Author Topic: Early war planes?  (Read 4765 times)

Offline AKDejaVu

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Early war planes?
« Reply #45 on: February 25, 2001, 11:35:00 AM »
oops... got my ak's mixed up.. Thought you were the strat guy deja?d

I don't think you want to compare fighter stats with me either Lazs.  You might have me in k/time, but the rest of the charts would be more skewed to my side.  Your argument that anyone not agreeing with you must be a complete "strat guy" (toned down?) is falling apart.

Don't they track bails and ditches too? I generally ditch or auger if no one has hit me or I can't find a fight how bout you?

Yes they do lazs.  You had 7 ditches and there were about 18 un-accounted for kills.. meaning you either bailed or augered where nobody was awarded the kill.  I guess that explains the higher k/time stat.

Even so.. "generally" might be a bad term Lazs.  You have landed considerably more than 25 times.

BTW.. someone that HOs alot will have quite a few unaccounted for deaths if he is usually pretty successful at getting awarded the kill first.  Its not really something that holds any relevance.

I don't know what you are trying to do when you fly so looking at your score is meaningless to me. I mean, If you simply augered as I do when you are sectors away from home with no cons.

LOL!  Did you take a course to learn to make yourself look this pathetic lazs?  Or is it just intuitive for you?

Are "bails" counted as deaths in your K/D? I have never bailed.

No.. you just auger or ditch?  Kinda irrelevant don't you think?

Is rearming and refueling counted in your kill per sortie? I have never done that.

He has a higher kill/time on than you lazs.  That means he didn't spend as much time screwing around as you despite your "augers and ditches".  Quit trying to pick away at his stats to try to make yourself look better.  Its pathetic at best.

I only stop fighting if I run out of ammo and with all the high deflection shots I take that's still quite a lot even tho I only flew the 1D for that tour.... Oh, what plane (or planes) did you fly for that tour?


Wulfie did most of his work in an La-5 (80 kills).  He had 28 in a P47-D25 and 21 in an F4u-1D.  How do those stack up against yours?

As for me, I only have 92 kills in an F4u-1D.  I do have 68 in a Yak-9 however.  I also managed some 280 kills in an F4u-1D last tour.  Please.. feel free to bring up your choice of rides yet again, as if it matters.

Thanks for putting out the score tho... I didn't realize that there were people out there who had as little talent as I do...

There aren't.  Oh.. wait.. you mean score is the only indicator of that?  Or is it that score doesn't matter?  I'm getting confused.  Really.. if you're concerned over who has more tallent then dogfight him.  I'd love to see it.

Sorry to hear you don't want a place to furball tho. You claim that you can allways find one. All I can think is that you are easier to please or have a higher tolerance for boredom.

What part of him having a higher kill/time-on ratio has you so confused lazs?  I'm missing it.  He finds fights in the current arena.  He has no problems with furballing.  he sees no need for a furball island.  That's pretty much about it.  Guess what.. that's pretty much about it for most people not agreeing with the idea of a furball island.

I'm sorry you think its some kind of "strat" vs "furball" mentallity.  AKSeaWulfe and myself both enjoy furballing.  You seem to be the only one insisting on placing people into categories.  Maybe we just believe that a furball island would be one more step in that direction.


[This message has been edited by AKDejaVu (edited 02-25-2001).]


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Early war planes?
« Reply #46 on: February 25, 2001, 12:18:00 PM »
geeze deja... when have i ever said aksea or anyone else, by name, did whatever because of what their score said ?  I have never looked at my score much less anyone elses.  I go by what you have stated your ideas are.  Your score means even less to me than mine...I have never claimed to be be a good pilot in fact just the oppossite.   I also don't see anything in his score that puts him in anything like a "better pilot" category.   I tried to find his score for the sake of simply having the numbers accurate but he is not listed.   How many bails do either of you have?   I have zero it seems hanging in a chute is at the very top of boring things to do in AH for me.   How many ditches?  At least a ditch is doing something...  I fight rather dweebishly and stay till I die most times unless I am close to a field and am out of ammo.   I do like to land on the carrier tho especially if I am shot up... It is a challenge to me..

If that is the way he fly's then we can compare some parts of the "score"  but I would recon that anyone reading his and mine would conclude from the numbers he posted, that we are equally unskilled or so close that it makes no difference.   If he is actually concerned for his life more than i am then he is probly doing a little worse.  If you pick your fights or fight with wingies  it will change your score... Score is meaningless.   We may indeed both be as bad as our scores indicate but without knowing how or why we fight it is just coincedence.

Either way... what does that have to do with how a person wants to spend his online time.  If you have found a good balance in the current arena then fine.   I am not trying to ruin anything for you.   I simply want a place that either I can have early war planes or be free of perk jerks or have a place where fights can be gotten into in a reasonable (for me) amount of time.    Why is it so hard for you to understand that there are many like me?   do you really believe that I am the only one?   You read the furball thread so you should know better.

When I look at the kill per time stats all I see is that we are both having a hard time finding a fight it's just that you don't notice.   I bet there are a lot of people just like me who don't think their kill per time stats are as good as they like or that they are finding as many furs as they like.


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Early war planes?
« Reply #47 on: February 25, 2001, 01:09:00 PM »
You need to run a search on AKSWulfe lazs. You think that we are equal as far as flying ability goes? You're way off there. I know how to handle myself in planes you wouldn't be able to hold yourself in the air in. I posted in my first thread what planes I use, you skipped that obviously stating that you do your work in a F4U-1D and it's got to be the hardest thing out there. It isn't. Try furballing in a P47D-25 or maybe a La5 or even a 109G2 then you'll find the epitomy of difficult. My k/d, k/time, and kill/sortie is much higher than you. But that only says I know how to keep myself alive. If you want to know how well I fly, well I'm sure I can humor you with a few films. I'm not about to change this into a who's better.. I know who's better. I'm not the one complaining the action needs to be concentrated in one area of the map. You're k/d ratio and k/sortie ratio in your fighter category are closer in relation to my k/d ratio and kill/sortie ratio in my attack sorties.

I know how to hold my own, I also know how to find a fight. I haven't even flown during peak hours this tour.


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Early war planes?
« Reply #48 on: February 25, 2001, 01:52:00 PM »
Originally posted by Jigster:
I find the stuff Metallica did AFTER Hetfield's voice changed to be much easier to listen too from a metalhead POV.

That being the case, live, more recent copies of the old stuff is more my line, although I have the orignal albums back to (well not an orginal LP thou) Kill 'Em All.

I really like Papa Roach and Godsmack which seems really weird next to the six Collective Soul CD's. And then there's Primus...

Well, did you hear that Newsted left Metallica? Do you know who they announced as the new bass player? That's really a hard hit on the group and a depressing thing to hear to Metallica fans everywhere. This happened 2(?) weeks ago.

Some other bands, not neccessarily metal but good stuff, that you should check out Jig is Snot(lead singer died in car accident, they only have one CD). You can download stuff by them on Napster, better do it soon too though cuz they are gonna charge soon. Slipknot and Mudvayne are also good. I like Mudvayne a lot more than Slipknot(I actually have gotten to the point of hating them with extreme prejudice because everyone wear's their band logo). While the new Godsmack stuff is good, I definitely prefer the original CD over the newer one. It's a lot less refined and a lot better.


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Early war planes?
« Reply #49 on: February 25, 2001, 01:57:00 PM »
Metallica's last good record was Master of Puppets.  Can you say SELL OUT?


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Early war planes?
« Reply #50 on: February 25, 2001, 02:02:00 PM »
well... wufie... I don't know how you get "much better" out of anything in your score.  It also appears that you have hit the silk 5 times.  wouldn't that skew things a tad?  I also have 49 assists and have ditched more than you.   None of those things mean dick... Hey, I admit I'm not too good... Your just not any better just....Pompous.   Why do you even care anyway?   you claim you don't want to get into who is better.... What?  you simply want to post and compare some aspects of our score and conclude that you are better.

so what was your point in showing everyone how poorly we both fly?  were you trying to prove that because we have the same skill level and have the basically the same kill per time and since you think you are having a lot of action then..... I must be imagining that I'm bored?   Or that if the action is good enough for you it ought to be good enough for me and everyone else?   How on earth does your (or my)score in any way prove that there is enough action for everyone in the game?

Anyone who reads this and has been around awhile, knows that, by looking at both our pitifull scores, if either of us concentrated on one factor or the other we we would beat the other... there just isn't a nickles worth of difference between us.   I also have had a penchant for lags in the past.  I have no problem with any of the planes in the game so far... I simply don't like some and can't get kills in others.   Actually we have a lot in common.. We both like the blue planes.... neither of us drives vehicles or bombers... we seem to be about equally unskilled as fighter pilots and we both look for fights.  Perhaps I am a little more careless than you and care less about death but, essentially the same style and skill....

Then we part ways.   I get bored with not having any action or with small furs where you seem to shrug it off and just go looking somewher else.  you like to participate in a group goal and that takes away some of the boredom for you where as that doesn't work for me.  

anyhow now that you have posted our pitifull scores and....  everyone knows how unskilled we both are I'm sure we will be sought out as easy targets in the arena.


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Early war planes?
« Reply #51 on: February 25, 2001, 02:12:00 PM »
I posted our scores to show you we aren't any different in our desire to furball/fight air to air. You bring up that we are both pitiful, maybe you are but I am far from an easy target in the arena. What you think or say doesn't matter much to me except when you try to change the arena. You can continually say "you suck just as much as I do" it won't get under my skin. I know I'm better than you, scores don't prove that. You want a film? I can show you what I can do in the F4U-1D in a film. First you attack me because you THINK I'm a strat potato or a perk jerk.. then when you find that out you try and shift it another way in that you and I are equal. We aren't lazs, far from it. Scores prove nothing except that we both like to find large fights. If you think scores do prove we are equal, then you are pretty dillusional. But if you think that they prove something.. in Tour 12 I was ranked 28th in the fighter category.. you a mere 315th. Tour 13, I'm ranked 16th, you are ranked 120th. You insist that we are equal? I strongly disagree. Not only does it show in the films I have recorded that I know how to fly, but it also shows in a furball I can switch targets constantly. Not by a longshot am I sought out as an easy target.

Just keep it up lazs, you just keep on trying to drag down everyone else with you. You definitely belong on a furball island, or better yet back in WB in that ACA arena. That's your home, go back over there.


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Early war planes?
« Reply #52 on: February 25, 2001, 02:36:00 PM »
whew! you are a pompous bugger aint ya?   films? LOL, you have films that show how good you are?   Look... you brought up the whole score thing and then showed a bunch of stats that had us in essentially a ded heat flying essentially the same planes now... You just "know" who's best and scores don't mean anything?   Of course they don't mean anything but I'm not the one who posted em am I??? and, if you just wait a bit I am so erratic and careless that you can easily find some tour (i think... i never really check) that will make you look better yet comparitively.  Rank?? What is rank?  How is it figured?   Does it mean anything in light of what we have just said?

 U claim that your point in the whole score thing was to prove that you like to fight as much as I do and that it had nothing to do with who was better.  If you like to fight then I contend that you would be unhappy with the kill per time thingie.  I also contend that your claims of knowing who is better are best left unexamined since you seem to be so touchy about your lack of skill.   I also find it a trifle droll that you left out the bails.   Checking my scores to see if it will give you an advantage in a discussion.....LOL...

Oh... I never did the aca thing in WB.  wasn't that with limited planes and wrong ammo loads or something?

oh, I dont know if I've ever even fought you or deja in the arena.  certainly if we have it left no lasting impression one way or the other.

[This message has been edited by lazs (edited 02-25-2001).]

Offline AKDejaVu

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Early war planes?
« Reply #53 on: February 25, 2001, 02:47:00 PM »
I tried to find his score for the sake of simply having the numbers accurate but he is not listed.

He is "AKSWulfe" in the MA due to id length limits.  I am "AKDjV" in the MA since I re-opened my account in December.

Look the stats up for yourself.

As for what my oppinion is based on what I've said in other threads.. I've never said anything against furballing.  I am simply against having "designated areas" for it.

I've read what you've said in your past posts lazs.. it can be summed up with "prepare to be labeled".



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Early war planes?
« Reply #54 on: February 25, 2001, 03:29:00 PM »
lazs either over there in California they have another language or you just don't understand anything.. like I said in my original post in which I quoted stats, everything someone says just flies right over your head.

I originally said in the beginning that I posted the stats to show you that we both dogfight a lot. THe comparison was to show you that I'm not a strat potato or perk jerk that you labelled me as. Then you took it to a new level. "Oh we both suck" blah blah. Usual drivel.

No, we've never fought in the MA. If you think I care about that, I don't. If I killed you in the MA, don't think for one second the fight was actually worth a second of my time.

Another thing, I don't like the bent wing blue carrier borne plane one bit. I just fly it off of carriers when assistance is needed at a specific field and there is a carrier nearby.

As for the bails bit.. you must be thick or you seem to think that 5 bails really makes much of a difference. Oh no! Not 5 bails, out of 65 fighter sorties....

You're good at manipulating what someone types to your advantage or to try and tell them that they suck.

Sorry lazs, scores prove nothing as far as skill. Only flying shows skill, and that's why I offered films. I never checked your scores to give me any advantage, I compared our scores to show you that we both like to dogfight. Ooooo big advantage. No wait.. what does it prove? Ohhhh that we both like to dogfight.

I suggest you use that last braincell you have and make an attempt at comprehending what someone's point is before you shoot off in some tangent far from where the idea you are "replying" to is trying to go.

"Flying essentially the same planes"... ??? Sorry I've got more sorties in the La5 and P47 than I do in the bent winged piece of sh*t, which is ironically damned easy to fly.

When I posted scores it had absolutely nothing to do with who is better... it was to show you I'm not one of those labels you happily throw around.

Each time you reply to what I say, it's apparent that you don't understand a single word. So here I'll make it easy for you:

Aye poustid the statz tu shou u dat wee boff lik tu dawgfit.

You understand now? I thought so.


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Early war planes?
« Reply #55 on: February 25, 2001, 03:59:00 PM »
Originally posted by AKDejaVu:
it can be summed up with "prepare to be labeled".
And don't forget, he completely misses the point. If he was any further out in left field he would never even see a baseball.


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Early war planes?
« Reply #56 on: February 25, 2001, 09:46:00 PM »
my, touchy little fella eh?  I replied to your comment that we both like to digfite.  showing the stats had nothing to do with that.. I think it's pitiful that neither of us can find a fite.   difference is... you appear to feel that you find all the action you want while I feel that the stats show I don't.  

You seem incapable of following a point. or, of making one.  perhaps your pomposity gets in the way.   I am sure that even someone as self centered as yourself can see that you have been the one doing all the bragging and strutting.   I would never use my, or anyone elses stats in an arguement and then claim I was "much better" especially if it had nothing to do with the discussion.  

If you felt that time per kill was relevant then I suppose you could have just posted that and then I could have shown you how irelevant that was.

If indeed, time per kill was your point then It is pretty lame... poorly thought out so to speak... I would love to get into fights quicker.  the high time to kill just proves my point.   maybe you are happy with it but you certainly can't say that I am.

I am sure tho that we are not comunicating.  I am also quite sure that we would do better in person.   I would enjoy it.