alright steve.
i will, though you do not afford the same courtesy nor deresrve my respect as i am what you call an "ahole".
the question.
Let's assume for this brief moment the argument is correct.
One day order will be restored, civilian casualties will diminsh to peaceful levels(comparably, those moron extremists will never go away completely).
ONE DAY ORDER WILL BE RESTORED? hmmm. did it work for the brits when they tried to restore order in the middle east...or the romans when they did?
lets say that it does though. so far there is nothing to make me believe that it will, but ok. UM NO. it is thier job as a sovereign nation to lift themselves up. not mine or yours. there are far worse examples of human rights abuses in the world that the united states turns a blind eye too that such an excuse would be better used for.
you are not ever going to convince me that we are there for humanitarian reasons. we are not. if order is restored it will be by virtue of a walmart on thier front lawn. i dont think that is much of an alternative either, but then, i view all humans as humans so i value them as my equals.
what then? What will your excuse be then? Because if Saddam was not deposed the deaths would continue.
The deaths have increased post saddam, not decreased... the region is ripe with the possibility of civil war and the insurgensy continues long after the glorious carrier landing.
there is no clear cut end in site. now we are saying the same thing about IRAN and SYRIA etc.
show me the peace first. you are assuming that there is an end to the war on terror...why dont you tell me where that line is? tell me what the goal is? please enlighten me so i can work toward that end without lying to myself like you do.
100,000 now to save millions later. What's your excuse for condoning the continuation of Saddam's regime?
i do not condone the continuation of saddams regime. never have. just think that there were better ways of dealing with it and i dont think wholesale slaughter is anyway to run a railroad. sorry bout your mom...its for frreeeeedom.
(you know, the ones from saudi arabia)
now steve, you might afford me the respect that you so readilly place for yourself, or do ME a favor and quit responding to my posts.