Author Topic: Fighting in the CT ?  (Read 854 times)

Offline Redd

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Re: Re: Fighting in the CT ?
« Reply #15 on: April 11, 2005, 08:50:56 AM »
Originally posted by Oldman731
Heh.  Always important to remember that no one has yet been given the authority to define - for others - what "good fighting in the CT" means.

I'll bet it's accurate to say that the CT emphasizes air-to-air combat more than the MA, where there's at least an argument that winning the war is important.  Because of this, there's often a bit less emphasis on just shooting down enemas to get them out of the way, and a bit more emphasis on how you shoot them down.

I doubt there is any consensus beyond that.

- oldman

Oldman , what  I do know,  is we have had some great fights    

Can we always fly on opposite sides  ;)
I come from a land downunder

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Fighting in the CT ?
« Reply #16 on: April 11, 2005, 09:22:33 AM »
Originally posted by 1redrum
HELL I WILL BIT ,REDD U HANDED IT TO THEM ONE CHEEK AT A TIME,dont let storches whinnes bother u he just hates losin

Your caps lock is on.

Offline TexMurphy

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Fighting in the CT ?
« Reply #17 on: April 11, 2005, 09:37:04 AM »
My naive assumption would be that a good fight is always a good fight no matter which arena it is in.

Good is a subjective value and hence different for each pilot.

For some pilots a good fight is one that he wins, no matter what.

For some pilots a good fight is where they by X margin out number the enemy.

For some pilots a good fight is where they are out numbered by a margin of X.

For some its just an even fight no matter what the numbers or results.

What each and everyone defines as a good fight is different. The important thing to always keep in mind is that what I define as a good fight and a fun fight is not always the same as my enemy. Most importantly we all have to keep in mind that it is a game and that it has to be fun for everyone that plays it more or less most of the time, if it aint we wount have any players left.

Its easy to point fingers and blame others for the lack of fun one has. We all hear complaints on how HTC implement things. We all hear complaints on "the CT Group" or "the MA group". The important thing inorder to have fun and for everyone to have fun is to respect ones enemy.

Play the game "your way" but respect "other ways".

If you learn to respect other ways of play your are less likely to get frustrated in your own game play.

Personally I hate fighting BnZers. Its the most booring thing there is but I respect it, they enjoy it and its a perfectly valid tactic no problem. I get pissed at dieing to HOs but I respect their choise to HO, its a valid tactic so no problem.

Basicly the only things I have a hard time to respect is when people suicide dive bomb with big level bombers. Reason I have hard time respecting it is due to them playing the game with no respect towards others, exploiting the fact that there is no consequence to loosing planes.

Ohh well back to work.

Ohh before you go. Redd you are one of the most fun pilots for me to fight. I learn something each time I die to you.


Offline Mister Fork

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Fighting in the CT ?
« Reply #18 on: April 11, 2005, 02:32:26 PM »
Redd  -  having flown against you several times (and having me arse shot off a couple of them), I think you understand the CT better than most.

It's a historical arena based on planesets that identify the period.  That being said, this setup, I did a couple of things this setup that I think helps improve gameplay.

Did you know, that auto-AAA (CV ack, puffy ack, and field ack), is set to .15 strength of what the MA is?  

For me, I think .15 is far more realistic. Your plane will be swissed cheezed before it'll take off parts. No more will puffy ack kill you in a single ping.  You can fly through carrier defences and chase ack-huggers. True combat IMHO.

Also, you'll find that pilots in the CT are of two levels:
1. Newbies trying Aces High for the first time and find the small arena a great learning ground.  Get thier experience then move to the MA or stick around and grow.
2. Aces High Veterans.  I'm in this model. I consider myself a JABO expert - been bombing and attacking ground targets for almost 5 years in Aces High (geez, has it been that long?) Nothing I can't hit, flatten, or destroy on the ground with the right tool for the period.  Give me a Stuka, Ju-88, Bf-110, 190F-8, Jug, P-51/38, or any attack aircraft, and I'll flatten the target.  I'm an ok stick for dogfighting, but not the best like VWE, Frency, or Drex.

There is no magic method to fly in the CT. It's all personal preference, attitude, and luck. :)
"Games are meant to be fun and fair but fighting a war is neither." - HiTech

Offline Redd

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Fighting in the CT ?
« Reply #19 on: April 11, 2005, 03:36:57 PM »
ok ok , I am enlightened

Larry has agreed to work with me on my bad habits

Thread finished    :)
I come from a land downunder

Offline Redd

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Fighting in the CT ?
« Reply #20 on: April 12, 2005, 05:53:52 AM »
Originally posted by Mister Fork
Redd  -  having flown against you several times (and having me arse shot off a couple of them), I think you understand the CT better than most.

It's a historical arena based on planesets that identify the period.  That being said, this setup, I did a couple of things this setup that I think helps improve gameplay.

Did you know, that auto-AAA (CV ack, puffy ack, and field ack), is set to .15 strength of what the MA is?  

For me, I think .15 is far more realistic. Your plane will be swissed cheezed before it'll take off parts. No more will puffy ack kill you in a single ping.  You can fly through carrier defences and chase ack-huggers. True combat IMHO.

Also, you'll find that pilots in the CT are of two levels:
1. Newbies trying Aces High for the first time and find the small arena a great learning ground.  Get thier experience then move to the MA or stick around and grow.
2. Aces High Veterans.  I'm in this model. I consider myself a JABO expert - been bombing and attacking ground targets for almost 5 years in Aces High (geez, has it been that long?) Nothing I can't hit, flatten, or destroy on the ground with the right tool for the period.  Give me a Stuka, Ju-88, Bf-110, 190F-8, Jug, P-51/38, or any attack aircraft, and I'll flatten the target.  I'm an ok stick for dogfighting, but not the best like VWE, Frency, or Drex.


Fork I don't know Frency,  but I've heard of Drex , although I think he's just some sort of mythical figment. as I have never actually seen him...... and I saw the callsign VWE  in one of my films but it said he was one of my mates.

There was about 6 of my mates(M8) all on the ground and he was one of them. I think they might have been at a BBQ, as they were in a forest lighting a fire.
« Last Edit: April 12, 2005, 05:57:01 AM by Redd »
I come from a land downunder


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Fighting in the CT ?
« Reply #21 on: April 12, 2005, 07:11:25 AM »
Originally posted by Redd
Fork I don't know Frency,  but I've heard of Drex , although I think he's just some sort of mythical figment. as I have never actually seen him...... and I saw the callsign VWE  in one of my films but it said he was one of my mates.

There was about 6 of my mates(M8) all on the ground and he was one of them. I think they might have been at a BBQ, as they were in a forest lighting a fire.
