Author Topic: P-38G: Twin engined Spitfire!  (Read 3054 times)

Offline TheDudeDVant

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P-38G: Twin engined Spitfire!
« Reply #75 on: March 08, 2005, 01:29:20 PM »
Originally posted by Killjoy2
Lets have a fight!

Meet online and put the best p-38 pilots against the dweebs who fly spits, niks and ki-84's.

My money is on the p38s.

I'd like to play too!! Can I fly a 38?? I'm abit green from lack of playing, but I'd bet on the 38s too! hehe   Silly wanna-be turn fighting spits have no chance!

Offline Vudak

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P-38G: Twin engined Spitfire!
« Reply #76 on: March 08, 2005, 02:10:45 PM »
Originally posted by TheDudeDVant
I'd like to play too!! Can I fly a 38?? I'm abit green from lack of playing, but I'd bet on the 38s too! hehe   Silly wanna-be turn fighting spits have no chance!

When you catch me on give me a PM - I'm sure I more than qualify as a dweeb who flys Spits (they're a guilty pleasure, but man, so much fun!)

Edit: Dweeb being the key part of my thinking I qualify :p
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Offline TheDudeDVant

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P-38G: Twin engined Spitfire!
« Reply #77 on: March 08, 2005, 02:52:41 PM »
Originally posted by Vudak
When you catch me on give me a PM - I'm sure I more than qualify as a dweeb who flys Spits (they're a guilty pleasure, but man, so much fun!)

Edit: Dweeb being the key part of my thinking I qualify :p

Sounds good to me.. But are you talking 1-1? I was understanding this to be many spits against some 38s..  I wouldnt think you spit guys would want to punish yourselfs and fight the 38 alone?? Would you?? Remember this is the P-P-P-Pee38 POWERHOUSE we're talking here..  Are you saying your masochistic??  Well, I suppose it takes all kinds of peps to make a world.. Even some that lurve to be abused.. lmao  

jk'n man!  Should be some fun either way!

Offline Kweassa

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P-38G: Twin engined Spitfire!
« Reply #78 on: March 08, 2005, 03:34:49 PM »
It's with comments like that, that show you absolutely have no clue and really shouldn't be commenting on a plane you have 1)no experience in and 2) have no clue as to its performance. But since it's the P-38, you have to come in and put your 2 cents worth of useless drivel. You're dismissed.

 Wasn't me who dragged in the old debates about the flap issues in this thread, Akster. Try and search a few posts above mine and you'll see who started it. Take a jab at me with irrelevant material and I will retaliate.

 Besides, despite all those mighty words, you still didn't point out where I was wrong in, which if you stuck at that in the first place I would have gladly listened humbly.

 But then again, wasn't it you who started the mud slinging first with rude comments?

 Think about it Akster. This thread started nice, and then turned into another brawl between me and the so-so P38 pilots.

 One of them started a flame war, and it wasn't me.

ps) One question.

 Does your P-38 outturn Spitfires? If so, how do you do it?

Offline Kweassa

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P-38G: Twin engined Spitfire!
« Reply #79 on: March 08, 2005, 03:52:35 PM »
You come into a thread post a Wall 'O Text with a very large brush, similar to what my twelve year old grand daughter why try to do when called on the carpet, and then she starts to scramble like you do under the same circumstances. Thats when the details come out and the more one scrambles the more foolish they look.

 So you nit-pick every detail your grand daughter drew wrong, too?

 You know it, and I know it. This isn't really about anything in written in this thread. It's about the immature grudges you and your peers hold from past discussions. I didn't start this.

Nope ... but your description of its advantages, as posted above, is wrong ... and thats exactly what I addressed my in post and thats when you started to scramble.

 So how is it wrong?

 How would a P-38 'turn with a Spitfire' as the original poster claimed? He wanted information, I gave him what I knew.

 If that is wrong, please, point it out in just where it's wrong and how. How does a P-38G the original poster met, outturn his Spitfire? Describe how, and I'll see where and why I'm wrong, and will gladly accept that as new information directly coming from someone who knows the plane well.

 Try and go over the posts all the self-proclaimed 'P-38 experts' wrote on this thread. No info at all. Nothing. Zip. Zilch. Everything is directed on attacking me.

 So how are we lesser life forms supposed to know how P-38s can do that when none of you windbags are interested in describing how?

You need some quality yoke time (which you have none) to understand what they are talking about. I don't really care who you believe.

 Why would I need yoke time for receiving answer to "Does it, or does it not outturn Spits or Nikis"??

 Just give it to me.

 I've seen Tac comment it plenty of times since years ago. Akak probably posted a zillion times about this that his P-38 has no problems in following Spits or N1Ks. I've seen Morph claim that, but not as often, and etc etc.

 How about if I just asked you what you think?

LOL .. no I am not an AKAK, a TAC, a KAPPA, a 38MAW, a FESTER, a BUG, a Silat, nor a Delirium, but I do know for a fact that I have far more time behind the yoke in a P38 than you and I AM a better P-38 pilot than you and speak thru experience (both P-38 and Spit V), not conjecture.

You are in no viable position to deem anybody a P(seudo)-38 pilot or a True P-38 pilot. Put in some serious yoke time and then come back and talk.

 T'was a joke directed at Tac and the other P-38 dudes who never cease to complain about auto-retraction(and I didn't even bring up that subject here first).

 Try to read between the texts.

 Besides, I won't touch that plane with a 10-foot pole.  It reeks of stench of over-boosted egos.

Offline Ack-Ack

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P-38G: Twin engined Spitfire!
« Reply #80 on: March 08, 2005, 03:53:40 PM »
Originally posted by Kweassa

 Does your P-38 outturn Spitfires? If so, how do you do it?

watch my films.

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Offline Kweassa

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P-38G: Twin engined Spitfire!
« Reply #81 on: March 08, 2005, 04:00:05 PM »
Is it really that hard to answer? Or are you scared you might step on some diabolical word-trap I've planted with the questions?

 Okay, I promise, no ill intent.

 The original poster thinks Spitfires are outturned by PGs. I think it's only possible with an E-advantaged, latched-on P-38 that utilizies a lot of lag pursuits, turn path oscillation, momentary pulls by using torquelessness, high/lo yoyos and stuff.

 You say I have no idea what I'm talking about.  Slapshot says my descriptions are wrong. I wanna know how and why.

 Enlighten us.

Offline Morpheus

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P-38G: Twin engined Spitfire!
« Reply #82 on: March 08, 2005, 04:15:44 PM »
There' aint a 38 in the game that's going to out turn my spitv co-alt 1v1 in a turn fight. Sorry, not going to happen.
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Offline SlapShot

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P-38G: Twin engined Spitfire!
« Reply #83 on: March 08, 2005, 04:23:02 PM »
Originally posted by Kweassa
Is it really that hard to answer? Or are you scared you might step on some diabolical word-trap I've planted with the questions?

 Okay, I promise, no ill intent.

 The original poster thinks Spitfires are outturned by PGs. I think it's only possible with an E-advantaged, latched-on P-38 that utilizies a lot of lag pursuits, turn path oscillation, momentary pulls by using torquelessness, high/lo yoyos and stuff.

 You say I have no idea what I'm talking about.  Slapshot says my descriptions are wrong. I wanna know how and why.

 Enlighten us.

If the P-38 has the E-advantage, he wants to keep it. Thats where it shines best ... aggressive E fighting.

This is where your were wrong as far as I am concerned ... start throwing a lot of those other non-aggresseive BFMs into the mix and you start scrubbing E and start to bring yourself into where the Spit V starts to shine ... you don't want to be there.

I said that the best way for me to kill a Spit is to be aggressive and continue to be aggressive until I start to enter the Spits envelope ... once there, its time to get out and get some E back in my pocket. By being aggressive, hopefully he might have been complacent, I can get the kill over and done with and not have scrubbed to much E for the next possible encounter.

I can't tell you how many times that I have had a P-38 BnZ me in my Spit V, and on each pass I create an angle that denys him a good guns solution. With each successive pass, he scrubs off a little more E.

I can usually tell within 1 to 2 passes when he will enter my zone, and if and when he does, chances are he will die shortly there after. If he bugs out just before entering the "zone", I know there was a good 38 stick in that cockpit.
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Offline Clifra Jones

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P-38G: Twin engined Spitfire!
« Reply #84 on: March 08, 2005, 04:24:39 PM »
To sum this up I'll paraphrase from a presidential election slogan used in 1992...

"It's the [pilot], stupid!"

Offline Ack-Ack

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P-38G: Twin engined Spitfire!
« Reply #85 on: March 09, 2005, 06:38:28 AM »
Originally posted by Kweassa
Is it really that hard to answer? Or are you scared you might step on some diabolical word-trap I've planted with the questions?

 Okay, I promise, no ill intent.

 The original poster thinks Spitfires are outturned by PGs. I think it's only possible with an E-advantaged, latched-on P-38 that utilizies a lot of lag pursuits, turn path oscillation, momentary pulls by using torquelessness, high/lo yoyos and stuff.

 You say I have no idea what I'm talking about.  Slapshot says my descriptions are wrong. I wanna know how and why.

 Enlighten us.

Keep the fight out of the medium speed range where the Spitfire has the advantage.  With the Spitfire Mk IX, keep the fight above 250mph IAS or below 150MPH IAS and use the vertical a lot in your turns.  P-38 has the slight edge in a stall fight against the Spitfire MkIX and Mk XIV so use that to your advantage by keeping the fight below 150mph IAS.  Against the Spitfire V, it's a little tougher and the range you want to avoid turning with it is 250mph IAS to 125mph IAS.  Again, the P-38 has a very slight advantage in a stall fight due to its very gentle and forgiving stall characteristics and you can use this gain a momentary angle on the Spitfire V for a shot.  Not saying this is a 100% for sure fire method of shooting down either plane but that's how I do it.  As with all things, YMMV.  

I fight the N1K2 and the Ki-84 the same way I fight the Spitfire Mk IX and XIV.  

Of course now there's gonna be a bunch of posts saying it's impossible, no way a P-38 can hang with any of those planes in a stall fight, yada yada yada.  But if you watch any of the films Murdr, Pellik or I've made, it clearly shows that in the right hands the P-38 can stand toe to toe with either of those planes and triumph.  Again, as stated above YMMV.

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Offline gofaster

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P-38G: Twin engined Spitfire!
« Reply #86 on: March 09, 2005, 11:03:30 AM »
Excerpt from transcripts made of my CVR during a P-38G mission only recently de-classified by the War Department:

Auto-climb off roll right look right roll left look left look back look forward/right look forward/left roll right look right roll left look left.

Lower dot 11'ock. What is it? Check radar; no contact; probably bandit.  Level flight, increase speed.

Contact! Pos ID Spit.  He's pulling up into me, offset merge; He's smart, no HO, knows I'll win.  Nose low dip left wing; pull up, pop flaps, too fast won't pop. Look up, there he is.  Sounds like Spit V, he's getting inside. Ping! Ping! Blood on the glass, pilot wound; crap! Stay nose high, no WEP available, crap! Level wings, where is he? There, showing his white belly as he rolls back down.  Pop flaps, another notch out, roll nose low, auto flaps retract, speed increasing. He's at the bottom of his loop; line him up, FIRE! No hits, I suck, crap!

Overshoot, climb up, wiggle as he shoots, .303s hit home but no damage. Ok, let's boogie upward, big loop now, he's inside again but too far back, no hits.  At the top, speed falling off, pop flaps, look back, Spit gaining, getting closer, big trouble now, pilot wound blackout!

---dreams of childhood---rose petals and sunshine---swimming---

Where am I? War! Spitfire falling off but so am I, flaps all out, left wing rolling in stall. WTF? I thought this plane had no torque! Push nose down gain speed, out of stall danger. Downhill run, speed going up, flaps retracting.  Spit pulls up, looping, here we go!  Pull back stick, gotta get inside. Snapshot! Missed! Crap!

Under me now, where?  There! 5 o'clock high, coming around now.  Climb! Climb! Climb! Look up, back, there he is following. I'm at the top. Toggle flaps, out, they're all out, nothing more to give.  Cut throttle? ok. Nose falls down, favor right to counter torque pull left, gonna pivot on right wing, kick right rudder to speed the turn.

Spit coming up, gun pipper coming around, almost there, almost there, putt-putt as Spit goes by.  Crap!  Losing airspeed, left wing dropping again. Level wings and acquire. There; high left!

Spit still back there, can't get his guns lined up I guess. Up throttle, nose going down, grab the flaps, let's get fast!  Time to boogey.

Ground coming up quick, pull back stick. Trees! Gonna mush into them; Pull pull pull. Blackout!

---angel harps---Grandma?---chocolate bunnies---new bike---

Am I dead?  No, nose coming up now.  Straight up to bleed speed and get away from the ground, spit still back there, keep going up, then over the top, pop flaps, Spit followed me, there he is.  Ping Ping Tower.

No real useful information there, but I figured I'd post it up for entertainment purposes just to lighten the mood.  You guys are taking this game way to seriously.

Offline Morpheus

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P-38G: Twin engined Spitfire!
« Reply #87 on: March 09, 2005, 11:17:45 AM »
holly marry mother of josephine!

How much you really need to type to say...

The Spit Pwns the 38?
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