Author Topic: im mad most about....  (Read 711 times)

Offline jcy19

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im mad most about....
« on: September 12, 2001, 07:15:00 PM »
today after the shock wore off, i have figured out what im mad about the most
i didnt know my daughter, a five year old was watching the news when i was( my fault).
she started asking questions about what that fire on that building was. i dont know if it was right or wrong
but i felt she needed to know. this was the hardest thing ive had to do to date.
how do you pick the words to explain to a child that there are very evil minded people
in this world. and that these people hate americans so much that they felt the need to do this
how do you explain the thousands of lives taken over something that i even dont fully understand. after i explainded it, to the best of my ability, i was very angry at this point, more angry then i realized i could get. now dont get me wrong, after the shock wore of from yesturday i was very angry. just not this angry. DAMN THESE BASTERDS TO HELL!!  for making my explain this kind of evil to a child. it should never be that way  but it is.  im through venting now, thx for listening

John Corey Yates

Offline Sandman

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im mad most about....
« Reply #1 on: September 12, 2001, 07:35:00 PM »
I have had discussions of this nature with my children even before this.

I think that they understand that there are indeed monsters out there. They may not be in the closet or underneath the bed, but the monsters are real and they are there.

Unfortunately, the monsters look just like us.

[ 09-12-2001: Message edited by: Sandman_SBM ]