Author Topic: '01 Memo to Rice Warned of Qaeda and Offered Plan  (Read 975 times)

Offline Silat

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'01 Memo to Rice Warned of Qaeda and Offered Plan
« on: February 14, 2005, 01:13:39 PM »
From a friend:

Well, it looks like it is Senate Majority Leader Frist who is going to be eating his words.  Remember when Clarke testified in front of the 9/11 Commission that he had tried to warn both Rice and Bush of the danger from Al Qaeda and Frist called him a "damned liar"?  Frist bloviated "well, let's just get these documentsunclassified and we'll so who's the liar".  The documents have now been unclassified.

Good thing that this didn't come out before Rice's Senate Confirmation hearing or the Republican controlled Senate might have tried to hold her accountable.

February 12, 2005
'01 Memo to Rice Warned of Qaeda and Offered Plan

WASHINGTON, Feb. 11 - A strategy document outlining proposals for eliminating the threat from Al Qaeda, given to Condoleezza Rice as she assumed the post of national security adviser in January 2001, warned that the terror network had cells in the United States and 40 other countries and sought unconventional weapons, according to a declassified version of the document.

The 13-page proposal presented to Dr. Rice by her top counterterrorism adviser, Richard A. Clarke, laid out ways to step up the fight against Al Qaeda, focusing on Osama bin Laden's headquarters in Afghanistan. The ideas included giving "massive support" to anti-Taliban groups "to keep Islamic extremist fighters tied down"; destroying terrorist training camps "while classes are in session" and then sending in teams to gather intelligence on terrorist cells; deploying armed drone aircraft against known terrorists; more aggressively tracking Qaeda money; and accelerating the F.B.I.'s translation and analysis of material from surveillance of terrorism suspects in American cities.

Mr. Clarke was seeking a high-level meeting to decide on a plan of action. Dr. Rice and other administration officials have said that Mr. Clarke's ideas did not constitute an adequate plan, but they took them into consideration as they worked toward a more effective strategy against the terrorist threat.

The proposal and an accompanying three-page memorandum given to Dr. Rice by Mr. Clarke on Jan. 25, 2001, were discussed and quoted in brief by the independent commission studying the Sept. 11 attacks and in news reports and books last year. They were obtained by the private National Security Archive, which published the full versions, with minor deletions at the request of the Central Intelligence Agency, on its Web site late Thursday.

Under the heading "the next three to five years," Mr. Clarke spelled out a series of steps building on groundwork that he said had already been laid, adding that "success can only be achieved if the pace and resource levels of the programs continue to grow as planned."

He said the C.I.A. had "prepared a program" focused on eliminating Afghanistan as a haven for Al Qaeda.

It would feature "massive support" to anti-Taliban groups like the Northern Alliance and the destruction of training camps occupied by terrorists. "We would need to have special teams ready for covert entry into destroyed camps to acquire intelligence for locating terrorist cells outside Afghanistan," he wrote, saying that this would either require Special Operations troops or some other "liaison force capable of conducting activity on-the-ground inside Afghanistan." Predator drones, some of which could be armed, would support those forces, he wrote.

Some of what he proposed in the way of support for the Northern Alliance or for Uzbekistan, which borders Afghanistan to the north, was deleted from the document before it was declassified. But some of the actions he proposed were not intended to be kept secret, like "overt U.S. military action" aimed at the command and control of Al Qaeda and the Taliban's military.

The previously secret documents were at the heart of a fiercely partisan debate over Mr. Clarke's contention, in a book and in public statements, that the Bush administration had ignored his warnings of the imminent danger posed by Mr. bin Laden and his terrorist organization.

The shorter memorandum was written in response to a request for "major presidential policy reviews" worthy of a meeting of "principals," the president's top foreign policy advisers. It began: "We urgently need such a Principals level review on the al Qida network." The word "urgently" was italicized and underscored; the "al Qida" spelling was used in both documents.

"We would make a major error if we underestimated the challenge al Qida poses," the memorandum said.

The principals' meeting on Al Qaeda took place, but not until Sept. 4, 2001, a week before the attacks on New York and the Pentagon.

The longer document was titled "Strategy for Eliminating the Threat From the Jihadist Networks of al Qida: Status and Prospects." It included a detailed description of the network, saying it was "well financed, has trained tens of thousands of jihadists, and has a cell structure in over 40 nations. It also is actively seeking to develop and acquire weapons of mass destruction."

The strategy paper recounted past Qaeda plots against Americans abroad and at home and said an informant had reported "that an extensive network of al Qida 'sleeper' agents currently exists in the U.S." After reviewing steps taken since 1996 to combat Al Qaeda, the document listed further actions required to make the network "not a serious threat" within three to five years.

Dr. Rice, now the secretary of state, and other administration officials have asserted that the documents did not amount to a full plan for taking on the terrorist network.

"No Al Qaeda plan was turned over to the new administration," Dr. Rice wrote in an op-ed article for The Washington Post last March. She wrote that Mr. Clarke and his team "suggested several ideas, some of which had been around since 1998 but had not been adopted."

Mr. Clarke had served in high-level government posts since the Reagan administration and stayed on from the Clinton administration. He resigned in February 2003 and last year published a memoir, "Against All Enemies: Inside America's War on Terror." (Mr. Clarke began writing a column on security matters for The New York Times Magazine this month.)

Nearly nine months before the Sept. 11 attacks, the papers described the danger posed by the bin Laden network and sought to focus the attention of the new administration on what to do about it. But the texts are unlikely to resolve the debate over whether they should have led to more urgent action by the administration.

"I think Condi Rice has at least an arguable case that it's short of a plan," said Michael E. O'Hanlon, a security analyst at the Brookings Institution.

Mr. O'Hanlon called Mr. Clarke's memorandums a set of "very dry data points. There's not a heightened sense of, 'Now our homeland is at risk.' "

But Matthew Levitt, who was an F.B.I. counterterrorism analyst in 2001, disagreed. He called the 13-page strategy memorandum "a pretty disturbing document."

Mr. Levitt, now director of terrorism studies at the Washington Institute for Near East Policy, said that whether the document constitutes a "plan," as Mr. Clarke averred and Dr. Rice denied, is "a semantic debate." But he said the experience of reading the original documents for the first time Friday left him with a strong impression of the danger Al Qaeda posed.

"I think it makes the threat look pretty urgent," Mr. Levitt said. "I look at this and I see something that to my mind requires immediate attention."

Asked about the documents at a press briefing on Friday, Richard A. Boucher, the spokesman for the State Department, declined to expand on Dr. Rice's previous comments on the administration's response to Mr. Clarke's warnings.

"The fact that now the memo or letter has been released has - just provides you more information, but I think she's really already discussed all these matters pretty thoroughly," Mr. Boucher said.

Mr. Clarke did not respond to a request for comment.

The two papers were declassified by the National Security Council on April 7, one day before Dr. Rice testified before the 9/11 commission, but were not released publicly until the National Security Archive filed a Freedom of Information Act request.
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Offline JB73

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'01 Memo to Rice Warned of Qaeda and Offered Plan
« Reply #1 on: February 14, 2005, 01:25:57 PM »
not once in there does it say "they are going to fly passenger planes into the WTC"

also direct from your text:

Under the heading "the next three to five years," Mr. Clarke spelled out a series of steps
this was given to her as she took office, and the attacks came in 8 months later nto 3-5 years.

there is no secret document that is going to tell what was going to happen.

this whole thing reminds me of i think it was "a few good men"

"it's all about blame, not who's right or wrong, something bad happened and someone need's to the blamed" or something along that lines.

all you dem's want to blame someone, so you pick Ms. Rice, and any other republican that was in office at the time. what abotu all the democrats in office? you telling me that if a politician had solid proof of an exact attack on the US one political party would ignore it, or allow the attack to happen just to spite the other political party?
I don't know what to put here yet.


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'01 Memo to Rice Warned of Qaeda and Offered Plan
« Reply #2 on: February 14, 2005, 01:35:57 PM »
New York Times, April 18th 2001.

"American air forces attack Afghanistan without provocation on President Bush's orders all based on dubious intel and fearmongering by skeerdy cat neocons. Thousands of innocent women and children killed in afghaniostan all to build pipeline for Cheney's oil friends!!! No war for Oil"

New York Times, September 11th 2001.

"Bush stupid attack on Afghanistan caused this AlQaeda response. Bush is evil!"

Thats abot how it would have gone down, lets not forget that the 911 attacks were planned and trained on for 5 years, of which only 7 months were during Bush's first term - the begging of which was hampered by the election lawsits debacle. The rest of those 5 years, well we know who was in office and how agrssovly he pursued BinLaden...

Offline JB88

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'01 Memo to Rice Warned of Qaeda and Offered Plan
« Reply #3 on: February 14, 2005, 01:40:29 PM »
but lets also not forget that clinton was mired in a republican led sex scandal that made any military move he made succeptable to "wag the dog" accusations.

or at least thats what DID happen when he attempted to target bin laden the first time.

in both cases, it is unfortunate that the administrations were looking the other way.


by the way...where is bin laden these days?  have we gotten him yet?

this thread is doomed.  

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'01 Memo to Rice Warned of Qaeda and Offered Plan
« Reply #4 on: February 14, 2005, 01:49:12 PM »
Originally posted by JB88
but lets also not forget that clinton was mired in a republican led sex scandal that made any military move he made succeptable to "wag the dog" accusations.

or at least thats what DID happen when he attempted to target bin laden the first time.

in both cases, it is unfortunate that the administrations were looking the other way.


by the way...where is bin laden these days?  have we gotten him yet?


Yep JB88, I agree, it's the same sort of bad political attitude.

Offline john9001

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'01 Memo to Rice Warned of Qaeda and Offered Plan
« Reply #5 on: February 14, 2005, 01:57:32 PM »
""a republican led sex scandal """

who was charged with sexual harassment and who lied to the grand jury?

damm rightwing neocon sex nazis, yall can't have no fun around here no mo.

Offline Raider179

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'01 Memo to Rice Warned of Qaeda and Offered Plan
« Reply #6 on: February 14, 2005, 02:09:56 PM »
I think the point of the information that clarke gave is that Bush had his sights on Saddam, And because of that he paid no attention to the Osama factor. And to be honest it still seems like he is paying no attention to Osama. I might have been a lot more behind the iraqi war had we caught osama first. Instead of the 20,000 or whatever we got in afghanistan now we should have put we we've got in Iraq over there until we caught him.

Clarke is obviously upset because I think he believes had the incoming government been more willing to spend money,interests, resources on Al-qaida rather than Saddam, we possibly could have A)uncovered the plot b)caught/killed osama. Just my opinion but you don't start a second fight when the 1st one is not over or showing any signs of concluding.

Offline JB73

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'01 Memo to Rice Warned of Qaeda and Offered Plan
« Reply #7 on: February 14, 2005, 02:12:30 PM »
Originally posted by JB88
but lets also not forget that clinton was mired in a republican led sex scandal that made any military move he made succeptable to "wag the dog" accusations.
WTF do dogs have to do with this?

and oh yeah, blojobs in the oval office (mine and your oval office) while conducting govenrment business is NOT part of his "personal life".

oh yeah, perjury is a felony too.
I don't know what to put here yet.

Offline john9001

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'01 Memo to Rice Warned of Qaeda and Offered Plan
« Reply #8 on: February 14, 2005, 03:05:12 PM »
after tora bora benladen has not been seen on vidio tape, the boy be dead, audio tapes do not count, show me the money shot.

Offline Raider179

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'01 Memo to Rice Warned of Qaeda and Offered Plan
« Reply #9 on: February 14, 2005, 03:12:02 PM »
Originally posted by john9001
after tora bora benladen has not been seen on vidio tape, the boy be dead, audio tapes do not count, show me the money shot.

I have seen several video's of him after tora bora.  hell if I remember right there was one released about a month ago.

edit:sorry it was in novemeber

hate to link al-jazeera but anway

Offline JB88

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'01 Memo to Rice Warned of Qaeda and Offered Plan
« Reply #10 on: February 14, 2005, 03:46:43 PM »
Originally posted by JB73
WTF do dogs have to do with this?

and oh yeah, blojobs in the oval office (mine and your oval office) while conducting govenrment business is NOT part of his "personal life".

oh yeah, perjury is a felony too.

ya, but that s not the point that i was trying to make 73.  nobody would content that he didnt do what he did, but the fact remains that entire episode wasted valuable time and resources which could have been being used to look at external problems rather than politically motivated internal two party warfare.

its called divide and conquer and we would be doing ourselves a grave disservice at this point in our history to continue to make ourselves ripe for attacks like 9/11 in the future due to our own inability to worry about which side sends up a quarterback.

i never liked one thing about the clinton investigation.  not because i thought what he did was right, but because it was never really about right and wrong.  it was about seizing power.

partisan bickering and powerplays haved only served to weaken us in the end.


i hope that america can get its eyes back on the ball and set this crap aside long enough to see a leader that we can all follow emerge.

i do have to give bush credit, he has turned down the rhetoric enough that it has become appearant that he is prepared to at least try reaching out to all parties involved.

thank god.  if he didnt, you know there would be an investigation somewhere that would drain us even further.

and you know they'd find something.  there isnt a politician alive that they wont.

my .02
this thread is doomed.  

To strive, to seek, to find, and not to yield. -Ulysses.


Offline JB73

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'01 Memo to Rice Warned of Qaeda and Offered Plan
« Reply #11 on: February 14, 2005, 03:51:32 PM »
i'll take that... but i still dont get the wagging the dog thing...

W.I.T.H. is that?
I don't know what to put here yet.

Offline JB88

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'01 Memo to Rice Warned of Qaeda and Offered Plan
« Reply #12 on: February 14, 2005, 03:51:43 PM »
Originally posted by Raider179
I think the point of the information that clarke gave is that Bush had his sights on Saddam, And because of that he paid no attention to the Osama factor. And to be honest it still seems like he is paying no attention to Osama. I might have been a lot more behind the iraqi war had we caught osama first. Instead of the 20,000 or whatever we got in afghanistan now we should have put we we've got in Iraq over there until we caught him.

Clarke is obviously upset because I think he believes had the incoming government been more willing to spend money,interests, resources on Al-qaida rather than Saddam, we possibly could have A)uncovered the plot b)caught/killed osama. Just my opinion but you don't start a second fight when the 1st one is not over or showing any signs of concluding.


its pretty obvious aint it?
this thread is doomed.  

To strive, to seek, to find, and not to yield. -Ulysses.


Offline JB88

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'01 Memo to Rice Warned of Qaeda and Offered Plan
« Reply #13 on: February 14, 2005, 03:52:37 PM »
Originally posted by JB73
i'll take that... but i still dont get the wagging the dog thing...

W.I.T.H. is that?

its the movie "wag the dog" where the president gets caught up in a scandal so they wage a false war to cover it up.
this thread is doomed.  

To strive, to seek, to find, and not to yield. -Ulysses.


Offline JB73

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'01 Memo to Rice Warned of Qaeda and Offered Plan
« Reply #14 on: February 14, 2005, 03:54:27 PM »
hmm never heard of it.
I don't know what to put here yet.