Author Topic: News about version 1.02  (Read 1870 times)

Offline Pyro

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News about version 1.02
« on: March 13, 2000, 10:16:00 PM »
We've been working on the next version of AH.  Check out the screenshots of some of the work under progress if you haven't done so already.  Here's some of the stuff we're looking to put in the next version.  Since we don't want to go too long between version updates, anything we can't get in will be pushed back instead of holding up the release.

C.202, Typhoon IB, M16 Halftrack, and Panzer IV H will all be added.  We might get in an extra variant as well.

We're working on a new terrain to handle the addition of vehicles and to work out some final details before putting the terrain editor into beta.

The mouse problem in Win2K is being looked into as well as adding mouse support in general.

8 person free multiplayer support is being added.

An additional interface is being added to make it easy for CMs and multiplayer hosts to configure arenas to their needs.

People have been wondering how vehicles will be added into the game, so here's a brief description.  Vehicles are not AI controlled.  You can drive a vehicle just as you would fly a plane.  You can also take a gunner if applicable.  Vehicles will be available from special vehicle depots strategically located around the map as well as from airfields.  At airfields, aircraft and vehicles will start from different locations which can be attacked to disable launching from there.

Those are the major features we're working on.  As I've said, if any particular thing delays development, we will most likely push the development of that feature back a release rather than hold the entire release back.

Doug "Pyro" Balmos
HiTech Creations

No sniveling!