Author Topic: Bush speaks to Congress  (Read 2212 times)

Offline Mighty1

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Bush speaks to Congress
« on: February 28, 2001, 07:44:00 AM »
I only saw a part of the speech but it seemed like the usual "Let's come together" crap the New President always give.

The thing that got me ticked off was that afterwards CBS gave the Democrats time to speak but didn't give the Republicans a change to defend themselves.

I also thought it was rude and disrespectful to the President the way they came out and told the American public that the President didn't know what he was doing and that he was going to ruin country.

The whole time the Democrates were saying how bad a President Bush was they were also saying they want to work things out. They kept saying it's up to him to meet them half way but they were already stepping back when they made the comments about Bush being wrong about most of his plans.

If you want to smooth things out and try to work together you don't go on National TV and  bad mouth the President.
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Bush speaks to Congress
« Reply #1 on: February 28, 2001, 07:53:00 AM »
I'm tired of politics and Reps. vs democrats.

Offline Eagler

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Bush speaks to Congress
« Reply #2 on: February 28, 2001, 08:03:00 AM »
Saw it. Thought it was a good speech. Really appreciated the media as they kept the reemphasis on the notion that Bush had such low expectations that it was easy for him to exceed them. Media = toejame stirrers, guess it's a job security thing for them...


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Offline jihad

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Bush speaks to Congress
« Reply #3 on: February 28, 2001, 08:42:00 AM »
 The Democratic rebuttal was interesting to me,especially how they poked holes in the duhhhhmb-ass Bush tax plan.

 HMMM Texas has a budget crisis, can't understand why that is.  

Offline Ripsnort

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Bush speaks to Congress
« Reply #4 on: February 28, 2001, 08:48:00 AM »
Originally posted by jihad:
The Democratic rebuttal was interesting to me,especially how they poked holes in the duhhhhmb-ass Bush tax plan.


Didn't see it, can you elaborate what holes?


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Bush speaks to Congress
« Reply #5 on: February 28, 2001, 11:21:00 AM »
I remember when I was a child, looking up to adults as I thought they were most capable and very mature.

Now, I recognize behavior in adults that is prevelant in children, ie. I want my way, etc.

Only if Bush fights his opposition directly, will anything get done that he wants to accomplish. If he compromises his beliefs, then it will be more of the same.

If I were him, I would rather go down in flames and have my integrity in tact, then to compromise my beliefs to survive politically.

I guess we will soon see......


Offline Mighty1

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Bush speaks to Congress
« Reply #6 on: February 28, 2001, 12:02:00 PM »
jihad are you from Texas? If you are then could you tell me what budget crisis they are having? I've heard from alot of people who live in Texas that are very happy with Bush.

Or are you just listening to those 2 morons that were on last night after Bush gave his speech?

From what I heard they say that if we go by Bush's plan we will be back to where we were in the 80's(Republican era) but if we listen to them we will keep going on like we did in the 90's(Democrate era).

According to those 2 dimwits the economy having problems right now is Bush's fault. Hell they were blaming Bush for the economy before he even took office. To make things worse there are idiots out there that beleive them.

As far as them poking holes in his plan all they did was say the same crap they said during the election...You will lose medicare will lose social will have to work for a living..and so on .
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Offline 1776

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Bush speaks to Congress
« Reply #7 on: February 28, 2001, 01:16:00 PM »
Dems have the "clinton syndrome" to over come first before anyone will be willing to listen.  They continue to use class envoy and it just doesn't play anymore.  Dems will have to go along with a tax cut(1.6 trillion) or find themselves on the out in the cold.  The American people know that over charging in any area is unjust!!  They are starting to understand they are being robed by Washington.

Yes, G W Bush is on the right track(88% approval rating)!!!

Offline easymo

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Bush speaks to Congress
« Reply #8 on: February 28, 2001, 01:16:00 PM »
 Why do Republicans keep trying to give us our money back? What are they up to?

Offline Eagler

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Bush speaks to Congress
« Reply #9 on: February 28, 2001, 01:19:00 PM »
Strange how everyone else lives within their means, on a budget but the democrats in DC don't want too.............. If they get less in (which they won't) they just have to spend less - maybe $45 a toilet seat instead of $100.


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Offline Nash

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Bush speaks to Congress
« Reply #10 on: February 28, 2001, 03:05:00 PM »
Mighty - it's nothing new or unusual. It's practically tradition to have the opposition leaders give their rebuttal after major adresses as this one to the Congress. You will see it after every State of the Union speech. Repubs got the same air time after Clinton's speeches. The same 'courtessy' is given after the Sunday radio adresses.

As silly as it all may look, coming out against the majority is practically in the opposition leaders' job description. No matter what the issue, really.

For what it's worth, I think Bush did a fine job. But speaking of tradition, the first State of the Union speech is always a softball affair.

Offline Kieren

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Bush speaks to Congress
« Reply #11 on: February 28, 2001, 05:51:00 PM »
Have to agree with Nash here. The Dems were doing exactly what the Repubs did last year.

Offline CavemanJ

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Bush speaks to Congress
« Reply #12 on: February 28, 2001, 06:30:00 PM »
Originally posted by Eagler:
Strange how everyone else lives within their means, on a budget but the democrats in DC don't want too.............. If they get less in (which they won't) they just have to spend less - maybe $45 a toilet seat instead of $100.


Dinnae forget the several hundred dollars for a hand-held, multi-directional, manually operated force impact delivery system.
Guess they'll have to go to Sears or Home Depot and pay about 12 bucks for a good hammer like the rest of us  

Offline Fatty

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Bush speaks to Congress
« Reply #13 on: February 28, 2001, 06:57:00 PM »
In all fairness it's even worse for the rebuttal, because they have to prepare that rebuttal before hearing the President's address, hoping they're even rebuking the right things.


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Bush speaks to Congress
« Reply #14 on: March 01, 2001, 01:48:00 AM »
the budget crises in texas is because or stupid bellybutton govener make a tax plan that vastly over rated how the economy was going to do and only figured for 23 months in a a 2 year period.  

its the same thing thats gonna happen on a larger scale when the econmy goes to crap as it usualy does under conservative ( republican presidents ) and the true cost of the tax cuts becomes apperent. its sad but history repeats its self.

 we have a reagan clone selling voodoo economics. tax cuts dont stimulate spending never have never will. 3 years and 10 months left of this crap.