Author Topic: Dealing with Pottymouth...  (Read 2350 times)

Offline JB73

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Dealing with Pottymouth...
« Reply #75 on: March 04, 2005, 08:50:20 AM »
Originally posted by Seagoon
So JB73, if my neighbor expresses himself by pouring nails and broken glass into the street, I need to start looking into buying solid rubber tires rather than daring to get him to stop. Better yet, I should stop using the street entirely if I don't like it. Regardless, his freedom of anti-social expression is absolutely inviolable regardless of the fact we both pay to use and maintain the same thoroughfare. I just better hope he doesn't take up nude sunbathing in the front yard, or my children will never be allowed outside again.

JB swearing in this venue is no more protected free speech than whacking someone in the head is "the pursuit of happiness." Additionally, swearing on AH comms is technically against the use agreement you entered into when you signed up to play. Therefore the game operators, HI-Tech have already determined they aren't going to allow it online, the question is how will they enforce their decision?  

SEAGOON did you read my whole post?

instead of making up wild scenarios outside of a private game just read this part again:

i agree that cussing on range vox is a bad thing, i agree that something should possibly be done about it, but i can not think of a solution that does not make a part of the AH community upset in some way. i think AH is a great game, and there are tons of changes out there that may or may not work. i think socitey is more corrupt than a polititian in strip strip club. i think there are no real answers, only comprimises that lead to the least aggravating course.
I don't know what to put here yet.

Offline Traveler

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Dealing with Pottymouth...
« Reply #76 on: March 04, 2005, 09:12:10 AM »
Originally posted by Flit
Simply film it and send it in. I assure you the problem will be takin care of in a timely manner.
O, Make sure you turn the film on BEFORE you ask them to ease up. :D

I have and nothing happened.   Not just one film of one event,  but a total of 6 taken on 6 different nights.  The offender is still on and still a potty mouth.
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Dealing with Pottymouth...
« Reply #77 on: March 04, 2005, 09:51:24 AM »
Originally posted by Traveler
I have and nothing happened.   Not just one film of one event,  but a total of 6 taken on 6 different nights.  The offender is still on and still a potty mouth.

 Ya know , thats funny, because every time I send send a film in I get a "problem has been takin care of" e-mail back.And it has been.Every time.

Offline Engine

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Dealing with Pottymouth...
« Reply #78 on: March 04, 2005, 10:13:28 AM »
Who could possibly think a personal permanent squelch, or an option to disable range vox, could in any way be a bad thing?  


Offline JB73

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Dealing with Pottymouth...
« Reply #79 on: March 04, 2005, 10:33:21 AM »
Originally posted by Engine
Who could possibly think a personal permanent squelch, or an option to disable range vox, could in any way be a bad thing?  

in a fight defending a base, all the friendlies in the air are needed.

helping your fellow man stay alive becomes important if the FH have been killed. now when you look around and see someone unaware of the diving p38 comming at them, you want to warn them.

myself i have a HOTAS setup, with rudder pedals (with all the X45's, X52's, and CH setups out there i know there are more than just a few). i have used all my buttons for essential items, and for 2 years have not had the ability in combat to let go of my stick, pull out the keyboard tray, find the " ' " key, scroll through the planes in sight, and check six the guy.

so i call out, "XXXX check six p38 diving" on range.

let's imagine he has range turned off, i have no way of knowing this, and expect he heard me, yet he doesn't evade. he dies, and now there is one less plane trying to save a base.

now he's in the tower typing on country text that he's mad at my me, my squad, or all people at that base for no check six call -OR- he just silently is mad, and intentionally does not help certain people, because in his mind they didn't help him. -OR- maybe now im mad at him because i have to fight more planes alone because he was to worried about what might be said on vox that working together, and accomplishing something as a group doesn't matter to him. sounds selfish to me.

yes it is his fault for now having the SA, but nobody's perfect, and you can not see everything every time.

there is a reason they have a check six button, and there is a reason we can talk on range to each other.

like i said before, for every example of someone who wants range to be squelched, there is an example of another relying on it.

i have been around for over 3 years, not as much as many, but long enough i think to understand the importance of communication in a fight. i have also spoken to enough, and seen enough at the cons that have similar HOTAS setups, and only have to touch their keyboard to type into the text buffer.

just because i have chosen to spend the money, and learn to fly that way, shoudl i be punished and HAVE to use the keyboard more to communicate to someone who doesn't want to hear me try and help him?

now this is just simple examples, but i think with a little thought you can see the possibilities. i'll say it again, there are 2 sides to every issue, we happen to disagree.

what does the entire MA (all the masses that do not even come to the bulletin board) think about this? i can only guess that with so many upset over VOX being lost, that this would frustrate them also. i may be wrong, but i may be right also.

in all the only solution i can think of is making range a tunable second VOX, but then new players would have to be tuned by default. that would defeat the purpose of making it tunable.

i personally have yet to come up with a solution that suits all. so who do you isolate? who do you metaphorically give the finger to, saying "i dont care what you think is best"? which side?

i will make clear AGAIN i am NOT for cussing on vox, or anything like that at all. i am meerly pointing out a side to the story.
« Last Edit: March 04, 2005, 10:38:56 AM by JB73 »
I don't know what to put here yet.

Offline Engine

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Dealing with Pottymouth...
« Reply #80 on: March 04, 2005, 11:00:03 AM »
Originally posted by Engine
Who could possibly think a personal permanent squelch, or an option to disable range vox, could in any way be a bad thing?  

73, I think you misunderstood and typed that out for nothing. :)  
I'm talking about an OPTION to disable range vox.  If someone turns off their range because their 4-yr old daughter is playing in the room, they fully understand they run the risk of not getting a vocal check 6.  If they get upset, it's their fault for turning off vox, and in turn the fault of those who irresponsibly curse on vox, forcing them to disable it.

I think you'll agree that the right of a parent to protect the ears of their kids, without having to use headphones in place of the $300 sound sytem they bought just for gaming, shouldn't be traded for your desire for team play.  Which you'd still get from the %95 of the arena who will keep vox on.

As for the permanent squelch list... if you don't make a habit of being a ******* on vox, you probably won't end up on the list, will ya? :)

To sum it up, it's silly to say "Sorry, I don't care if your kids are around, you've got to run the risk of people cursing so I can give you a verbal check 6"

Offline Traveler

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Dealing with Pottymouth...
« Reply #81 on: March 04, 2005, 12:13:51 PM »
Originally posted by Flit
Ya know , thats funny, because every time I send send a film in I get a "problem has been takin care of" e-mail back.And it has been.Every time.

Oh, I got the e-mails, but the offender is still on  and still a problem.  I can understand some people haveing a concern with team members squelching VOX on the range channel, however I do think that is the only solution that is workable.  that combined with squelch list would be nice.  Perhaps when a potty mouth realized that they could no longer hear anyone, they might just clean up their act.  Right for now the poor taste of some players does not threaten my family, because I use headphones and I mentally tune out the cussing.
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Dealing with Pottymouth...
« Reply #82 on: March 04, 2005, 05:45:03 PM »
Originally posted by Flit
Ya know , thats funny, because every time I send send a film in I get a "problem has been takin care of" e-mail back.And it has been.Every time.

I sent in a film a couple weeks ago and never got a responce.

Not complaining, just saying
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Dealing with Pottymouth...
« Reply #83 on: March 04, 2005, 05:45:14 PM »
Originally posted by Flit
Ya know , thats funny, because every time I send send a film in I get a "problem has been takin care of" e-mail back.And it has been.Every time.

I sent in a film a couple weeks ago and never got a responce.

Not complaining, just saying
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Dealing with Pottymouth...
« Reply #84 on: March 04, 2005, 05:45:45 PM »
Originally posted by Flit
Ya know , thats funny, because every time I send send a film in I get a "problem has been takin care of" e-mail back.And it has been.Every time.

I sent in a film a couple weeks ago and never got a responce.

Not complaining, just saying
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Offline RedTop

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Dealing with Pottymouth...
« Reply #85 on: March 04, 2005, 07:36:33 PM »
Originally posted by SCDR
Ahh but you CAN use the squelch command, you just don't want to. No big deal if you don't, you just want someone else to do it for you.
Funny how people think it's fun to "simulate killing" someone/thing but get upest about some cuss words.
Oh and for you people that like to have your sound turned up loud, it's not good for your hearing. Oh maybe you want to go deaf so you won't hear the cussing when you get older.:rofl

Bottom line, use squelch command.


Bottom line is...When you have to use the squelch command for language on's usually already been SAID!!!!! It prevents more...but not the initial.
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Dealing with Pottymouth...
« Reply #86 on: March 05, 2005, 12:32:22 AM »
Originally posted by RedTop
Bottom line is...When you have to use the squelch command for language on's usually already been SAID!!!!! It prevents more...but not the initial.

Sad to say it's true. Guess the "Moral Majority" flies here.
:rofl  Or claim to.


Offline Seagoon

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Dealing with Pottymouth...
« Reply #87 on: March 05, 2005, 10:09:19 PM »

Please help me to understand how the world is a better place because four year old girls can continue to learn the word "m*th*r-f***k*rs" when daddy has a senior moment and forgets to turn the speakers off before starting an air combat simulation?

While we have squelch and resetv commands I haven't yet found the "reset childhood" or "clear audio buffer" channels on my children.

SEAGOON aka Pastor Andy Webb
"We have no government armed with power capable of contending with human passions unbridled by morality and religion... Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other." - John Adams

Offline Vudak

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« Reply #88 on: March 06, 2005, 01:41:46 AM »
You know, you're all going about this completely wrong...  All we need to do is get ****06 laid = problem solved :D

Self-censored, save HT the trouble...
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Offline SCDR

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Dealing with Pottymouth...
« Reply #89 on: March 06, 2005, 11:03:23 PM »
Originally posted by Seagoon

Please help me to understand how the world is a better place because four year old girls can continue to learn the word "m*th*r-f***k*rs" when daddy has a senior moment and forgets to turn the speakers off before starting an air combat simulation?

While we have squelch and resetv commands I haven't yet found the "reset childhood" or "clear audio buffer" channels on my children.


Trust me we are actually on same sheet of music here.
I take responsibility for my actions. IF, when my daughters were younger, I made mistake of not closing door, putting on headset, or turning down volume, then it was MY fault they heard any bad words. I then had to explain why those words were not right to use. Even thou they had heard it coming from Dad's computer.
I am not, repeat, NOT condoning the use of foul language.
People do not want to take responsibilty for their actions, they seem to want others to do that for them, and that is what it seems like here. Sorry, but if you made mistake of letting your kids into the room and you KNOW there might be a chance of them hearing or reading foul language then it is YOUR fault as well as the one cussing.
I just think HT & Co are working on bigger and better things for AH, and yes someday they might/will put in a range vox squelch command/button, along with a perm squelch list.