It killed all the French, but we acted just in time - coal was banned!
Well, not really. In the 1950s, air pollution was a major concern - the old pea souper fogs/smogs in London...
So new regulations came into force, and for solid fuel we had to burn a coal based product called Rexco, which was a smokeless fuel.
I'm glad those days are behind us. Apart from the hassle of lighting the fire each morning, there was the disposal of ashes, having a chimney sweep come to clean the chimneys. There would be lots of dust.
But then we got natural gas and central heating.
An automatic timer controls everything - heat, hot water - no work, no dust! I love lying in bed on a winter's morning, and at 6am hearing the circulation pump start up, followed shortly thereafter by the "whump" as the gas boiler fires up.
Coal? bah... miners' strike, 3-day week, power cuts, Arthur Scargill.... there - I've done my best to rope Dowding into this thread.