Author Topic: Anyone following the Walmart Unionization in Canada?  (Read 3684 times)

Offline Urchin

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Anyone following the Walmart Unionization in Canada?
« on: February 09, 2005, 07:41:22 PM »
WalMart is just shutting the store down rather than let the workers unionize.. I guess they let it get out of hand.  

I know when I worked at Sams Club they'd fire people for even mentioning union.  

Do you Canadians not have enough illegal immigrants up there or something?  Just wondering how they'd let a whole store try to unionize and then decide to close it down rather than just fire em all and start over.

Offline FUNKED1

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Anyone following the Walmart Unionization in Canada?
« Reply #1 on: February 09, 2005, 07:43:29 PM »
Big unions are pretty much organized crime.  
Let them open their own @#$@#$ store chain.

Offline Nash

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Anyone following the Walmart Unionization in Canada?
« Reply #2 on: February 09, 2005, 07:47:12 PM »
Screw unions.

Screw Walmart more. :)

Offline SLO

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Anyone following the Walmart Unionization in Canada?
« Reply #3 on: February 09, 2005, 07:50:07 PM »
this is the second case of people wanting to unionize in my area....

the first was a McD' that was pretty busy and profitable, once the union was accepted they closed the McD's, guess Walmart will do the same...

last I heard the union was accepted by the Walmart employes, no news if they will close or not...

and yes we do Urch... but not even close to it being like the US...Illegal Imm. I mean

Offline Urchin

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Anyone following the Walmart Unionization in Canada?
« Reply #4 on: February 09, 2005, 07:52:33 PM »
Just read the story on Yahoo when I opened up IE, the store is closing in May.  

My take on it is that if the government won't protect people from the wealthy.. the people have to do it themselves.  That is where unions come in.  

'Course, in America the wealthy and the government are the same thing, so unions haven't got a snowballs chance in hell.

Offline SLO

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Anyone following the Walmart Unionization in Canada?
« Reply #5 on: February 09, 2005, 08:13:11 PM »
what I don't get is,  if its a profitable store why close it...

I would still have my old job if I was unionized, but I wasn't a fortunate one...boss decided he didn't like me anymore and voila the door...

Offline NUKE

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Anyone following the Walmart Unionization in Canada?
« Reply #6 on: February 09, 2005, 08:18:31 PM »
Originally posted by SLO
what I don't get is,  if its a profitable store why close it...

I would still have my old job if I was unionized, but I wasn't a fortunate one...boss decided he didn't like me anymore and voila the door...

because it sets a good example.

Offline Urchin

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Anyone following the Walmart Unionization in Canada?
« Reply #7 on: February 09, 2005, 08:21:55 PM »
Basically because it sets a precedent.  Walmart is completely against unionization because it means they'd have to do things like raise wages, provide benefits, go away from part time labour to full time, things like that.  

Taking care of your employees really cuts into the profit margin, cheaper to just buy the politicians somewhere else and set up a new store.

Offline Bodhi

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Anyone following the Walmart Unionization in Canada?
« Reply #8 on: February 09, 2005, 08:22:33 PM »
Originally posted by SLO
this is the second case of people wanting to unionize in my area....

the first was a McD' that was pretty busy and profitable, once the union was accepted they closed the McD's, guess Walmart will do the same...

last I heard the union was accepted by the Walmart employes, no news if they will close or not...

and yes we do Urch... but not even close to it being like the US...Illegal Imm. I mean

I read about that in a Vermont newspaper SLO, kinda amzing, I never thought unions were that big in Canada... guess I am a bit unread in that area.  

BTW, comment ca vas l'hiver dans quebec?
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Offline oboe

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Anyone following the Walmart Unionization in Canada?
« Reply #9 on: February 09, 2005, 10:19:06 PM »
I heard on the radio the other day about a new tax being proposed in Montana, specificly on 'big box' retailers (read that as Walmart).

The problem is Walmart pays so little in salary and benefits, that even people with fulltime jobs at Walmart are a drain on state government resources.

The legislature is considering a very controversial new tax on "big box" stores like Wal-Mart, K-Mart, Costco, and the like. The tax would amount to 1% on gross retail receipts between $10 million and $20 million, an additional 0.5% on the next $10 million, and an additional 0.5% on everything over that. When a similar measure was proposed in 2003, it was defeated by a mere 2 votes.

There is also a carrot to complement the stick of this tax proposal. Big box stores which have fewer than 25% of their workers as part time and which pay entry level employees at least $22,000 per year, including benefits, may be exempt. This is a fairly low bar to pass. The rationale behind the exemption is that research shows that large employers who pay sub-poverty wages are actually a drain on the local economy rather than a contributor.

Offline Urchin

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Anyone following the Walmart Unionization in Canada?
« Reply #10 on: February 09, 2005, 10:42:27 PM »
Yea, that is gonna happen lol.  

Good idea though.

Maryland is attempting something similar, although I believe Walmart is the only mega-corp that would be effected by it here.

Offline Toad

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Anyone following the Walmart Unionization in Canada?
« Reply #11 on: February 09, 2005, 11:00:22 PM »
Originally posted by SLO
boss decided he didn't like me anymore and voila the door...

That is SO hard to believe!
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Offline NUKE

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Anyone following the Walmart Unionization in Canada?
« Reply #12 on: February 09, 2005, 11:26:24 PM »
Originally posted by SLO
what I don't get is,  if its a profitable store why close it...

I would still have my old job if I was unionized, but I wasn't a fortunate one...boss decided he didn't like me anymore and voila the door...

So, in other words... you would still have your old job if some union forced your employer to keep you,  even though they hated you and thought you sucked as an employie.

Unions suk.

Offline rpm

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Anyone following the Walmart Unionization in Canada?
« Reply #13 on: February 09, 2005, 11:27:39 PM »
Anyone remember the "buy American" campaign WalMart used to run? "We saved 64 jobs in Boondocks, Mississippi because we buy American toasters!" Have'nt seen that one on the air in over 10 years. Just try to find anything in the store that isn't made in China. Now it's buy from us or STFU. WalMarx. I'll drive 20 miles out of the way to buy anything from their compeditors.
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Offline Airhead

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Anyone following the Walmart Unionization in Canada?
« Reply #14 on: February 09, 2005, 11:27:49 PM »
"There is also a carrot to complement the stick of this tax proposal. Big box stores which have fewer than 25% of their workers as part time and which pay entry level employees at least $22,000 per year, including benefits, may be exempt. This is a fairly low bar to pass. The rationale behind the exemption is that research shows that large employers who pay sub-poverty wages are actually a drain on the local economy rather than a contributor."

WalMart holds seminars for their employees on how to apply for county welfare benefits. They have also established  "transient camps" in their parking lots with their policy of allowing free unrestricted RV camping on their property..."RV" being defined as any motor vehicle, BTW, at least up here.

It's amazing what big business and a socialistic County Government can do when they work together- the more WalMarts who move in the bigger our County beaucracy gets. WalMart gets cheap labor and the County gets to administer the welfare money.

It's a win-win for them and a big loss for the taxpayer.