Author Topic: New Theory on the Attackers  (Read 3886 times)

Offline Rocket

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New Theory on the Attackers
« on: September 11, 2001, 11:44:00 AM »
Followers of Timothy McViegh are going to step up and stun the nation and the world by claiming this as a victory for Tim.  After he showed that an American can be a terrorist in his own country, fanatical followers have shown that together they can wreck havoc on a nation.  There is enough money, pilots, and people smart enough to plan it to be able to pull it off.  Don't count it out until the investigation is over  :(  :(

Think before you go off on an overseas source for the attack.  As sick as it sounds Tim did it.. anyone else could too  :(  :(  :(


Offline Maverick

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New Theory on the Attackers
« Reply #1 on: September 11, 2001, 11:55:00 AM »

I don't think you are correct. This is an act requiring far greater assets and planning. Suicide missions also are NOT the modis operandi of home grown militants. They want to be alive to SEE and know what they have done.

Second point is this is the SECOND attack on the WTC. The first was traced to bin ladin's organization. He may have decided to go back and make a better effort this time.

PS before you start deciding to condem your fellow Americans remember the constitution and the lawful basis of our country. There IS a presumption of innocence. If you start to deny our citizens freedom out of fear you compound the impact of the cowards acts.

I can't help but think this is a response to the US not supporting the racist accusations against Isreal. The fact that the Isreali's have secured ALL their embasies leads me to believe they may have some knowledge of who is behind todays acts.


[ 09-11-2001: Message edited by: Maverick ]
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Offline Dowding

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New Theory on the Attackers
« Reply #2 on: September 11, 2001, 12:00:00 PM »
I can't help but think this is a response to the US not supporting the racist accusations against Isreal.

They could not organise something like this in a couple of days, Maverick. This was probably years in preparation.
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Offline Fjoder

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New Theory on the Attackers
« Reply #3 on: September 11, 2001, 12:01:00 PM »
Maverick who says the Israelis knows who did it? nobody has claimed being responsible for the terror attack.

If they did you dont think they would have told the US goverment?

They are closing down everything outside Israel for security reasons,
they have no idea who did it, but if it was palestinian groups Israel or israeli interest may be the next victims.

Offline Rocket

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New Theory on the Attackers
« Reply #4 on: September 11, 2001, 12:09:00 PM »
Mav my point is this.

Too damn many people on this board and elsewhere are screamin bomb the toejam outta any islamic country.  Don't think about it just do it.
I just wanted to see what would be said or happen if I posted up a different idea than the norm on this.

I do want to see who is really responsible for this and I do want to see justice done.  But remember in the US EVERYONE is presumed innocent until proven guilty.. this goes for alleged terrorist too.  


Offline Sancho

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New Theory on the Attackers
« Reply #5 on: September 11, 2001, 12:12:00 PM »
McVeigh attacked the Federal Building in OK City to hurt the government and viewed the killing of civilians as unfortunate "collateral damage".  This attack was obviously intended to kill as many civilians as possible.  To me, it doesn't follow that the "followers of McVeigh"--whoever that is--people who've got some beef with our government--would intentionally target innocent Americans on this level.

Offline JG_Sunbird

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New Theory on the Attackers
« Reply #6 on: September 11, 2001, 12:25:00 PM »
All it takes,  a couple of fanatics trained in lethal combat without weapons, 2 weeks of MICROSOFT CIVIL FLIGHTSIMULATION, a seceatary who makes the flightschedul, and there you go!

Not massiv powerforces with alot of money behind this, as they are saying in the media...

Offline AKSWulfe

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New Theory on the Attackers
« Reply #7 on: September 11, 2001, 12:35:00 PM »
When Timothy McVeigh bombed the Ok. City building, were there Palistinian or other Arabic/Islamic (I'm sorry, I have no idea what the difference is, nor am I 'lumping' them all together) cheering for his act of terrorism?

I'm not discounting that it couldn't be an American, but everything I've seen developing over the years and past occurances is pointing towards a foreign (perhaps Middle Eastern) terrorist group that did this.

If it's a foreign terrorist group, particularly Middle Eastern, don't think this is all to it. There will be more if it isn't stopped, and it will only get worse.

I'm sure all of you have heard of bio-logical warfare, the newest fad amongst terrorist groups.

Do you have any idea how UNDER-equipped and UNDER-prepared the USA is for that kind of an attack?

If today's attack was any indication of what can happen, then I think it might be time to move to Alaska.

Just my opinion of course.

[ 09-11-2001: Message edited by: SWulfe ]

Offline Dune

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New Theory on the Attackers
« Reply #8 on: September 11, 2001, 12:36:00 PM »
My guess would be closer to 50 to 100 involved in the planning and at least 3 to 4 for each plane.

You need at least 1 to pilot, perhaps 2 in case the first is incapacitated.  Then you need 1 or 2 to control the passengers while the pilot flies.

While it's true that airport security is hardly airtight, think of the planning it took to get all four teams in place.  We have not heard of any teams of terrorists who were prevented from getting onboard.  Until we do, we must assume that only 4 were planned and all 4 were succesful.  

The amount of planning for something like this must be staggaring.  They took planes from 2 different airlines and 2 (3?) different airports.  Each airline and each airport would have differences in security procedures which would have to be scouted throroughly.

This has been in the works for months.  And it would be easy to just say that someone in the counter-terrorist community screwed the pooch.  However, the alternative is even more frightening.  What if they did their job? What if the bad guys either found a whole in the system or maintained such security that we had no way of seeing it?

Money, time, planning, skills to fly a 757, willingness to die, knowledge of airport security, coolness to get aboard the planes, timing and coordination in the extreme, and the list goes on.  This is not the work of a bunch of whackos with a cheap alarm clock and some dynamite.  This was a professionally done attack.

Offline Maverick

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New Theory on the Attackers
« Reply #9 on: September 11, 2001, 01:16:00 PM »

My remarks regarding the Isreali actions is not intended to sday I think they had knowlege BEFORE the attack. I think, given their experiances, they have an idea of who could and would do this type of thing.

Rocket, I still think a much larger organization than a local militant group is the LIKELY responsible party. The WTC is also an unlikely target for those types of sick amazinhunks. The UN would be much more likely.

Given the amount of planing NEEDED for this scale of operation it is likely to be a well funded and large group.

There is much terrorism in this sad world of ours but fortunately few have exported it. They are the most likely suspects at this time. Again I want to reiterate that this is the SECOND attack at the WTC and bin ladin was named as responsible for the first after much investigation. Given the previous attack and his prediction of further attacks on US soil he is going to be at the top of the list.

At this time, as I said in other threads, it is time to slow down, treat our wounded and let those who have a job to do get to it and determine who our target really is.

If you want to help, contact the Red Cross and volunteer, donate blood and pray.

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Offline Ghosth

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New Theory on the Attackers
« Reply #10 on: September 11, 2001, 01:24:00 PM »
Today is not the day for thoughts of revenge and justice. Time will tell who is responsible.

Today is a day for remorse & mourning. For prayer & introspection. For healing our shattered & wounded nation & people.

Revenge is a dish best served cold, there will be time enough for that later.

Offline Rocket

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New Theory on the Attackers
« Reply #11 on: September 11, 2001, 01:30:00 PM »
Ghosth well said.
Mav you and I are coming to the same point.  I just went about it differently.  Many are saying nuke all arabs, etc.  Let's find out who exactly did this.  Investigate this fully, find out, then take the appropriate measures!


Offline Eagler

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New Theory on the Attackers
« Reply #12 on: September 11, 2001, 01:32:00 PM »
Originally posted by JG_Sunbird:
All it takes,  a couple of fanatics trained in lethal combat without weapons, 2 weeks of MICROSOFT CIVIL FLIGHTSIMULATION, a seceatary who makes the flightschedul, and there you go!

Not massiv powerforces with alot of money behind this, as they are saying in the media...

thank God it's not that simple..

for one they needed help from the ground crews in stowing the weapons on board the planes b4 takeoff at 4 different airports, means of communications, etc..

big dollars backing this attack and plenty of time to coordinate it - don't fool yourself.
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Offline CyranoAH

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New Theory on the Attackers
« Reply #13 on: September 11, 2001, 01:43:00 PM »
My father said something with which I agree: FIRE everybody in charge of arab affairs at the CIA!

Something this big and no one had heard nothing??

Daniel, aka Cyrano

Offline Maverick

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New Theory on the Attackers
« Reply #14 on: September 11, 2001, 04:24:00 PM »
Originally posted by CyranoAH:
My father said something with which I agree: FIRE everybody in charge of arab affairs at the CIA!

Something this big and no one had heard nothing??

Daniel, aka Cyrano


I have a better idea. Take the supervisors over the the WTC and let them spend 2 days looking for survivors. THEN send them back to work. I'd bet we'd get more done than just canning them.

A Veteran - whether active duty, retired, national guard or reserve - is someone who, at one point in their life, wrote a check made payable to "The United States of America", for an amount of "up to and including my life."
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