Author Topic: Nearly 2 years later  (Read 2007 times)

Offline SLO

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Nearly 2 years later
« Reply #45 on: April 27, 2005, 05:32:59 AM »
Originally posted by Masherbrum
Imagine the UN stalling, and allowing the WMD's to be trafficked to other countries.   We wouldn't want to post that now, would we?


Saddam was a "menace" to his OWN country and those in the immediate area around Iraq...

he was no threat you, but he did threaten your INTERESTS, eventually you will grasp that concept...

Offline Mighty1

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Nearly 2 years later
« Reply #46 on: April 27, 2005, 09:19:45 AM »
Originally posted by Mini D
This view is changed depending on who's arguing what point. 49% of America was smart enough to realize Bush needed to be replaced, but 79% of America is dumb enough to actually believe Sadaam was behind the bombings.

Get it right! 49% of those who took the time to vote voted for someone who couldn't come up with a campain better than "I'm not Bush".

51% that chose to vote voted for Bush because they either thought he was a good president or that he was the lesser of 2 evils.

As far as the 79% that thought Sadaam was behind 9/11 I just wonder who they polled because I don't know of ANYONE around here who actually believes that.
I have been reborn a new man!

Notice I never said a better man.

Offline Masherbrum

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Nearly 2 years later
« Reply #47 on: April 27, 2005, 09:43:56 AM »
Originally posted by SLO
Saddam was a "menace" to his OWN country and those in the immediate area around Iraq...

he was no threat you, but he did threaten your INTERESTS, eventually you will grasp that concept...

Actually, France, Germany and Russia made more off of Iraq than anyone else.   I never said he was a threat to the US.  The above countries had more "Interest" in Iraq.  The gravytrain ground to a halt.  

Oh, at least you are trying to save face on the free health care.  LMAO, you guys have to wait 6 months to get a physical.   Shovel more watermelon SLO, you do it better than anyone else.

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Offline Pongo

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Nearly 2 years later
« Reply #48 on: April 27, 2005, 11:01:18 AM »
it cant be true, its was a tricky question, it was in the wrong paper, if you ask about it you hate america.
Wonder why so many were brainwashed or self deluded.
Steve implies its inaccurate but he was right here on these boards while it was demonstrated that a huge chunk of americans right here believed every part of it. Steve himself to this very day believes in his heart of hearts that SH had something to do with 911 and it just hasnt been found. People on this board still post regularly that there are signifigant WMD and they just havent been found or they were moved to Syria.
Thier answer..invade syria!
I mean we make allowences for wackos like steve and his terrified squeals but 70% ?increadable.
But not supprising that people that were so effectivly lied to and made fools of dont like to talk about it or even that they try to start passing the story along that it didnt happen at all.
Hell no. No one believed that SH had anything to do with 911..its a left wing media conspiracy to make us look stupid or dishonest or trigger

Offline JimBear

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Nearly 2 years later
« Reply #49 on: April 27, 2005, 11:14:08 AM »
Amuricans is just dump I guess.  Heck we can take the place of Newfie jokes wit youse guys

Offline Raider179

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Nearly 2 years later
« Reply #50 on: April 27, 2005, 11:53:30 AM »
Originally posted by Pongo
People on this board still post regularly that there are signifigant WMD and they just havent been found or they were moved to Syria.
Thier answer..invade syria!


I guess some people just don't understand how that might have had anything to do with this.

In a report to the Security Council, he said he had received a letter from Syria saying full withdrawal was complete (from lebanon) - claims the UN is examining.

Offline Elfie

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Nearly 2 years later
« Reply #51 on: April 27, 2005, 02:00:39 PM »
First off that is a two year old poll and it has been discussed on this board before. Second, I dont personally know ANYONE who believes Saddam was part of the 9-11 attacks.

People on this board still post regularly that there are signifigant WMD and they just havent been found

There are a significant amout of chemical weapons that Iraq admitted to having, was verified as having by the UN, but is unaccounted for today. You could verify that for yourself simply by doing searches on the internet.

What was the purpose of bringing up a 2 year old poll that has been discussed before? I think it's just another lame attempt to bash American's by someone who looks down his nose at us.
Corkyjr on country jumping:
In the end you should be thankful for those players like us who switch to try and help keep things even because our willingness to do so, helps a more selfish, I want it my way player, get to fly his latewar uber ride.

Offline -dead-

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Nearly 2 years later
« Reply #52 on: April 27, 2005, 03:07:51 PM »
Originally posted by Elfie
There are a significant amout of chemical weapons that Iraq admitted to having, was verified as having by the UN, but is unaccounted for today. You could verify that for yourself simply by doing searches on the internet.
Sadly, the internet also has this sort of defeatist pinko liberal report:
While a small number of old, abandoned chemical munitions have been discovered, ISG judges that Iraq unilaterally destroyed its undeclared chemical weapons stockpile in 1991. There are no credible indications that Baghdad resumed production of chemical munitions thereafter, a policy ISG attributes to Baghdad’s desire to see sanctions lifted, or rendered ineffectual, or its fear of force against it should WMD be discovered.
Comprehensive Report of the Special Advisor to the DCI on Iraq’s WMD
The ISG is so sure there's nothing to find that they've given up the search completely this week.
“The FBI has no hard evidence connecting Usama Bin Laden to 9/11.” --  Rex Tomb, Chief of Investigative Publicity for the FBI, June 5, 2006.

Offline Seeker

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Nearly 2 years later
« Reply #53 on: April 27, 2005, 03:41:42 PM »
Originally posted by rpm
Where's Skuzzy?

Thought you knew Steve and Nuke are immune from Skuzzy?

Offline Elfie

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Nearly 2 years later
« Reply #54 on: April 27, 2005, 04:29:00 PM »
Originally posted by -dead-
Sadly, the internet also has this sort of defeatist pinko liberal report:
Comprehensive Report of the Special Advisor to the DCI on Iraq’s WMD
The ISG is so sure there's nothing to find that they've given up the search completely this week.

UN inspectors verified that certain amounts of chemical weapons and their precursors existed. Now they cant be found, OR verified as having been destroyed. Your link proves what? It does nothing to prove the non existence of these items. Maybe those items were destroyed, maybe not. There is no proof either way.

A quote from your link:

There is an extensive, yet fragmentary and circumstantial body of evidence suggesting that Saddam pursued a strategy to maintain a capability to return to WMD production after sanctions were lifted by preserving assets and expertise. In addition to preserved capability, we have clear evidence of his intent to resume WMD production as soon as sanctions were lifted. All sources suggest that Saddam encouraged compartmentalization and would have discussed something as sensitive as WMD with as few people as possible.

Repeatedly throughout the chemical weapons part of your link it talks about Saddams efforts to maintain the ability to resume his WMD programs as soon as the sanctions were lifted. There is nothing in your link that would lead me to believe Saddam WASNT trying to hide things from the inspectors.

In light of Saddam's efforts to hide what was left of his WMD programs, unless you can show proof that everything was destroyed, imo you have to believe those unaccounted for items still exist.
Corkyjr on country jumping:
In the end you should be thankful for those players like us who switch to try and help keep things even because our willingness to do so, helps a more selfish, I want it my way player, get to fly his latewar uber ride.

Offline airbumba

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Nearly 2 years later
« Reply #55 on: April 27, 2005, 05:23:10 PM »
Originally posted by Masherbrum

Oh, at least you are trying to save face on the free health care.  LMAO, you guys have to wait 6 months to get a physical.   Shovel more watermelon SLO, you do it better than anyone else.


Don't know where you get your info sir, but it's way off. My ma's just recently retired from 45 years service as nurse/ hospital dir./ adm./ government liason to health issues , etc, etc. and I've never heard of any numbers like you suggest, nor has she.

We'd  both be quite interested in reading any official report you can find that says that, my mother is very curious as to it's author.
I used to be a fatalist,
but that part of me died.

Offline Thrawn

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Nearly 2 years later
« Reply #56 on: April 27, 2005, 05:48:31 PM »
Originally posted by Elfie
UN inspectors verified that certain amounts of chemical weapons and their precursors existed.

Which UN inspectors, UNSCOM or UNMOVIC?

It does nothing to prove the non existence of these items.

You expect them to prove a negative?

There is nothing in your link that would lead me to believe Saddam WASNT trying to hide things from the inspectors.

Twice even?

unless you can show proof that everything was destroyed, imo you have to believe those unaccounted for items still exist.

Not necessarily, chemical and biological weapons tend to have a certain shelf life.

And after billions and couple of years of searching, interviewing, researching etc.  ISG has determined that that the WMD were destroyed by the mid 90's.  Do you have information that ISG wasn't privy to that makes you question thier findings?  If so I recommend you contact the CIA asap.
« Last Edit: April 27, 2005, 05:50:33 PM by Thrawn »

Offline Lizard3

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Nearly 2 years later
« Reply #57 on: April 27, 2005, 06:42:04 PM »
Originally posted by Pongo
Enlighten us Liz, why did you think that Sadam Huesien was behind 911?

No Pongo, answer the question. What is your point?

Seriously, did you post all that just to start an argument. Is that what you enjoy doing? It isn't a legitimate thread because all it says is Americans are Stupid. Fact is, we do not hold a monopoly. So, whats yer point? Felt frisky? Pissed at the ex.?

This flamebait crap should be beneath you. Discussing why people around the world believe certain things that are or could be in your opinion false would work, or something along those lines, but to just (almost) come right out and say "AMericanos are STUPID" is retarded on a number of levels. Just because that type of thing, and not just pointed at Americans, goes on everyday here, does not make it right.

Your idea of entertainment is wrong, neighbor.

Offline Steve

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Nearly 2 years later
« Reply #58 on: April 27, 2005, 07:50:35 PM »
Steve himself to this very day believes in his heart of hearts that SH had something to do with 911 and it just hasnt been found.

You are  a liar in addition to the other things I've called you.  Where, where did I say Hussein was involved in 911?

Steve implies its inaccurate

Liar.  I'm not implying anything.  I'm outright saying that the text of the question is subjective.  Get it?

The poll says 70%  yet I don't know a single person who believes this, neither does mighty1.  This is the main reason I think the poll is a farce inasmuch that the subjective text caused people to answer the way they did.
« Last Edit: April 27, 2005, 07:54:36 PM by Steve »
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Offline Sixpence

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Nearly 2 years later
« Reply #59 on: April 27, 2005, 11:52:09 PM »
Originally posted by Lizard3
Seriously, did you post all that just to start an argument.  

"My grandaddy always told me, "There are three things that'll put a good man down: Losin' a good woman, eatin' bad possum, or eatin' good possum."" - Holden McGroin

(and I still say he wasn't trying to spell possum!)