One of my all time Favs is "Fool in the Rain"
Just something about it.
Some years ago I went to my wifes HS re-union and they had a DJ there who started playing Disco.
Now the VERY vast majority of her school were heads and Rock N Rollers.
The DJ played Disco for 45 min and only two people got upto dance dispite pleas from the DJ for folks to do so.
So I went up to him and explained to him that he stood a better chance of getting rain to fall from a cloudless sky then he did of getting this particular group to dance to Disco. And that if he wanted to really get this thing going he better start playing some rock.
Finally after trying 4 or 5 more disco tunes he changed to Rock. Started with Zep. (can hear the sonfg in my head but cant for the life of me remember the name now)
THAT got the party going.
Went up to him later and said "Told ya.
these people usd to mock torment and beat up disco folks for chuckles. No way were they going to disco in this lifetime.
Edit: I just remembered the name of the song ,"HOT DOG"