Originally posted by JB42
We all know the superior fuel advantage the Allies have. Can't blame them for trying to use this to their advantage. It has been a long since practice of basically running the LW out of fuel in order to hit targets realitively untouched. But the limitations of how things are run in the FSO make this very very frustrating.
I am not sure if you were defending A35 or not JB42, but our intent was not to run the LW out of gas. Our actual flight path to attack A35 was not assigned with the orders. We had a short meeting with the escort groups before we launched, and we decided to hit A35 from the SW if possible. I liked this idea since we could continue to A50 if we needed to finish off any targets there.
Durring our flight, because of the layout of the fields, and A37 was a target, I decided to go even further south, and go between Fields A38 & A39 to give us the best approach to A35. This added time to our arrival, and I think we ended up droping on the target at 1:05 from launch. It is still close, but I think we took a little too long to get to target. We should have run a few routes so we knew how long it would take. I can assure you however, our intent was not to run the LW out of gas.
I hope this helps explain what happened. I imagine that if you had to drop tanks early, you might not have had fuel to stay up over an hour, but if you used your drop tanks fully, shouldn't your endurance be longer than 1 hour?
Here is my log for reference:
00:22:09 ------ Arrived Safely At Field #14
22:47:14 ------ Departs From Field #10 in a B-26B
22:49:03 ------ Joined By SKDMRK As A Gunner/Observer.
23:51:00 ------ Destroyed Fighter Hangar At Field #35.
23:51:00 ------ Destroyed Fighter Hangar At Field #35.
23:59:53 ------ Destroyed Fighter Hangar At Field #50.
Pilot Totals: Kills 0; Assists 0; Objects 3; Deaths 0.
I think I calculate actually 1:04 till I killed the first hanger. A lot less than 90 minutes.