This 'it was no problem on the 190, but on the 109, which followed the exact same layout, the same phenomenon was an extreme disadvantage' just stinks of bias.
Kurfürst i find it rather funny that you mention something like "stinks of bias" when the facts don't support your claims.
The Bf109 was troubled due to the need of constant rudder input when not flying at cruise speed, which the FW190 was not, that is well documented.
Did this prevent the Bf109 from being a good and effective fighter, surely not, otherwise it would not have been around till 1945.
But contrary to your oppinion the Bf109 was not a miraculous design without any flaws.
And read my post again, were do i say it is an extreme disadvantage for the Bf109, i don't do that.
Btw that the trimming system of both airplanes followed the same pattern is no wonder, because it was german design philosophy at that time that 1-engined fighter planes did not require inflight ajustable trim tabs around all axis.
This should also answer Angus question about trimming on other german planes.