Author Topic: Nearly 2 years later  (Read 2008 times)

Offline Pongo

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Nearly 2 years later
« Reply #75 on: April 29, 2005, 01:35:22 AM »
Originally posted by Lizard3
No Pongo, answer the question. What is your point?

Seriously, did you post all that just to start an argument. Is that what you enjoy doing? It isn't a legitimate thread because all it says is Americans are Stupid. Fact is, we do not hold a monopoly. So, whats yer point? Felt frisky? Pissed at the ex.?

This flamebait crap should be beneath you. Discussing why people around the world believe certain things that are or could be in your opinion false would work, or something along those lines, but to just (almost) come right out and say "AMericanos are STUPID" is retarded on a number of levels. Just because that type of thing, and not just pointed at Americans, goes on everyday here, does not make it right.

Your idea of entertainment is wrong, neighbor.

I dont know what you read.
" Nearly 2 years later

70 % of americans thought Iraq behind 9/11 2 years after the attack

and nearly 4 years after 911 I wonder how many still think that Iraq was involved?"
there is what I wrote.
Ill tell my ex wife you asked after her.
You want to take a shot at my kids too buddy?

Offline Momus--

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Nearly 2 years later
« Reply #76 on: April 29, 2005, 04:59:53 AM »
Originally posted by Elfie
Yes, both VX gas and Mustard gas would still be viable, depending on the purity of the chemicals used to produce them. The VX gas even with the purest of chemicals will have it's shelf life expire soon I think. Mustard gas can remain viable for much longer. The precursors that are unaccounted for could be used to make *fresh* munitions iirc.

Iraq never succeeded in making VX in any significant quantity though:

Producing significant stocks of VX for use on weapons that would still be viable today would have required an advance in CW technology that Iraq did not demonstrate...Indeed, the glass-lined production equipment turned over to UNSCOM by Iraq in 1996 was intended for large-scale VX production, but it had never been used. In addition, the fact that UNSCOM conducted numerous inspections of ammunition depots, chemical production plants, and potential storage areas, using some of the most sensitive chemical detection technology available, and found no trace of CW agent minimizes the likelihood that Iraq maintains any significant stockpile of VX weapons.

As for mustard gas, I think the threat is being overstated:

The other issue is the mustard-filled artillery shells. Iraq declared to UNSCOM that it had a stockpile of 13,500 such shells on the eve of the Persian Gulf War. UNSCOM supervised the destruction of 12,747 of these shells, and Iraq declared that the remaining shells had been destroyed by aerial bombardment of two storage sites during Desert Storm. UNSCOM could find no evidence of any destroyed 155 mm shells at the main storage area, but it did discover four intact artillery shells lying on the ground in one of the storage sites. The mustard was tested and found to be 94-97 percent pure—a viable weapon. Given the purity of the mustard, UNSCOM made finding the remaining shells a priority.

Iraq denies having retained these shells; but regardless, a few hundred 155 mm mustard shells have little military value on the modern battlefield. A meaningful CW attack using artillery requires thousands of rounds. Retention of such a limited number of shells makes no sense and cannot be viewed as a serious threat.

Offline Elfie

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« Reply #77 on: April 29, 2005, 01:46:47 PM »
Iraq never succeeded in making VX in any significant quantity though:

1.5 tons of what they did make is unaccounted for. When you consider that it only takes one small drop to kill you, (10 milligrams), I would call 1.5 tons significant.

Mustard gas isnt nearly as dangerous as VX gas is. I am far less concerned about the whereabouts of 550 artillery shells filled with Mustard gas than I am about 1.5 tons of VX gas.

UNSCOM estimated that by 1991, Iraq could have produced between 50 and 100 tons of VX gas. By 1998, UNSCOM estimated that Iraq was capable of producing 200 tons. Iraq at first told UNSCOM that it had only produced 240 kilograms of VX, but in 1996 admitted that it had produced 3.9 tons. Iraq provided documents stating that 2.4 tons of VX were produced in 1988 and the remainder in 1990. Iraq explained this low volume by claiming that it had scaled-up all its chemical weapons processes at al-Muthanna except VX, a claim UNSCOM rejected as incompatible with Iraq's massive R&D efforts.

Iraq admits to making 3.9 tons of the stuff of which 1.5 tons is still unaccounted for. This stuff needs to be accounted for, it's far to dangerous not make sure it's accounted for.
Corkyjr on country jumping:
In the end you should be thankful for those players like us who switch to try and help keep things even because our willingness to do so, helps a more selfish, I want it my way player, get to fly his latewar uber ride.

Offline Cobra412

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Nearly 2 years later
« Reply #78 on: April 29, 2005, 02:03:07 PM »
I'm just curious but why the hell does a Canadian care what the US and it's citizens think in the first place? It's clearly obvious the position that the Canadians have taken. So in the end this is clearly a troll. The original poster is simply looking to start a fight.

Do us all a favor. Take your rotten bait and go fish somewhere else. We already know your position when it comes to the subject and there's really no need to discuss it anymore.

Offline Elfie

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« Reply #79 on: April 29, 2005, 02:11:22 PM »
For example,
detainee debriefs allowed ISG to confirm the use of
the chemical agent VX during the Iran-Iraq war and
the use of nerve agent in Karbala during the Shia
uprising following the 1991 war.

I think Iraq would have had to manufacture significant amounts of VX gas in order to be able to deploy it on a battlefield.
Corkyjr on country jumping:
In the end you should be thankful for those players like us who switch to try and help keep things even because our willingness to do so, helps a more selfish, I want it my way player, get to fly his latewar uber ride.

Offline Elfie

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« Reply #80 on: April 29, 2005, 02:17:26 PM »
Originally posted by Cobra412
I'm just curious but why the hell does a Canadian care what the US and it's citizens think in the first place? It's clearly obvious the position that the Canadians have taken. So in the end this is clearly a troll. The original poster is simply looking to start a fight.

Do us all a favor. Take your rotten bait and go fish somewhere else. We already know your position when it comes to the subject and there's really no need to discuss it anymore.

Gotta say I agree with that, especially since that exact same article was linked to and discussed a long time ago on these very same boards.
Corkyjr on country jumping:
In the end you should be thankful for those players like us who switch to try and help keep things even because our willingness to do so, helps a more selfish, I want it my way player, get to fly his latewar uber ride.

Offline Lizard3

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Nearly 2 years later
« Reply #81 on: April 29, 2005, 05:25:44 PM »
Originally posted by Pongo
I dont know what you read.
" Nearly 2 years later

70 % of americans thought Iraq behind 9/11 2 years after the attack

and nearly 4 years after 911 I wonder how many still think that Iraq was involved?"
there is what I wrote.
Ill tell my ex wife you asked after her.
You want to take a shot at my kids too buddy?

Uh, I don't know what I read either. Jeez, flowers and love are all over your post.

Pongo, I didn't ask after yer ex, I asked after YOU.

You going to answer my question?

Whats the point Pongo?

If you hate America, Americans and all things south of your border so much, why don't you just ignore us. We don't hate you.

Offline bunch

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Nearly 2 years later
« Reply #82 on: April 30, 2005, 01:33:35 AM »
hahahaahhaah ben johnson sux!!!!!!!

Offline Pongo

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« Reply #83 on: April 30, 2005, 11:42:56 AM »
Originally posted by Lizard3
Uh, I don't know what I read either. Jeez, flowers and love are all over your post.

Pongo, I didn't ask after yer ex, I asked after YOU.

You going to answer my question?

Whats the point Pongo?

If you hate America, Americans and all things south of your border so much, why don't you just ignore us. We don't hate you.

Must have been another liz that wrote this."So, whats yer point? Felt frisky? Pissed at the ex.? "

Your attack has been answered.

Do you have another attack to make or are you just going to recycle the same one?
Why do you feel so strongly about the topic? Does it make you feel personlly stupid that so many americans believed this? Its not a supprise or anything, many here on this board believed it and attacked those of us that questioned it just like you are atacking me now.

As to why anyone outside the US should care about this, well because that 70% was used to go to war. Period.

It was an absolute necessity for this missconception to exist. Why? Because Bushes mandate to wage war from congress was to wage a war on "terror"
The ability to create a missled ground swell of support based on missleading associations of 911 and Iraq gave Bush the support he needed to sell the invasion of Iraq as part of the war on Terror.

Anyone against it was against the war on terrror.
Has that postion changed?

Offline Cobra412

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Nearly 2 years later
« Reply #84 on: April 30, 2005, 03:59:26 PM »
Again how does that affect you? Your not there putting your arse on the line over there. Your sitting at home year around in your comfy lounge chair. Oh wait it's affecting your gas prices.

Oh and we can't forget now you care about the innocent citizens of Iraq and whether they might die. Disregard the fact they were dying in droves under the old regime and by the order of the old regime if anyone spoke out against them. I wonder how well such a policy would go in Canada if your government killed or jailed you for just speaking out against them. Wait I forgot you don't have to worry about that because your free to speak your own mind even if it is against your goverment. Must be nice to have that freedom isn't it?

If your really that ignorant to think the US government made a decision based on a poll to invade Iraq you might need a reality check. Yeah they do listen to the voices of America but they are far from the deciding factor of whether or not to go to war. Especially considering the average American knows little to nothing about the threats that are actually out there. I can say without a doubt that very few Americans are even aware that their communities may have people in them that have links to known terrorists.

Simple fact is yes it is possible Iraq could have very well been involved in such an attack. Is it likely they were involved, no. You could sit here and post a thousand polls but if the people responding to the polls know little to nothing about the subject then the poll is worthless.

Offline Lizard3

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Nearly 2 years later
« Reply #85 on: May 01, 2005, 02:45:19 AM »
Originally posted by Pongo
Must have been another liz that wrote this."So, whats yer point? Felt frisky? Pissed at the ex.? "

Your attack has been answered.

Do you have another attack to make or are you just going to recycle the same one?
Why do you feel so strongly about the topic? Does it make you feel personlly stupid that so many americans believed this? Its not a supprise or anything, many here on this board believed it and attacked those of us that questioned it just like you are atacking me now.

As to why anyone outside the US should care about this, well because that 70% was used to go to war. Period.

It was an absolute necessity for this missconception to exist. Why? Because Bushes mandate to wage war from congress was to wage a war on "terror"
The ability to create a missled ground swell of support based on missleading associations of 911 and Iraq gave Bush the support he needed to sell the invasion of Iraq as part of the war on Terror.

Anyone against it was against the war on terrror.
Has that postion changed?

OOOOOOO! Attack!(?) LOL

I think you just explained that what yer really pissed about is that us merikons were lied to and despite all the evidence presented to us by all you concerned folks we still (70%) believe the lie. That really gets yer goat? Not only that, but us retards actually voted the lier BACK into office. Is that what yer sayin?

I think you just wanted to start some flamefest crap, for whatever motivation. Pongo, I've frequently disagreed with some of you opinions and somewhat with your methodology but this is goofy. Step up out of the muck and clean yer shoes off.

Offline Silat

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« Reply #86 on: May 01, 2005, 02:49:59 AM »
Originally posted by Lizard3
OOOOOOO! Attack!(?) LOL

I think you just explained that what yer really pissed about is that us merikons were lied to and despite all the evidence presented to us by all you concerned folks we still (70%) believe the lie. That really gets yer goat? Not only that, but us retards actually voted the lier BACK into office. Is that what yer sayin?

Ummm arent you pissed about it too? :D
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Offline Elfie

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« Reply #87 on: May 01, 2005, 03:16:27 AM »
Originally posted by Silat
Ummm arent you pissed about it too? :D

Stop stirring the pot! :D
Corkyjr on country jumping:
In the end you should be thankful for those players like us who switch to try and help keep things even because our willingness to do so, helps a more selfish, I want it my way player, get to fly his latewar uber ride.

Offline Lizard3

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« Reply #88 on: May 01, 2005, 08:59:56 PM »
Originally posted by Silat
Ummm arent you pissed about it too? :D

In a word, no.

Offline FT_Animal

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Nearly 2 years later
« Reply #89 on: May 01, 2005, 10:57:16 PM »
Originally posted by VOR
Saddam didn't know a thing about 911. He would have warned us if he had.

 It's common knowledge that he was trying to turn over a new leaf after GW1 and he really was just a cooperative, misunderstood man.

Saddam awoke the morning of 911 just as shocked and speechless as I did since his own intelligence assets were busy ensuring compliance with UN 1441.

Saddam is a victim.

Where exactly do you get your information?

How do you know how Saddam felt about it on 911?

What the heck makes you think he'd warn us, after we went into Iraq in 91? That's plain ol silly. sorry but it is.