This is really directed to Squad Ops, but there are a lot of good squads here. My idea is to try to do a Target for Tonight in the CT, I guess they had the same thing in AW. I know that the CT right now doesn't really have a good image, and has low numbers. I thought if some of the squads were intreseted in this it might give the CT a better rep. I am not asking for everybody to fly the CT everyday, maybe just try this one night.
What I was thinking of was having maybe one or two targets that have to get hit. It doesn't have to be historically correct, but just something to do. I know guys don't like the planeset everytime, but they have some good ones in there.
I would come up with orders, then ask for axis and allied CO's, I have talked to one of the CT Staffers, and he said he would be on that night to take care of guys that cause problems.
I know asking for each squad to use one life is asking much.. I would just hope that guys wouldn't feed the hampster wheel to much.
I am just trying to help out the CT staff to get it back to somewhat of what it was like when I first started AH.
Let me know what you guys think.