Author Topic: Dev Update  (Read 2313 times)

Offline Pyro

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Dev Update
« on: February 01, 2005, 11:12:03 AM »
We’re fixing some remaining problems with 2.02 and will have another patch out as soon as we get through those.  We hope to only have one more patch for this version because the next version is going to be coming out very quickly.  

Our development pattern is changing as all our coding resources, i.e., HT and Sudz, are going into full-time ToD development until that is completed.  Sudz has one project left before he joins HT in ToD development, and that is an overhaul and upgrade of the film viewer.  Aside from that project any more programming developments in the game will be minor or bug fixes until ToD is done.

However, we will continue to release new versions of AH2 while ToD is under development.  These versions will focus on plane upgrades and additions, graphical enhancements, and flight modeling updates.  Because of that, we’ll be putting out new releases a lot more frequently than we have in the past until ToD is done.

Version 2.03 is already under development as we have a very short time frame for this version.  Sudz will have the film viewer updated for 2.03, Superfly is working on updated terrain tiles to give the game a new look, Natedog is updating the Fw 190 shapes to AH2 standards, and we also hope to get some more new graphic effects added in too.  There will be an overhaul on the flight modeling of the N1K2 and possibly the 190s as well.

We’ve been having intermittent connectivity issues with the current collocation site that we have not been able to get fully resolved.  We are currently considering moving our servers to a new location and have been exploring that option.  Should that take place, we will do one server at a time so as not to interrupt service and also give us a chance to make sure the new location is satisfactory to performance and stability.

The new terrain editor and object editor are completed and ready for release.  HT just has to finish up a couple of minor details on the cloud editor and the three of those will be released as one package sometime this week.