Author Topic: Time to unperk the Spit 14  (Read 5251 times)

Offline Kweassa

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Time to unperk the Spit 14
« Reply #225 on: May 10, 2005, 06:48:01 PM »
Again... Just another comment which someone made that is taken out of context to suit their needs and or agenda.

 Contrary to your beliefe, it was one of the key arguments made by people who are in support of burdenless Spit14s, that was initially rejected by HT, but in the end, shown its form in the MA, albeit in a compromised form.

 The changes in the icon agenda - which effected all planes.. you think HT would have done that if nobody asked for it?

Offline 1K3

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Time to unperk the Spit 14
« Reply #226 on: May 10, 2005, 07:12:24 PM »
An in-depth Aces High comparison between 109G-10 and Spitfire Mk. XIV would be interesting...

there's no winner, they're equal

Offline Morpheus

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Time to unperk the Spit 14
« Reply #227 on: May 10, 2005, 07:20:22 PM »
See there you go again. Twisting words and events around to suit your own agenda.

The initial comment was that HT said what he said and was said to have meant that the spit14 is perked so it can be hunted. THAT was somehow translated from the only comment HT made on that thread.

That translation is completely false.

This argument has nothing to do with Perk tags or icons. It has to do with why the spit14 is perked as high as it is. Why you are so ignorant or thick headed to understand that simple fact is beyond me.

Why or how you can connect the two threads is also beyond me. Unless ofcourse you use the hijackers of that tread as some sort of a connection... The ones who start pissing and moaning about perks...

Never the less, that thread and this thread, the two ideas behind them have nothing to do with one another.

A perk icon has nothing to do with how much a plane costs to get out of the hanger. Unless you're simply stating that a perk plane comes with a perk tag. Even then, it's still meaningless to this discussion.
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Offline Kweassa

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Time to unperk the Spit 14
« Reply #228 on: May 10, 2005, 07:33:35 PM »
Open your eyes and clear your ears.

 What does that thread prove?

a) consistent player input, with good reasoning, will change initial attitude the developers had with a certain feature

b) the initial grounds and reasoning that thread held(and ALL of its previous incarnations), was that a change in the icon system would benefit the game in many ways, but it would be especially beneficial for some of the perk planes which had no insurance in survivability such as speed(Me262 or Tempest).

c) What is the key issue in the previous thread is centered on? The raging gangbang whenever a perk plane is visible in the area. Some planes, like the Tempest, despite their high prices, still could manage those situations without much ado, thanks to its pure performance spec in terms of speed, especially deck speed.

 But it does become largely problematic for others which are perked at simular ranges and yet, does not possess the survivability the Tempest holds.

d) The issue is self-evident.  People use the Tempest way more than the Spit14. Despite the fact their prices are almost equal.

 Why? If the Spit14 is as uber and deserving perkfighter as you say, a price difference between 5~10 points would rarely effect a player's natural choice to choose the most cost-efficient plane.

 It only indicates that the Spit14 is not cost-efficient: it's too expensive considering its overall performance.

e) Thus, the first planes to benefit from the changed icon system would naturally be the Spit14 and the F4U-4. That very thread, and many of its past incarnations, all have a tendency to specifically mention the Spit14 as its main benefactor to the suggestion.

 The two ideas have a very clear, common basis, and you simply choose to ignore it.

Offline AKFokerFoder+

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Time to unperk the Spit 14
« Reply #229 on: May 10, 2005, 08:09:29 PM »
Perk'm  or unperk'm, :)

No matter what plane sets we use or don't use, the game will remain relatively the same as it is.  There will just be the same pilots, using the same tactics, but maybe in different planes, there will be the same whines.

Most of the complaints I see on this BBS are almost identical to the complaints I saw on the two WWI sims I used to fly.  Just the names of the planes and the pilots changed. :)

Offline Morpheus

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Time to unperk the Spit 14
« Reply #230 on: May 10, 2005, 08:21:34 PM »
The two ideas have a very clear, common basis, and you simply choose to ignore it.

The two ideas have absolutely nothing to do with one another.

One is solely about removing perk tags so Perk planes are less sought after.

And the other(this thread) is about removing or reducing perk value.

The only connection you can make between the two is the whinning big mouths within the threads.

One more thing...
Do you agree or disagree that the Spit14 should remain perked yet the cost be lowered?
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Offline MANDO

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Time to unperk the Spit 14
« Reply #231 on: May 10, 2005, 08:21:50 PM »
Originally posted by straffo
Typhoon had succes in her role and her role was not supremacy fighter why do you want to compare her to a supremacy fighter ?

On the contrary, its initial (planned) role was just supremacy fighter and more precisely as an interceptor, it was a dissaster and then relegated to jabo tasks. Certainly it was a decent attack plane, but with so poor acceleration, so poor climb rate, so poor rolling capabilities, with a flat area similar to a small bomber, with a pretty low critical mach, structural and engine problems and to finish, did any one say it was able to turn fine? The result was that spits were sistematically performing all the original task of the Typh.

Offline Kweassa

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Time to unperk the Spit 14
« Reply #232 on: May 10, 2005, 08:33:44 PM »
The two ideas have absolutely nothing to do with one another.

One is solely about removing perk tags so Perk planes are less sought after.

 They are both about perk aircraft and their overall efficiency in relation to their perk price. Especially about perk aircraft that is deemed inefficient compared to its overall price rate, and thus must maintain a very conservative and cherrypickin' method of flying.

 Remember the "why" behind these perk-related discussions.

One more thing... Do you agree or disagree that the Spit14 should remain perked yet the cost be lowered?

#1. The Spit14 should be free. If it can't be so, all of its contemporaries with simular performance specs should be perked at the same price.

#2. If, a compromise can be reached, it is only when the Spit14 price is down to within 15 points.

#3. My main suggestion always lies in accord with basic agenda: most of the '44+ planes should be perked within 3~5 point range(including the Spit14 and the F4U-4). If that cannot be made possible, my point reverts back to #1 and #2.

 So it depends on what range of 'lower perk cost' and under 'what circumstances' you are talking about.

Offline straffo

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Time to unperk the Spit 14
« Reply #233 on: May 11, 2005, 01:52:18 AM »
Originally posted by Morpheus
Thats not saying why its perked Straffo.

I thought it was clear : they are perked because HTC decided it will be a perk.

Turn it in all ways you want but it's the only conclusion possible :D

MANDO I won't negate the failure of the Typhoon in it's initial role it's a fact.
Concerning facts I don't agree completly with your list :
Pretty low critical mach => Error or 0.85 is pretty low now :)
Engine problems were also corrected by using twice the number of mechanics used in normal RAF squadrons :p

Turn fine , at least initial turn is better than the Spit V (it's documented)
Dive fine and fast.
Stable gun plateform.