Author Topic: Cowardice?  (Read 4312 times)

Offline Mighty1

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« Reply #30 on: September 12, 2001, 01:53:00 PM »

If you beleive with all your heart you will go to heaven then how brave is it to kill yourself?

No there was no courage on the part of the terrorist.

Courage came from the people who tried to help others only to lose their own lives.

These terrorist were only thinking of themselfs and their own fate. Cowards to the end.
I have been reborn a new man!

Notice I never said a better man.

Offline Snoopi

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« Reply #31 on: September 12, 2001, 11:48:00 PM »
I see a lot of mention that the terrorists who commit these type of acts ,if they are muslim, believe they go to meet "Allah"

Well.. that's not really the case.

According to its teachings, aggression against human life is the second greatest sin in the sight of Allah,
second only to denial of Him.  

"It is not permissible for the Muslim to frighten his brother."
The sin of murder is not limited to the murderer alone.  Each individual who participated in this crime, by deed, or by word, will be the recipient of Allah's punishment in proportion to his
share in it.
Even a person who happened to be at the scene of the murder will receive a share of the sin for not defending the victim.

The Qur'an declares, "..If anyone
kills a person for any reason other than for (the killing of) a
person or for sowing corruption in the land, it will be as if he
had killed the whole of mankind."  (5:32)

In other words...
Unless you kill a murderer (eye for an eye) or kill somone who is "sowing corruption in the land"... you commit a huge sin.

It's not that terrorists (if devout muslim) think they get an express ticket to heaven by
killing people.
It is just that they believe they are not committing a sin by doing so, since the "enemy" is believed "sowing corruption in the land".

There is a big difference.

Anyone who knows anything about the muslim religion realizes it is very similar to Christianity and Judaism and even Rastafarianism.

If I understand correctly..
Rastas came from Christianity which came from Jesus, A Jew, who were a tribe of Arabs which is where Islam comes from. (Started around 600 a.d.)

Religion is NOT the problem.
Catholics, Protestants,Jews,Muslims have been killing each other for millennia.
It has nothing to do with the religion, and everything to do with people of all races, creeds etc. who are sick and twisted teaching more people to be sick and twisted.
There are extreme sects of muslims who "reinterpret" the Koran just like there are Christian sects.

The quicker people stop thinking of the the general, decent Arab population of the world as 3rd class, the faster this problem will go away. No hatred/bias=no brainwashed idiots

[ 09-13-2001: Message edited by: Snoopi ]

Offline bowser

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« Reply #32 on: September 13, 2001, 06:17:00 PM »
"...I look at it simply as this... giving your life in support of a cause takes courage...".

The problem with this argument is that you assume they view death the same as you and me.  If you knew a little bit more about their religion, you would know that they do not fear dying because they truly believe they are going to a better place.  They believe they will become martyrs here on earth and have all sorts of gifts, wives, etc. bestowed upon them where they are going.  Quite enticing to them actually.  So courage?  Crazy as loons?...yes.


Offline Sandman

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« Reply #33 on: September 13, 2001, 06:19:00 PM »
Bowser... that is a common misconception about Islamic beliefs.

Offline bowser

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« Reply #34 on: September 14, 2001, 08:06:00 PM »
Killing innocent people is also against Islamic beliefs.

Islamic teachings and principles can be ignored, twisted, etc. just like any other religion.  We're talking about fanatics here, who have little relation to Islam.  

On 60 Minutes a few weeks ago was the story of the suicide bomber who blew up the bus in downtown Jerusalum about a month ago.  Explained how they are chosen, why they do it, their beliefs, etc.  Quite enlightening.


Offline easymo

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« Reply #35 on: September 14, 2001, 08:47:00 PM »
Got to go with sandman on this one. Civilians measure soldiers by there courage.  Soldiers measure soldiers by there efficiency. Courage is a given (when was the last time you heard of to great armys meeting on a battlefield and running away from each other.)  These guys killed over 4000 people with box openers. This makes the extermination of there associates all the more important.

Offline capt. apathy

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« Reply #36 on: September 14, 2001, 08:50:00 PM »
If I understand correctly..
Rastas came from Christianity which came from Jesus, A Jew, who were a tribe of Arabs which is where Islam comes from. (Started around 600 a.d.)

The Jews and Arabs are both descendants of Abraham. I’m guessing on the date here but if I remember right it's about 4,000 BC)

God promised Abraham a son and this son was promised many blessings, one of these being promised the land of Israel (or if you prefer Palestine).

According to the Bible (not sure what the Koran says) Abraham had 2 sons, Isaac from his wife, and Ishmael from his wife’s maid.

Jews (and Christians) claim the blessing and the land of Israel as their birthright because Isaac was Abraham’s legitimate son by his wife.

Arabs claim the blessing because Ishmael was Abraham’s first born son.

As I understand it both religions believe in the same god. They are just still arguing over inheritance 6,000 years later.

Offline Snoopi

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« Reply #37 on: September 15, 2001, 11:19:00 PM »
Thanks for the post Capt. Apathy !

I know that Mohammed (Islamic Prophet) was born around 580 A.D. so i guess Islam in it's current form dates from then.
When reading some Islamic "passages" I did find it interesting that Mohammed alters/reinterprets some of the teachings of Allah. From what I read this is where the fundamentalist interpretation about Holy War comes from.

To me it's like the old campfire game of telling a story through a circle of people.
When it gets to the end, the true meaning gets lost. I've always thought this was the problem with the Bible, Koran, Torah etc.
Supposedly the original versions of the have God as gender neutral. But the word "He" was used by men who translated it.

Hey Easymo !  Long time. Nice to see your post !

Offline easymo

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« Reply #38 on: September 15, 2001, 11:24:00 PM »
Hey" Snoop.

Offline Hajo

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« Reply #39 on: September 15, 2001, 11:57:00 PM »
The attackers were cowards, plain and simple.  It takes no courage to kill men women and children walking along a street, sitting in a cafe, or working in an Office Building.  As a matter of fact these so called "martyrs" are of the most ignorant breeed yet!  And so are those that went before them for Osama Binladen.  The laughs on them. seems that they are the ones doing the one way sucide attacks to be martyrs, and he's safe and sound with nary a scratch.  Seems that if I was inquiring about joining one of his terrorist cells I'd be askin "Why ain't Osama dead"?  LOL guess he's a great salesman and cons others into doing his dirty work for him.  They do the dying, he digs deep holes in Afghanistan.
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