Author Topic: "Chappelle's Show" Shut Down *****  (Read 2353 times)

Offline lazs2

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"Chappelle's Show" Shut Down *****
« Reply #60 on: May 12, 2005, 02:22:49 PM »
I watched one show clear through although it did not really hold my attention that well.    I make no claims that I know all about the show only that I don't care for black humor. or....

as you put it..."situations some black people can go through"

I am not interested in those situations... they don't really apply to me.  


Offline SkyLab

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« Reply #61 on: May 12, 2005, 02:25:22 PM »
I am late again!

Offline Meatwad

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« Reply #62 on: May 12, 2005, 02:31:32 PM »
Id check myself into a mental hospital if I was on that show also.
See Rule 19- Do not place sausage on pizza.
I am No-Sausage-On-Pizza-Wad.
Das Funkillah - I kill hangers, therefore I am a funkiller. Coming to a vulchfest near you.
You cant tie a loop around 400000 lbs of locomotive using a 2 foot rope - Drediock on fat women

Offline RightF00T

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"Chappelle's Show" Shut Down *****
« Reply #63 on: May 12, 2005, 03:24:34 PM »
Lazs are you black?

Examples:  R. Kelly spoof
                  Real World Skit:  Skit of 1 white guy, and 4 other black people in one house.  

There was also one skit where cops roll up on a black guy trying to break into a car.  He goes into a fit and says how he locked his keys in the car and goes into a tirade about how this is discrimination and he will notify the papers about the profiling.  The guy drives off, and a black couple walk up and ask where the hell their car is. I think it's a hilarious spin on something that might happen everyday. Turns out the supposed theif was actually a theif and used profiling and stereotyping to get away.  

Please forgive me if that was actually a Reno 911 skit I cant remember.  Nonetheless, it is something you would see on Chapelle.  Like others said before he doesn't just pick on blacks, he picks on EVERYBODY.

Offline JB73

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« Reply #64 on: May 12, 2005, 03:47:24 PM »
Originally posted by RightF00T
Examples:  R. Kelly spoof
i dont care WHO you are that was TEH FUNNAY!!!!111 LOL

"i wanna piss on you"

I don't know what to put here yet.

Offline lazs2

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« Reply #65 on: May 13, 2005, 09:32:24 AM »
RF.. noo.. I am not black nor do I have any interest in the show you are talking about (real world)  I don't care about any 4 people living in the same house regardless of race.

I think the think about the car keys would be funny.  I never said that there weren't a funny thing or two in some black comedians routine.

I just don't want to sit through the sermon and "poor me" crap to get to the one or two kernnels of corn in the load of crap.


Offline RightF00T

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« Reply #66 on: May 13, 2005, 12:26:39 PM »
The real world was a skit on Chapelle.  I still dont think he has a "sermon", but you like what you like can't change that.

Offline Suave

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« Reply #67 on: May 13, 2005, 12:35:48 PM »
Originally posted by lazs2
I have heard black comedians come up with funny lines just like I have heard women comedians come up with funny lines but...

it is rarely worth listening to the whole poor me/you are guilty sermon just for a few gems.


I think you're generalizing too broadly, I've allways found Bill Cosby and Eddie Murphey's standup acts to be among the best.

You're on to something about women though, the only female acts I'd deem worthy are both lesbians. The biological kind, not the fluffiedup kind. See other thread. :p

Offline lazs2

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« Reply #68 on: May 13, 2005, 02:43:58 PM »
you are right... I was genealizing too braodly... I believe that murphy was about the cutoff point for me on black humor... I would allmost say that cosby was the end of it.  I was speaking about modern (this generation) black coimedians

I also feel that older generation black music was very good but all modern black music is crap.    

I will even go so far as to say older generation black morality was much better.


Offline GreenCloud

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« Reply #69 on: May 13, 2005, 02:59:07 PM »
this is yopur p[robl;em lazs..and the more you talk about it the worst ytou sound..

You do a "blanket" statement about  black comedy..THAt is frikn ridiculous..Its liek saying Gun owners are all the  same...Have you ever met soem of these rednecks in South Sippi?.."Mississippi"...hell you ever met soem gun owners in Rio Linda?

You really should not make such statements..Sounds to me liek you a bit racist and biggoted....I dont beleive you are..but when you classify a whoel group of "comedians or singers that are Black are crappy?...Thats has got to be one dumb statement..I guess You Love all the white singers?..VAnilla Ice?...or I would say you are probbaly more of a Clay Aiken fan?  < soem dumazz form American Idol

You dotn like any "modern" black music?...You know lazs..thsoe black boys dont always just "sing" rap know?..."all modern music is crap".....Now..we defnlty Knwo YOU DO NOT KNOW ALL MODERN "BLACK" Music....For me I think 90% of rap is crap..But these "black folks " which you seem think only do rap music..well you are very wrong...

I think the small town you live in has changed your views..Especailly all the wanna be gangsters in the area..Fairfield-VAcaville..valeejo..Oakland..Sacto..ect...Open your eyes..there not all gangsta rappers..Clokn Do...and Slapn Ho's

Im thinkn that Dixon pesticides on the corn fields is getn to you

But anywyas....Chappele has had soem extrmely funny shows..
Charlie Murphy is hilarious...Again I recomend the Rick James interviews with Charlie Murphy..

and morality?..LMFAO..all races ..IN CERTAIN AREAS have declined..Look at all those pasty white gangsters running around Dixon

Offline lazs2

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« Reply #70 on: May 14, 2005, 10:56:18 AM »
hmm... I used to be extremely biggoted but found that is was not a sensible outlook.

you claim 90% of modern black music is crap... I agree within a few percent.   I would say that 90% is good enough for me to generalize tho eh?  

what 90% means to me is that it is not worth sifting through the crap to get a kernel of corn.   I am not a masochist and I have no interest in making anyone believe that I am either biggoted or not biggoted.  I certainly have no interest in having one group like me because it is important for people of one color or another to appear to like me.  

comedians... it is the same.   90% is enough to make me avoid em..  

Also.. to make things worse... I am old enough to have been raised on the blues and motown and gospel and Cosby and red fox and such...

This only makes me shy away from current "black culture" even more.   If they (blacks) are doing something good then someone I trust with known taste will tell me about it and then I will go out of my way to check it out.

I watched one of this nutcases shows and it was simply more poor me and you are to blame with very few kernels of corn in the load he dumped in my living room.  

people who are afraid to identify sub par performances as crap are the real biggots.


Offline lazs2

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« Reply #71 on: May 14, 2005, 11:03:25 AM »
If I say that I avoid white guys doing rap does that make me a biggot against whites or blacks?   If I say I don't like gangbangers does that mean that I only don't like mexican or blackgangbangers?

What are you trying to say greencloud?  

Do you think that I would not be "biggoted" against a white gangbanger?    I think they are every bit as idiotic... more so in most cases.

Not sure what you want from me.  do you want me to listen to rap music and black comedians in the hope that maybe 10% of their material may be good?  in the case of rap it is probly 0.2%.

Explain to me why I should waste my time with it when there is so much variety out there.


Offline Creamo

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"Chappelle's Show" Shut Down *****
« Reply #72 on: May 14, 2005, 11:16:54 AM »
Because it's a great show. Funny too, but you watched one show, and didn't like it, fine.

Watch what you want. No sense driving a thread 50 posts deep if you don't care to watch it, although I get what your digging for. Not worth it.

Offline lazs2

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« Reply #73 on: May 14, 2005, 11:38:14 AM »
and ya know what creamo?  If I knew you well enough to trust in your taste I would probly seek out a re run of the show... As it is tho...  the people telling me how great it is have little in common with my taste in things it appears.

Point is... I simply don't go out of my way to be involved with any of the current black culture.  In fact... I will walk several blocks on a bad ankle to get away from rap or hip hop music.


Offline Creamo

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« Reply #74 on: May 14, 2005, 12:11:50 PM »
I got the point, that's what I was saying.

And you don't want to know me or my TV tastes. I watch '30 Minute Meals' with Rachael Ray like a starving Chester the Molester. I just wonder how far she can stretch those black jeans every episode, and I really think I could win her over with a whiffle ball bat, knocking that handsomehunk comfort food smile off her face as we made sweet, sweet monkey love. Tap-Tap-Tap. :)

I'm guessing we are back to square 1, not  knowing each other?