1. Poor Climber
2. Poor Accelerator
3. Speed disadvantage over 5K
4. Over 400 MPH a *huge* handling advantage
5. Does not suffer elevator stiffing at speed.
6. Better guns
7. Better instantaneous and better sustained turn rate - provided you got 25% juice or less and/or use combat flap settings.
8. Huge range advatage.
9. Fair vertical performance.
109 G10:
A. Excellent climber
B. Excellent Accelerator
C. Speed advantage over 5K
D. Almost impossible to manuever over 400 MPH
E. Medium gun package. Slow ROF cannon and low ammo.
F. Fair to poor sustained and instantaneous turn ability.
G. Inferior range
H. Excellent vert performance.
Adopting a maximising strengths versus enemies weaknesses, it should break down like:
109 keeping the fight in the vertical and using the raw climb advantage to gain E over the mustang. Dont get into sustained turns. Turning hard for short periods is ok as you can rely on your superior acceleration. You wont catch the mustang on the deck, so dont let him slip away.
P51-DOn the offensive: You should seek to gain angle advantage as soon as possible and end the fight as soon as you can. Get the 109 to turn with you, keep him turnin so he cant use his acceleration advantage or so he's too slow to manuever in the vert effectively.
use 1 or even 2 notches of flap to out-turn him. Turning is risky, as if he does not want to play that game you are screwed as you have lost your speed (bad news versus better accelerating planes).
I would try to keep the pony above 370-400 MPH and try to see if you can gain angles as the mustang will out-perform 109 easily at this speed. Hide your E state, by staying slightly below him but very fast, then you can force an overshoot, and the 109 will probably think he can zoom to saftey, where you'll just follow him up and blast him as he hangs on his prop.
On the defensive:
Keep your nose down, stay as fast as possible, use lo-yoyo reversals or slice-backs to keep speed up. If you cant force a mistake and E states are reletively equal use a series of nose-low nose-to-nose turns with combat flaps to try for a snap shot as you approach the HO, you should be able to beat him to the turn and get your guns on him before he can on you. You have to get him before you run out of alt, as he will maul you if you try running at this point.
Its a very hard fight, if you keep it fast, a zero-g extension to the deck will sometimes save your bellybutton (aka run like hell).
If you can draw the fight out by staying fast and repeatidly denying him shots you might be able to run his fuel low where he may get impatient and make mistakes, also the more fuel you drain from the pony the better it turns. If he runs out of fuel in enemy territory and you pinging him at least once you'll get the kill
[This message has been edited by Spatula (edited 03-05-2001).]