Originally posted by Seagoon
I hate to play the Family Feud buzzer sound but... BZZZZT
Here are the actual statistics:
President Confirmation Percentage, 1st & 2nd Congress
Truman 90.9%
Eisenhower 88.5%
Johnson 97.0%
Nixon 92.7%
Ford 79.2%
Carter 91.8%
Reagan 78.6%
G.H.W. Bush 77.8%
Clinton 71.4%
G.W. Bush 52.2%
Here is the US Gov't Source for the above stats
Be neutral? Since when is Ruth Bader Ginsberg neutral about anything? She's been a torch carrier all her life for the ACLU and a vocal advocate for left wing causes including unrestricted abortion on demand and yet she was confirmed without much fuss. Why by contrast must Christian conservatives keep their own value system under the bed like pornography and only discuss it behind closed doors.
Your "no voicing religious views" point only serves to confirm what I was saying about how we no longer believe in Jefferson's phrase "nor shall otherwise suffer, on account of his religious opinions or belief; but that all men shall be free to profess, and by argument to maintain, their opinions in matters of religion, and that the same shall in no wise diminish, enlarge, or affect their civil capacities."
We may only "strongly express" points of view and expect to be confirmed if they follow the accepted civil religion otherwise they are disqualified. Even if they don't strongly express them, the Senate Digging crews will diligently unearth them. Voltaire and Rousseau appear to be strongly preferred to Jefferson, Mason, and Madison these days.
No problem sounding the buzzer but please check your facts first.
Nice manipulation of the statistics but you purposely left out a lot.
and please next time use the actual link you got info from. The link you gave does not show the stats you used.
Lets look at bush compared to clinton for a real view on it.
Clinton 106 nominations 65 confirmed 3 withdrawn and 38 returned
Bush 66 nominations 35 returned 1 withdrawn and 31 returned.
now as you can clearly see Bush is just about right on par with clinton except in the "returned" factor. Which you just lumped in there with rejected, when in fact it was the republican controlled senate which "returned the nomination to the president upon adjournment or recess for 30 days."
Here is the rule regarding returned nominations
Senate standing rule:
“If the Senate shall adjourn or take a recess for more than thirty days, all nominations not finally acted upon at the time of taking such adjournment or recess shall be returned by the Secretary to the President and shall not again be considered unless they shall again be made to the Senate by the President.”
So the president didn't offer them back after the recess. you want to blame that on the senators or the president? You can't lump all those in when they never went through the process.
As for the neutrality thing, You name ginsberg but then go off on abortion, aclu, but see you are missing the point that she doesn't go off on her religious views.
Christian conservatives do not have to hide it under their beds but if you hold office respect the dignity of the office and practice your faith by yourself. After all you are leading people not just christians. Its a thing called respect for others religious beliefs.
Please, You think your religious views are being trampled on. How? Where can you personally not express your views? Name one place. Where can you personally not pray? name one place
And I don't mean that out loud raising cain praying, I mean silent say a few words to god prayer. Tell me that they won't let you do that in a school.