Why all these military hardware details ?
If there is an attack against iranian installations by Israel or another foreigners, then the mullah-regime will be more than happy.
Because then their regime will be stabilized for another decade.
And what damage could be done ?
Even if all known installations in iran will be destroyed it will take only a short time to replace them, because nations like China or Russia will be glad to build new ones for iranian petrodollars.
So its absolutely not interesting if Israel has funny bunkerbombs or Iran has funny S-XXX-anti-air-missiles or if 50 or 100% of the iranian installations will be destroyed.
The only important element in this calculation is:
Is there an attack by foreigners or not?
If yes - then iranian nationalism will be fueled like it happened in the 1980ties, when Saddam and his arab hordes attacked Iran.
And again the mullahregime will be stabilized by such an attack.