilots. (And I'm not talking about RTFM comments) Luckily, a few experienced members did end up helping me, and now I'm very happy to be a paying member. (Special thanks to ammo, daddog, ozark, ghost and heck... all the 332 Flying Mongrels) I know new pilots can be annoying, but remember more paying members could mean you get that new plane you've been begging for just a little bit faster. At the very least... more targets for you!

Check six & take care all.


Offline Ripsnort

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My newbie mistakes (or things to avoid)
« Reply #1 on: September 27, 2000, 12:45:00 PM »
Hehehe, well, at least you have a sense of humor about it!  <S> Paxil, hope you enjoy Aces High.

=CO= VMF-323 ~Death Rattlers~
"Know your limits and then go beyond.."
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[This message has been edited by Ripsnort (edited 09-27-2000).]

Offline kidcol

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My newbie mistakes (or things to avoid)
« Reply #2 on: September 27, 2000, 03:04:00 PM »
Paxil, thnx    

That actually brightened my day & brought a smile to my face.

"Lost a dogfight with the drones.." That one's classic.

I'll share my 1st day online flying with ya:

Signed on open beta of AOL's FO, didn't bother reading any of the manual, cause I'd been flying box sims for years & years, why read the manual, right?

Took up a P51 and immediately encounter 190.
Cool! The enemy! Pumped every round I had at him. Meanwhile, that box of text at the bottom is scrolling:

Kidcol, stop shooting at me
Kidcol, wtf is wrong with you? stop firing at me!!
I am friendly, You're wasting your time & ammo!!!

Well, this went on for quite awhile. I was having a ball, but couldn't seem to either shoot anybody down (or why british & american planes with different colored icons were shooting at me) or figure out why so many people were yelling at me, or now that I think about it... understand how to use the radio. So I grabbed a beer, made a sandwich and decided to  <cough>  RTFM.    

I often see life as being a daily ritual of realizing what a moron I was yesterday.    

Thanks again for the post Paxil, cheered me up on an otherwise dreary day.

- kidcol2 -

P.S> just re-read & I may have inadvertantly insinuated that newbies should RTFM. That wasn't what I meant at all, lol. The manual will get you up & flying around, shootin' at stuff, but it's the help you get from other players that makes you enjoy it, you're right there!

[This message has been edited by kidcol (edited 09-27-2000).]

[This message has been edited by kidcol (edited 09-27-2000).]

Offline Paxil

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My newbie mistakes (or things to avoid)
« Reply #3 on: September 27, 2000, 04:23:00 PM »
Kidcol... that reminds me... my first bomb run where I actually figured out how to drop the eggs... was on my own airfield. Sometime between the time I opened the bomb doors, and dropped the bombs... we captured the airfield. =( I felt so bad I almost quit right then.

Offline grizz

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My newbie mistakes (or things to avoid)
« Reply #4 on: September 27, 2000, 08:31:00 PM »
No worries Paxil,  

One of my first gooneybird trips required a well timed drop..being a newbie I didn't want to let everyone down who was closing the field. Everything was going well...then the call came in for a drop.I was only a couple of miles out and things were looking good..lined up..set salvo for ten....and hit the "B" key. Nothing happened !!!!D'oh..forgot to open the I cruise over the the doors..turn around and dropped the troops...from 100 ft up.  

Needless to say..we didn't get the field for about another hour.   And i didn't fly the C47 for a few days after that...hehe.  


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Offline Ghosth

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My newbie mistakes (or things to avoid)
« Reply #5 on: September 28, 2000, 08:48:00 AM »
LOL, don't let it get ya down Paxil. Most of us have done the same (or worse) at some point.

Maj Ghosth
XO 332nd Flying Mongrels
Scenario Corp, AH Trainer Corp

Offline -ammo-

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My newbie mistakes (or things to avoid)
« Reply #6 on: September 28, 2000, 10:58:00 AM »

You are the man! Thx for that, just like kidcol you made my day

You also look like a mirror image of me about a year ago  

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Offline sourkraut

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My newbie mistakes (or things to avoid)
« Reply #7 on: September 28, 2000, 11:20:00 AM »
Nothing wrong with asking newbies to read the FAQs when they first come on and type:
"HOW DO YOU PLAY THIS GAME?". This is not a quake game (or at least intended to be) and does require some effort on the newbie's part. Having channel 1 filled up with questions like "who is red and who is green", "how do I tune the radio" etc just adds to the noise. Sometimes I help out, but sometimes I don't want to and would prefer not to have the text buffer filled up with this type of stuff. And I would really prefer to not squelch the open channel.

Maybe a good solution would be for initial installs of AH to tune the radio to channel 0 - the newbie channel, monitored by trainers and anyone who wanted to. This would get the real basic questions off the open channel.



Offline Ripsnort

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My newbie mistakes (or things to avoid)
« Reply #8 on: September 28, 2000, 11:34:00 AM »
Hey, this might make ya feel better:

Tour 2(when I began flying AH ONLINE, Cod forbid I did not in Tour 1 since I was having 'game' problems) I flew the entire tour with my gear down! (Green light, good to go, you light, danger, gear is down...)

Offline bakerm

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My newbie mistakes (or things to avoid)
« Reply #9 on: September 29, 2000, 01:13:00 AM »
My favorite trick is to engage the enemy with drop tanks.  Thats a fun one.  

Offline myelo

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My newbie mistakes (or things to avoid)
« Reply #10 on: October 01, 2000, 08:29:00 PM »
Another one for the files.

Soon after I joined a squadron, we were practicing squad tactics with another squad in the TA. As we near the fight, our CO types on the squad channel:

CO: myelo 180

So, as I turn 180 degrees, I'm thinking, "Aha, he's going to have me stay back, out of the fight until just the right moment. Great! These are just the sort of tips I was hoping to learn from these wily veterans."

After a few minutes:
CO: myelo 180

Turning back to the fight. "Brilliant! All the bogies are probably low and slow and they're counting on me to finish them off. Man, this guy didn't get to be CO for nothing!"

A few minutes later:
CO: myelo 180

"hmmm, must no be quite ready for me yet"

Basically I spent the entire fight flying back and forth. Later, the CO asked me why I didn’t come up on Roger Wilco.


CO:"I kept asking you to tune 180 on RW."

Bastard coated bastard, with a creamy bastard filling

Offline flakbait

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My newbie mistakes (or things to avoid)
« Reply #11 on: October 01, 2000, 11:11:00 PM »
Another addition:

During my trial a bit back I remember being told "Delta6 look up! BUF!!". I looked up, and indeed there was a B17 4.6k above me. I was in a 109-G6, flying level towards a group of dots below me. "Yeah, I c him, but can't engage." I told the other guy. He replied with "Yes u can! Hes only 4,500 feet above u!". I sat and scratched my head. 4,500 feet? No, the icon laser range-finder says 4.5k and that's 13,500 feet.

"It's not 4,500 feet above me" I told him "it's 13,500 feet".

He came back with: "Oops, by bad. No wonder I didn't hit the hog at 2.8k".

I couldn't type a response, I was laughing too hard!!

Delta 6's Flight School
"My art is the wings of an aircraft through the skies, my music the deep hum of a prop as it slices the air, my thrill the thunder of guns tearing asunder an enemy plane."
19 September 2000

Offline maddog

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My newbie mistakes (or things to avoid)
« Reply #12 on: October 05, 2000, 10:58:00 AM »
My favorite mistake, which I continue to do is attacking a bogie with drop tanks... forget to switch to guns..  get 300yds behind..lined up... DROP TANKS... missed again...


Offline NHMadmax

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My newbie mistakes (or things to avoid)
« Reply #13 on: October 09, 2000, 05:39:00 PM »
done them and i have only been online 4 days well apart from going backwards and fowards instead of tuning radio in  

Offline Rickenbacker

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My newbie mistakes (or things to avoid)
« Reply #14 on: October 10, 2000, 01:51:00 PM »
Hmm, don't feel too bad about small mistakes. I've been playing online sims since I first tried AW in 1995, and I still make my share  .

I've attacked people with the drop tanks still on.

I've "bombed" tanks with drop tanks by mistake.

I've _nuked_ a vehicle base, only to have people yell at me because we captured it 5 minutes earlier, and I didn't check the map.

I've landed without extending my landing gear.

And worst of all (did this one today, actually  , when trying to select my drop tanks I hit Enter instead. Didn't understand why the guns fired when I hit fire to drop them, so I hit it a couple of more times... oops, silk elevator, going down  .

And this is just the more recent ones...

        Rickenbacker (Ricken)

the Independent Swedish Air Force