Author Topic: Version 2.03 Released  (Read 3053 times)

Offline Pyro

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Version 2.03 Released
« on: April 12, 2005, 09:44:51 AM »
Version 2.03 is now available for download via the autoupdater or on the downloads page.  The update from 2.02 Patch 4 is about 37 MB.  If you are running with a max texture size of 1024, you will need to download the new hi-res texture pack from the downloads page.

Version 2.03 Changes

Focke Wolf 190-A8, A5, F8, and D9 shapes were updated.  Waffle provided the excellent
skins for these planes as well as putting in some additional details into the interior

Added a new command to report abuses of the voice and text radio systems.  Abuses
can be reported by right clicking the players game ID on the roster, or by using
the .report XXXX command to report text abuses and the .vreport XXXX to report
voice abuses.  The XXXX in those commands represents the player's ID.  Abuses of the
radio and chat systems or abuses of the reporting system will result in a loss of
use of those systems.

Each country's icons can now be individually adjusted for all 3 countries on the clipboard

Created new terrain tiles with new trees and other objects.  Note:  all old terrains
that had any shapes built into them are no longer compatible.  The shapes must be reimported
for the terrain to be made compatible again.

Added new field maps.

Added a new pylon system that hides or displays bomb racks, rocket rails, gun barrels,
etc. according to what armament is loaded.  This system is only available on planes
that have been overhauled to AH2 standards.

The mouse wheels now causes list boxes in the game to scroll.

Drones now display the selected skin rather than the default skin in films.

Added a new radio channel.  Channel 6 is now the "Help" channel.  This channel is
a questions and answers channel for new users and vets who wish to help them.  Use
of this channel for other than its intended purposes could cause loss of all
radio priviledges.

The .showjoin command now saves your preference between sessions.

Revised the plane explosion effects.

P-38J now stays selected on the plane selection list.

Made a change to the layout of the field gunner selection menu.

Fixed a bug that caused the film viewer to crash when terrain was changed in the viewer.

Fixed a bug that was causing voice drop-outs.

Restructured the graphics engine to support more vertices with less memory.

Fixed a user interface bug that could cause a CDT by typing excessive characters into a dialog box.

Random vehicle spawn radius has been increased to 500 yards.  

Fixed a shading bug on hills.

Fixed some road bugs that caused convoys not to follow the road correctly.

Fixed a blast radius bug on weapons causing port acks to be difficult to be destroyed.

Fixed it so that troops can now be killed by a weapons blast damage.

Fixed some 88mm gun positions that weren't firing.