Author Topic: News  (Read 1146 times)

Offline Pyro

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« on: April 16, 2001, 12:49:00 PM »
I've been seeing more and more reports from people getting infected by a particular email virus that often manifests itself first in AH.  The virus is known as Hybris but has a variety of other names as well.  Symptoms may include sporadic sound loss, graphical glitches such as solid white gunsights, and crashes.  This particular virus can download upgrades to itself, so overall effects can vary and get worse.  Here is some further information on the virus and what to do about it.

Some new screenshots of 1.07 aircraft were posted on Dogfighter (  There is some question about the particular variant of the Ki-61 that we're doing.  This is not an easily answerable question because the exact nomenclature for some Ki-61s is a subject of debate.  It could be the Ic, it could be the Id depending on what nomenclature you think is correct.  We'll probably call it the Ki-61-I-KAIc to try and keep the confusion to a minimum.  Whatever you wish to call it, it's a modified airframe from the initial version and is armed with 2 Ho-5 20mm cannons in the cowling and 2 12.7mm MG in the wings.

Doug "Pyro" Balmos
HiTech Creations