Author Topic: TA vulch problem  (Read 715 times)

Offline Xjazz

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TA vulch problem
« on: November 30, 2001, 04:33:00 AM »

Time to time I visit in TA and way too offen I can see mindless vulching. I dont who really are these trouble makers but they ruin whole thing.

Old trick dealing with these "funny" guys is film their mayhem and send it to the HTC.

Some times when nice words and warnings aint effect at all there is that g'old "gangbang util logoff" lesson.

Any it would be good if offical trainers have EJECT right and/or killshooter right.

Killshooter right? Think about that when somebody vulching at will in TA and OT write to the radio "Killshooteron GAMEID". What a big nasty surprise to the Vulchers!

Offline mrsid2

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TA vulch problem
« Reply #1 on: November 30, 2001, 06:45:00 AM »
I agree, the training arena should have someone supervising more or less full-time. If nobody's there to tell what to do, there will be a load of disappointed newbies who came to the arena to learn something only to end up vulched by some moron spawnpoint parked in an osty. That's really not good for anyone.

Training arena should be a place where you can find skilled, friendly help - or then it should remain closed. I think the WB style would be better where TA is open only when a certified trainer is present.

Offline 214thCavalier

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TA vulch problem
« Reply #2 on: November 30, 2001, 07:13:00 AM »
Move to another field.
Yes you tend to get furballs going which is itself a type of practice some feel the need for, however those who tend to vulch on runways etc usually do it at the furball base.
If you want serious practice go to another field far away they will usually not bother you because they want lots of easy targets to vulch.
You should not expect to dictate to others when and where and with who they can practice, however agreed you should also not have to put up with some idiot spoiling your practice.
To lock the arena is not a good choice because many people myself included have been known to pop in and help others, also if i wanna try a new plane (very rare) or some new moves its good to find the furball base and join in and see whether it works or not.
The point is its all valid training but not everybody needs or wants a trainer holding his hand.
Idiots who wanna spoil it for others are all around you in all walks of life not just in the training arena, just something you have to learn to live with i guess and hope they grow up some day, or record it and inform HTC who I am sure if enough did it with regard to any player misbehaving they would take action.

Offline mrsid2

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TA vulch problem
« Reply #3 on: November 30, 2001, 07:20:00 AM »
214th: with the lack of presence of trainers, who is going to tell the newbie to move to another field? And who with? He's going to fly there alone?

No, doesn't fix the problem.

Offline Flossy

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TA vulch problem
« Reply #4 on: November 30, 2001, 01:27:00 PM »
Originally posted by Mr RiplEy:
I think the WB style would be better where TA is open only when a certified trainer is present.

So presumably it would only be open during US peak times?  If that was the case, then anyone like me living in another time-zone would never find it open, apart from possibly on weekends.

I can't imagine that there would never be anyone who would at least advise a newbie to move to a quieter field.  Even so, there should still be full-time access to the training arena for players to help each other regardless of whether there are any 'certified trainers' present.   :)
Flossy {The Few}
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Offline 214thCavalier

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TA vulch problem
« Reply #5 on: November 30, 2001, 02:42:00 PM »
Well personally i like to think we were all born with some small quota of brains if only more people would use them.
IF you have a problem in the TA ask for help, unlike the MA where most people are too busy to dedicate a lot of time helping, i have never seen anybody be ignored for long in the TA.
You cannot make rules and enforce them for every possible combination of circumstances in any walk of life, this includes the TA. At some point you have to give people the responsibility to act or play in the manner they wish.
Now for some to say CLOSE the TA unless theres a trainer in residence to enforce the rules is totally unacceptable, as Flossy pointed out this is a 24 hour game not just US prime time and its rare that i have actually seen a trainer in residence.
The trainers are available for you to arrange a session by posting in the training and help section of the BBS and attend the agreed time, not to spend there valuable time sitting and waiting for somebody to come visit them.
Unless of course anybody wants to volunteer to sit forever in the TA as the practicing TA God welcoming the mere mortals who dare to enter and meting out justice to all transgressors ?

Who you gonna find thats
a, mentally stable enough not to turn into a complete Tard given that power.
And b, that wants to do it.

Answer if they want to do it then they dont qualify on count a      ;)

The real answer is everybody that enters the TA or any arena has to take some responsibility for there own and others actions, if you see some dipshit being a persistent nuisance to  you or others then advise and ask politely for them to desist, issuing threats and persistent whining will only encourage these idiots.
I also suggest you record the entire encounter making sure you are not abusive or winding them up in any way, next just save and sit on it.
If the same person persists in the same manner on other occasions repeat procedure, and only then bother HTC by asking if they can help with your problem and wish to see the recording.
If you really gotta do this then 1 well presented case is gonna be far better than a thousand whines.
I know its unpleasant but in real life we all have to put up with the dipshits until they overstep the mark sufficient to warrant action being taken. In this case suggesting we close the TA unless a trainer is resident is wrong because you will be punishing all the people who wanna train there way and at there time, just to stop a few dipshits who after all are out to spoil it for the many.

Xjazz idea of killshooter has some merit though, but if possible how about a vote killshooter command.
EG  a  .killshooter xxxxx   command if a significant majority invoke the command then it takes effect for that session.
Self policing, no trainer or tard in residence needed, no need for whines to HTC or this BBS again ref dipshits spoiling the fun.

Although as the TA is likely to be filled with newbies i guess a better option would be a button displayed in setup or somewhere similar.
But then again this would involve diverting valuable man hours of development away from the game.
Or would the saving in listening to and reading whines and complaining posts warrant the time involved.

[ 11-30-2001: Message edited by: 214thCavalier ]

Offline akak

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TA vulch problem
« Reply #6 on: December 02, 2001, 11:18:00 AM »
It would be nice to find a trainer period.  I've been trying to schedule some training sessions in the P-38 but can't seem to find an IP to assist.


Originally posted by Flossy:

So presumably it would only be open during US peak times?  If that was the case, then anyone like me living in another time-zone would never find it open, apart from possibly on weekends.

I can't imagine that there would never be anyone who would at least advise a newbie to move to a quieter field.  Even so, there should still be full-time access to the training arena for players to help each other regardless of whether there are any 'certified trainers' present.    :)

Offline 214thCavalier

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TA vulch problem
« Reply #7 on: December 02, 2001, 12:26:00 PM »
If you want training then post a message in the training forum asking for it, stating the aircraft concerned and when you can attend.
Whenever somebody does that they always get replies.

Offline mrsid2

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TA vulch problem
« Reply #8 on: December 02, 2001, 04:30:00 PM »
Flossy: Last time I dealt with trainer issues, HT was hiring trainers from different timezones to cover as much as possible of the playerbase.

The lack of trainers atm only shows that there aren't enough skilled and willing people to take care of it -which is sad really.

Whatever it is, if we continue to have a TA with 'trainers in process' vulching people with 262 in revenge, it's as good as nothing.

Most newbies I met there were totally confused and disappointed to what they saw. Even I was disappointed and dumbfounded from the chaos there was.

Training arena in the condition that I saw it is nothing more than a 90 player h2h arena. Any improvement ideas are obviously welcome.

[ 12-02-2001: Message edited by: Mr RiplEy ]

Offline Flossy

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TA vulch problem
« Reply #9 on: December 02, 2001, 07:01:00 PM »
Originally posted by Mr RiplEy:
The lack of trainers atm only shows that there aren't enough skilled and willing people to take care of it -which is sad really.

OK, I agree its sad that there aren't more trainers, especially in other time-zones, but I still think the Training Arena needs to be kept open for 24-hours a day, in spite of any problems...
Flossy {The Few}
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Offline akak

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TA vulch problem
« Reply #10 on: December 02, 2001, 11:41:00 PM »
I have and no replies.  

Originally posted by 214thCavalier:
If you want training then post a message in the training forum asking for it, stating the aircraft concerned and when you can attend.
Whenever somebody does that they always get replies.

Offline Betown

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TA vulch problem
« Reply #11 on: December 03, 2001, 09:02:00 AM »
Being a Trainer I do my thing in the training arena. I try my hardest to keep things in order like I have been told to by lephturn (the boss), Pyro & Hitech. But as has already been said we cannot be there all the time. There is a lot of good people who go into the Training Arena and it's good to have people training in there as much as we do.

Unfortunatly there are is a small amount of people who go into the training arena that are set appon making it hell for everyone else. Some people are just like that unfortunatly.

Something you ALL have to take into account that some of the "Newbies" that come into the arena have not been in an ONLINE situation before and don't know the unspoken ground rules of the training arena. Unfortunatly that's just the way it is. Not all people instantly know and some that do occasionly need a reminder from time to time to tell us what is acceptable and what isn't.

Yes to give the trainers admin rights in the TA would be nice because it would give them the ability to control what others do. But FIRM ground rules would have to be set out FIRST. ADMIN rights could be abused and it's possible that this might happen. The reason why us trainers want the admin rights is so we can eject people from the arena and/or stop them from vulching or being offencive. The other thing you have to understand is that what i view as being offencive and what the other trainers/HTC view as being offencive may differ.

If I go throwing people out of arenas then it's going to loose buisness for HTC. I understand why they have not given trainers Admin Rights.

Most of the guys who know me from the training arena know that I try my hardest to keep things in order. Unfortunatly at the moment I am tending to be playing the "Arena Policeman" than the training staff. This I don't mind doing because it gives people a better environment to play and fight in.

Anyone who has any problems inside the training arena then come see one of the Trainers and we will ALWAYS be happy to help you. If outside the arena and you have a problem then email HTC or if your not sure then by all means email me and I will advise you to the best of my abilities.

All the best