News coverage has been interesting.
CBS ala Dan Rather has been horrible, Dan needs to retire. He asked how the 2nd tower was an hour after it collapsed. He was being pretty ruthless about President Bush not coming back to Washington, DC (we now know Air Force 1 was a target). Rather is just an ass, its clear he has no love for Bush, or any republican.
NBC is usually ok, but Katie Couric is a twit. Anytime one of the commentators mentioned something, she had a contradicting opinion and some stupid little personal story to go along with it. We didnt stay on that channel long.
CNN....well, I gave up on them ages ago, guys. Great chicks, nice looking, but these folks scream we should retaliate yet would be the first ones to click on the cameras and show us the poor victims of the people we bombed in any retaliation. They are last in the ratings period for a reason. mean they still have viewer?
ABC's Jenning's really made an bellybutton of himself, all pissed off, like Dan Rather, the President listened to the Secret Service rather than him. This is the same network tht owns Mickey Mouse, coinicidence? I think not...hehe
I've never watched the BBC, I think I have it too. Have to check it out.
I DO watch, and love, FoxNews. Especially the O'Reilly Factor. This guy is awesome, he asks the hard questions and those who give him spin get clobbered. You want someone that speaks from the hip and asks those hard questions you'd wanna ask, here's your man.
My 2 cents