Author Topic: Film viewer......  (Read 158 times)

Offline Morpheus

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Film viewer......
« on: March 03, 2005, 05:31:47 PM »
It used to be that when  you were in external view and atatched someone elses plane, when that person died and the filmed remained running you could rewind the film and it would play from that same exact point where the player had died.


Your following him in say F5 mode.

he dies but your film keeps playing and your stuck there where ever he died. (plane blows up)

You hit rewind, the planes all come back into view but you are still at the same spot where he died....

This is how it used to be....

Now, when you hit rewind the film just starts you back at the begining.

This changed with the last update of the film Viewer.

I know this isn't a priority for you guys, (the film viewer) but it used to make for some great views and realy worked great to see how a fight finished up.
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Offline -sudz-

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Film viewer......
« Reply #1 on: March 08, 2005, 05:21:16 PM »
If you use the slider button to rewind you'll be able to review the death in all it's glory.

We're reviewing the usefullness of the rewind button considering how much work it would take to support it properly.

- sudz