Author Topic: GUI/Basic Dot Commands  (Read 663 times)


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GUI/Basic Dot Commands
« on: March 20, 2001, 09:59:00 PM »
Was digging through old emails I sent out and found this one....
Here is a list of basic dot(.) commands you'll need to
.radio x y  Since you contacted me privately I think
you know how to use this. But the channels you can put
it on are 1(global- goes out to everyone), 2(country,
goes to everyone on your countrya), 3(local, goes to
everyone within 25 sq miles of you) and 4 is for
squad(if you are accepted into a squad, goes to just
your squad).

.ef Exits your aircraft when you have landed or come
to a complete stop on the ground or in your parachute.

.wingman xxxx Highlights the guy's name you type
in(where the xxxx is) with a white color on both the
radar and his icon(the big green thing over each

.country x Where x is you put in the country you want
to be a part of. 1 is bishops, 2 is knights and 3 is
rooks. You can also access by going to the
clipboard(escape key), clicking on "map" and clicking
on change country.

These are the most important dot commands. The rest,
if you need to know something else, can be accessed by
typing .help into the radio.

MAP- Clicking on this allows you to change your
country, change your field (by double clicking on any
field held by your country), and to join a mission
someone puts up. The missions are almost always
announced like "Join my mission" or something like
that. You click on the MAP button on your clipboard
and then on viewer. You highlight the persons
name/mission at the top and then highlight the type of
plane you want to fly. When both of those are done,
click on accept (at the top) and you will be in the
mission flying the type of plane you selected. You
have to wait in the tower or in the map room after
you've joined a mission so that you can start with the
other people in the mission.

HANGAR- This allows you to select your plane, how you
want it scored, fuel type and load out. It's fairly
straight forward. If you don't know what each model
type is, you can click on the name and it will show
you what it is. There are 3 categories. Vehicle,
bomber and fighter. Fighters typically have either
"fighter" next to the model type or "fighter/bomber".
On the right side of the plane or bomber are displayed
either drop tanks(white) or bombs(green, some have a
little yellow on them). In the center is the fuel load
(internally), that allows you 25%, 50%, 75% or 100%,
and the gun loadouts you can carry on the plane. Some
have multiple choices, some only carry one choice. On
the left hand side you have a choice of rockets or
small bombs or small drop tanks, depending on the
plane. Drop tanks just increase the distance a plane
can fly, and you can drop these (by hitting backspace
and then pressing b to drop them. They are listed as
DT on your second ordinance counter. Bombs are listed
as B with a number after them indicating their weight
and rockets are listed as RKT and have a number beside
them indicating how many you have on board.) All of
these can be dropped the same way as your drop tank.
From the hangar you can also choose how you score the
mission. If you are just going to shoot down aircraft,
click on the button labelled fighter just below the
model selection. If you are going to use a
fighter/bomber and attack a ground target, choose
Attack. The bomber models will default to bomber and
the vehicles default to vehicle. The button "Set
convergence" if pressed will allow you to set the
convergence of your guns. It's represented in yards.
Most people like between 300 and 450yds for their

ROSTER- This displays each player online, their
country and the squad they are in, and their rank(1000
to 1). Clicking on the ROOM button the roster shows
each player at the same airfield as you. Clicking on
score without highlighting any player brings up YOUR
score. Highlighting another player's name, by clicking
on it, will display their score.

HELP- Pretty self-explanatory.

CLUB- Used to display who's in your squad and to
accept new people into your squad or kick people out.
You can also change you game ID here, but you can only
change the capitalization. You can not change it from
"Duff" to "Muff" here, you have to cancel your account
or call up HTC to get it changed.

GUI- Clicking on this allows you to change how fast
your messages scroll and how long it takes you to move
from the tower to the hangar and map. Moving the scale
next to Move Time to the absolute bottom means it
takes no time at all(like an instant) to move from
place to place. Higher up and it takes forever. Msg
Alpha allows you to set how fast your msgs scroll.

SOUND- This allows you to change each of the sounds
volumes. Far right is 100%, far left is 0%.

KEY MAPPING- Allows you to change what each key press
does. Also useful to find out what each key does in
the first place.

STICK MAPPING- Allows you to set each joystick button
to do something different within the game. Useful if
you don't have software that programs things to your

JOYSTICK- Allows you to calibrate your joystick and to
set what each axis does.

FLIGHT- If autotakeoff is pushed in it means it's off
so the only thing you need to do is start the engine.
If it is sticking out, it's turned off so you need to
give control input and drop the flaps to take off. If
tracers is pushed in it means you won't see any
tracers and neither will the enemy. If it's sticking
out, you and the enemy will see tracers. If Auto
combat trim is pushed in, it means the plane will
automatically trim the control surfaces for the speed
it's set at. Good for beginners. If it sticks out,
it's turned off so you have to manually trim it.

host a head to head game or if you want to change your
ammo loadout/fuel load out and allow different planes
to take off from different fields offline. No
practical use.

ROGER WILCO- If you install this software it allows
you to automatically start it up when you start AH and
it will also automatically tune to a hosted channel if
someone allows you to. This is done by tuning .radio 5
xxx. Where xxx is, if someone is hosting a channel
they will tell you the radio number.

TERRAIN- If you have different terrains downloaded you
can select which terrain you want to fly over by
highlighting it's name and selecting it. Only useful
for offline play.

NET STATUS- Displays the host (the bottom graph) and
how reliable it is. If it's spiking a lot, then the
host is having problems. The top graph is your
connection. If it's spiking a lot or higher up on the
graph than normal, your connection is bad and you need
to log off completely and log back on to your ISP.

That's the basics to the GUI interface. You can get a
better reference to what each key press does by going
to the key mapping area of the setup on your clipboard
and selecting the appropriate button to display key
commands for what you are doing. Like View Keys,
Flight keys, Global, Vehicle, Gunner and Chute Keys.

It's much more aligned in the email I have it in, so if you prefer it in that format, click on the mail icon to the right of my name and ask... you'll have it within a day.

Offline bowser

  • Copper Member
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GUI/Basic Dot Commands
« Reply #1 on: March 20, 2001, 10:54:00 PM »
Thanks, appreciate it.


Offline mauser

  • Nickel Member
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GUI/Basic Dot Commands
« Reply #2 on: March 22, 2001, 04:47:00 PM »
On the subject of dot commands, here are a couple more that I use a lot:

".fuel x" where x is a number from 0 to 3. 0 corresponds to 25% fuel, 1 to 50%, etc.

".ord x y" where x is the group number of the ordnance (they are numbered from right to left on the hangar screen from 0 to 2), and y is the number of the ordnance. Ordnance/gun loadout is usually numbered starting from the top with 0 then down to however many ordnance options a plane has for that group number.  For example, to get the 500kg centerline bomb in one of the 190A's, I type .ord 0 3. If I want to only take 2x20mm in the 190A, I would type .ord 1 1.  

Using dot commands saves a lot of time that is taken waiting for the screen to "run" down to the hangar.  Only thing is that you must remember what ord is what #, probably something you wouldn't do unless you prefer to fly only a few types of a/c.  Also, it's useful to remember to type in the correct fuel loadout prior to hitting the fly buttons since you may have inadvertently loaded 25% fuel your previous sortie (or were forced to takeoff with 25%), thus leaving you with a nasty surprise. I try to remember that now, and it only takes a few secs to type .fuel 0 3 when I want 100% fuel prior to flying. Sometimes I forget though, and still get left with nasty surprises.



  • Guest
GUI/Basic Dot Commands
« Reply #3 on: March 22, 2001, 05:17:00 PM »
Mauser, you do know that you can adjust the time it takes to go from place to place by adjusting a slider. I think it's called alpha time... it's the same place you can adjust how fast the text buffer scrolls. You can have it take between 5 minutes and instantly switching.

Offline LuckyDay

  • Zinc Member
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GUI/Basic Dot Commands
« Reply #4 on: March 22, 2001, 06:52:00 PM »
Isn't message alpha the transparency of the black box the messages appear in?  They generally scroll as often as they change...

Thanks for the list though, that will save me some time.

"What're you going to do, bleed on me?"


  • Guest
GUI/Basic Dot Commands
« Reply #5 on: March 22, 2001, 08:12:00 PM »
I don't think it's the transparency, but I did mess up on what's it called. If you go to setup and click on GUI it brings up two items. Move time and something else. If you reduce the move time (pull the box down to the absolute bottom), then you go from place to place instantly.

Offline mauser

  • Nickel Member
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GUI/Basic Dot Commands
« Reply #6 on: March 23, 2001, 04:20:00 PM »
Thanks SW... I didn't know about that setting. I thought that the delay from running around was hard wired to keep people from spawning instantly all the time. I think I heard it explained that way sometime back in the beta. O well I know better now, thanks  
