Author Topic: JABO Gun Sight  (Read 3810 times)

Offline Minotaur

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JABO Gun Sight
« on: October 20, 2000, 12:30:00 PM »
I have been developing a gun sight and here it is. IMO this gun sight is fairly good for all applications of JABO, Fighter, Buff Gunner and Ostwind Gunner.

The horizontal, vertical and diagonal lines allow BUFF and Ostwind gunners to predict lead a little better.  The lower vertical line is a ladder for use in "high zoom", helpful when adjusting range in the Ostwind gun.

For Fighter and JABO, the sight sets up like a funnel.  Much like the funnel used on modern day fighter A/C via the HUD (aka F-16).  Track your target into the top of the funnel and fire in between the two vertical lines.

For JABO I have placed two tick marks on the lower vertical sight line.  The upper tick mark is very close to the rocket release point and the lower tick mark is the release point for bombs.

Place the upper tick mark on the center of your target.  Place the lower tick mark on the far side of your target.  These ticks are dependent upon dive angle, but work fairly well.


To get this gun sight


The Wrecking Crew

"Anyway, more golf..."

Offline Minotaur

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JABO Gun Sight
« Reply #1 on: October 20, 2000, 12:39:00 PM »
Another very helpful hint that I just remembered...

When attacking a base I often go into a "Clipped View Mode".  I call it my "Attack Mode".

After you have hit and have destroyed a structure it starts to smoke.  This smoke really eats up frame rate.  By going into "Clipped View Mode" I can gain usually around 10fps in my frame rate, which really helps out a lot.  I have a toggle macro set-up on my joystick to do this.

The default key strokes are:
  • Shift F1 --> Normal view clipping range (default)
  • Shift F2 --> Medium view clipping range
  • Shift F3 --> Maximum view clipping range
If I suspect smoke will appear or the base is heavily defended I toggle into "Maximum view clipping range".

Good Luck!    

The Wrecking Crew

"Anyway, more golf..."

[This message has been edited by Minotaur (edited 10-20-2000).]

Offline NHMadmax

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JABO Gun Sight
« Reply #2 on: October 20, 2000, 12:48:00 PM »
Cant seem to down load can you help using AOL or can you e-mail it to me and how to use thanks  

[This message has been edited by NHMadmax (edited 10-20-2000).]

Offline Minotaur

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JABO Gun Sight
« Reply #3 on: October 20, 2000, 12:54:00 PM »

Very sorry...  I am a Internet Dweeb, such things such as setting up a file for download I have no clue how to do.

You can still get this gun sight by doing this:
  • Click on the hyperlink
  • This will load the sight into MS Paint
  • Select "File"
  • Select "Save As"
  • Pick the location and name to save the file at on your system

Sorry, the best I can do.  

The Wrecking Crew

"Anyway, more golf..."

Offline bloom25

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JABO Gun Sight
« Reply #4 on: October 20, 2000, 02:23:00 PM »
Just right click the picture above and tell it to "save picture as..."


Offline NHMadmax

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JABO Gun Sight
« Reply #5 on: October 22, 2000, 12:15:00 AM »
Can you explane which ticks and lines you on about as am total     confused


[This message has been edited by NHMadmax (edited 10-22-2000).]

[This message has been edited by NHMadmax (edited 10-22-2000).]

Offline Andy Bush

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JABO Gun Sight
« Reply #6 on: October 22, 2000, 10:31:00 AM »

Maybe this will help.

Let's start with Mino's gunsight:


I've labeled the lines to show his intent. The sight is used for both A2A and A2G. The flight path alignment lines are used to help the pilot get his gun line into the target's plane of motion (flight path). The pilot aligns one set of the lines with the target's flight path. This technique works just as well for the ack gunners.


As for A2G, in the real world, the pilot must aim his aircraft past the target and then fire when his aiming reference reaches the target.


It seems this is what Mino is trying to do with his rocket and bomb 'tick marks'. These marks are 'below' the pipper. I presume the pipper is meant to be used as a flight path aiming reference. The pilot would then aim the pipper to the target's 12 o'clock and hold it there. As he dove towards the target, the 'tick marks' will appear to move 'up' to the target. The pilot holds his pipper steady and waits for the appropriate tick mark to reach the target...then he releases the weapon.

NOTE:  This will only 'work' if AH ballistics are programmed to replicate real world ballistics.

For A2A use, the sight includes two vertical lines referred to as a 'funnel'. These are to be used to estimate the gun bullet stream. As the rounds emerge from the pipper, they will 'fall' below the pipper as a function of gravity drop and G load. Since the 'funnel' represents bullet position, then Mino is giving you a visual reference to fly the target into to get it into the bullet stream.


Hope this helps.


Offline terracota

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JABO Gun Sight
« Reply #7 on: October 23, 2000, 11:32:00 AM »
hey thanks mino for that gun sigth  
and andy for those great graphics  
I have a question:

what's the best angle for dive attack??? of course using the mino's gunsigth:
45 degrees more??? less???

best alt from target to drop the salvo???.

do you have a film "mino" anyone else? showing ground attack with this gunsigth? can you post it??? specially tank's m-16's  
Im flying the f4ud to ground attack

any help will be appreciated

Offline Minotaur

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JABO Gun Sight
« Reply #8 on: October 23, 2000, 02:50:00 PM »
Thanks Andy!

I was going to whip something up last night, but it was "Guts and Glory" night on The History Channel.  I think you did a better job than I could have.


I will see what I can put together in the way of screen shots to show good target to sight relationships.  

The AH film recorder does not record rocket and bomb hits correctly.  The bombs seem to drop straight down and the rockets always hit long.

In all honesty, I am not really sure of my attack angles.  The reason that I say is because I initiate my attacks from a fairly vertical aspect.  Say 70-80 degrees when I roll into the target.  When it "feels right" I pull the sight up into the target, as Andy describes.

Initially, I position the target between the upper two diagonal lines on the sight.  In between and above the two heavy vertical lines that Andy labeled "Funnel".  Basically, the upper part of the sight.

Now I get my A/C in a stable dive and line-up the target to the thin center vertical line.  Once I get lined up I will start a gentle pull into my target, keeping it lined up on the center vertical line.

If I am using rockets, I pickle when the tick mark that Andy labeled "Rocket Pipper" is on the center of my target.  When using rockets I might stabilize the "Rocket Pipper" on the target for a up to 3-4 seconds.  Depends if the target is shooting back or not. This stabilization on target gets me closer and increases my chances of a hit.

If I am using bombs, I pickle when the tick mark that Andy label "Bomb Pipper" has crossed over and is on the far edge of my target.  For bombs release I do not stabilize on target like with rockets, but maintain a gentle pull through the release point.

If I am using guns, lets say to kill an AAA. The two heavy vertical lines that Andy labeled "Funnel" get really important.  Basically, I put the AAA even with the top of the two Funnel lines.  When I feel I am at the right distance I simply pull the AAA down through the Funnel.  Often times I can not see the ground strikes of the bullets, but rely totally on the sight.

Much of JABO is feel and practice.  I am by no means expert, but I will see what I can do in the way of some screen shots.  

Good Luck!  

The Wrecking Crew

"Anyway, more golf..."

Offline NHMadmax

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JABO Gun Sight
« Reply #9 on: October 25, 2000, 04:01:00 AM »
can you send me them to please and thank you

Thanks andy if poss can you email to me

[This message has been edited by NHMadmax (edited 10-25-2000).]

Offline Ripsnort

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JABO Gun Sight
« Reply #10 on: October 25, 2000, 08:56:00 AM »
Excellent site, used it last night on jabos, was 100% accurate on bombs, 75% on rockets!

<S> Minotaur and <S> Andy for the fine illustrations!

Offline terracota

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JABO Gun Sight
« Reply #11 on: October 25, 2000, 10:19:00 AM »
well thanxs mino for the help, but I have a problem here I dont now why but I tried your sigth the last nigth an looks horryble  
in my f4u1d cockpit I tried in other planes and looks fine but in my loved plane looks to small and the lines looks like break  
anyway I now this is a problem with the sigths in the f4us no your sigth , I will have to back to my old sigth ;(

see ya

Offline Ripsnort

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JABO Gun Sight
« Reply #12 on: October 25, 2000, 10:23:00 AM »
Terracota, sounds like you have the default view of the Corsair set all the way back, use the UP arrow key to fine tune the site as well as your forward view, helps me in the Corsair.

Offline aztec

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JABO Gun Sight
« Reply #13 on: October 25, 2000, 01:04:00 PM »
Hi Minotaur...I've been trying all day to download your sight, but can't seem to hook up with your server. Do you know if it's down. The picture of it dosn't download on the bbs either. Thx, aztec

Offline Ripsnort

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JABO Gun Sight
« Reply #14 on: October 25, 2000, 01:19:00 PM »
Aztec, I just sent you the gunsite in an email.  Enjoy.
