Author Topic: Terrorist Attacks: here's what I know...  (Read 1020 times)

Offline flakbait

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Terrorist Attacks: here's what I know...
« on: September 12, 2001, 12:32:00 AM »
2,100 wounded or dead, 600 in NYC area hospitals. 266 dead onboard all four aircraft that crashed. No attack on Camp David has been on the news. Fires still burning in the Pentagon. Casualties unknown, but an AP report from New York said that 800 are dead.

50,000 people work inside both towers on a typical day, with another 100,000 people that visit, tour the building, or simply pick up a cup of coffee.

American Airlines Flight 11 is possibly the aircraft that hit Tower One. United Airlines Flight 175 is most likely the aircraft which hit Tower Two. AA Flight 77 is believed to be the aircraft that hit the Pentagon. UA Flight 93 crashed 80 miles outside Pittsburgh.

Two aircraft carriers and five guided missile destroyers have been stationed off the East Coast. USS Enterprise is still in the Persian Gulf, it was scheduled to rotate home.

Bomb detonations near an Afghanistan airfield were reportedly directed against one of Bin Ladin's enemies. Another story coming out is that a helicopter attacked an ammo dump near the airfield. So far, everyone in that area is denying they had anything to do with it. They were not caused by US involvement though, that much is fact.

Russian President Vladimir Putin expressed his condolences, calling it all "terrible trageties".

British Prime Minister Tony Blair said "This mass terrorism is the new evil in our world today. It is perpetrated by fanatics who are utterly indifferent to the sanctity of human life, and we the democracies of this world are going to have to come together and fight it together."

French President Jacqes Chirac called it "monstrous". "France has just learned of these monstrous attacks, there is no other word for it, that have hit America."

Yasser Arafat followed events in his Gaza City office "I send my condolences to the president, the government and the people for this terrible incident. We are completely shocked, it's unbelievable."

One German commentator said "This is pure mass murder". I think he's right.

In the West Bank city of Nablus, Palestinians celebrated this horrid event by chanting "God is Great" and handing out candy.

I have to admit, it's the last thing I expected to see today. Rip, you said you've got a sister out in that area; I pray she's alright.

Flakbait [Delta6]
Delta Six's Flight School