I'm a contractor, Analyst/Dev currently working for the EC
07:00 wake up (sort of)
07:30 wake up again, crawl to the coffee machine, shower, etc...
08:30 out of the house, get into traffic jam
09:30 Get in the office, pour double expresso...check emails/voicemails
I then 1st check if the applications we wrote are up & working, see if there are no errors in the logs.
The rest of the day is usualy a mix (depends at what point of the project we are)
-I either write the documentations of the applications we will be building (blech)
-I code the app (less than I would like)
-Scream on the DBA because he forgot a field
-I attend various meetings, some of them are interesting, some are less...to those I manage to sit next to a nice secretary if i can
-more meetings
I get to leave around 18ish... run to the pub or home, depends of the day