Author Topic: Subscription Rate Change  (Read 644 times)

Offline Pyro

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Subscription Rate Change
« on: August 15, 2001, 09:05:00 AM »
I have some great news for our subscribers and those wishing to subscribe.  Effective today, your monthly subscription rate will no longer be billed at $29.95, but at a new low flat rate of only $14.95.  You do not need to do anything to take advantage of the new rate.  All future billings will automatically switch to the new rate whether you are an existing customer or a new one.  This is not a special or limited offer; it is simply the new pricing structure of Aces High.

We’re pleased to offer this new low rate to you, and you should be aware that as part of the rate change, we are also making a change to our Terms of Service Agreement.  Your monthly subscription fees will no longer be refundable in whole or in part should you delete your account before the end of your billing cycle.  The new Terms of Service will enter into effect at your next billing date.  We will continue to provide our free two week trial to new users.

The new Terms of Service Agreement can be viewed here:

This is an exciting time for us and we’d like to thank everybody for their support in getting us here.  This marks the beginning of a new era in Aces High and will open the doors to many new gameplay choices that we’ll be able to offer.