Author Topic: Test results, Nvidia Geforce drivers  (Read 1494 times)

Offline StarOfAfrica2

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Test results, Nvidia Geforce drivers
« on: May 10, 2005, 03:03:18 AM »
Ok, had two new possibilities to upgrade from the 61.76/61.77 drivers for those of us with older Nvidia stuff.  I tested the 66.93 Omegas and the newest Nvidia release 71.89.  I had previously tried the 66.93 Nvidia drivers, and the zer0point modded drivers, and found them incompatible with my FX 5900XT.  I was more hopeful of Omega.

Omega usually includes in his "tweaks" a larger compatibility list than the standard Nvidia driver of the same version.  And indeed, on his site he says he made the driver compatible with more cards, although he doesnt say which.  Nvidia's latest release CLAIMS compatibility with ALL previous products, all the way back to the TNT and the old Rage and Rage Pro stuff.  One member of the BBS here claimed it worked ok on his FX card, so I decided to test them out.  

I first made sure my MOBO drivers were up to date, then I went through the standard uninstall/reinstall process for the video drivers, tested everything in Direct X, and then logged in offline.  One complaint had been flames and smoke from burning planes causing severe drops in fps.  So I took off in a FW 190A5 with the 4x20mm and the 2x7.9mm (lots of ammo, easy to control, fairly fast, could get flames and smoke with just a few rounds).  I pulled up behind the first B24, and watched it blow up.  Frame rates were good, zoom or not didnt seem to matter.  I was running mid 70s and high 60s over the base without a plane in my forward view, and it didnt really drop until I got in under d600.  Even then it was negligible.  Until the explosion.  Fps dropped to mid 30s until I was past the fireball.  Pulled up behind the next B24, and set one of the starboard engines afire.  Fps dropped into the 50s and 40s.  Went by and pulled up behind the FW.  Set it on fire, then circled far enough to get both in my view.  Even at 2.5k out (how far I had to get to see both at once), the fps hit was noticeable.  If you can see the flames, it hits your fps.  I never noticed this with the old drivers, but then I didnt pay attention before either.  I also noticed that for some reason the P38 causes a fps drop when it is in view, even at 3k away?  Strange.  Maybe an issue with the new skin forms?  I didnt pay attention when the FW first came into view, only after it was flaming.  I DID notice after trying it online that the FW forward view had 10fps lower than the side views, I'm assuming because of the cockpit guages.  Went online and tried flying around, fps were lower than offline but that could just be the map.  Clouds seemed to help alot with fps (maybe the tree haters have something with these newer drivers?), and although the trees did cause a small fps hit in the 61.xx drivers, I never noticed this much fluctuation from the terrain.  Still, all fps were liveable, low 40s at takeoff, rising into the 50s at 5k, and up into the 60s and 70s by 13k where I levelled out.  Sought out a furball, most of the fight with 4-8 planes in forward view, flames, smoke, tracers, etc. I was staying above 35fps.  Only right down on the deck, weaving through trees and d200 off an enemy plane did I drop below 30 at all, to 29fps.  

Result?  Omega 66.93 passed, no lockups, no CTD, not even so much as a stutter.  And just to note, this was on the QUALITY setting, the only change I made to Omega's tweaks was to turn on Vsync so I'd get realistic frame rates to report.  Even he says his Performance drivers will give better fps.  

Uninstalled the Omegas and installed the newest drivers directly off the Nvidia website.  Did everything exactly the same as with the Omegas.  Had a few artifact issues, but I think I overheated the card.  I'm going to have to try again.  Apparently the default on these drivers does not have the fan on all the time on the card, and the temp probe is set too high.  I reset it to make the fan run all the time, but its getting late.  I'll retest the new Nvidia drivers tomorrow and follow up on the results.  Looked promising up to that point though.

 Tested the theory regarding the skins issue, cant get it to repeat now.  Either I was imagining things, or I kept getting some funky trees that dropped my fps every time the P38 was in my view.  Go figure.  Flying with lots of clouds around to mask the ground DID still provide a fps boost.
« Last Edit: May 11, 2005, 03:41:31 AM by StarOfAfrica2 »

Offline StarOfAfrica2

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Test results, Nvidia Geforce drivers
« Reply #1 on: May 10, 2005, 03:08:48 AM »
BTW, here's my system specs and the ingame settings I was using.

Athlon XP 2600+
running at 2.3Ghz

1GB Corsair PC3200 RAM

FX 5900XT 128MB

Windows XP SP2

AA and AF set to App Control, all settings left "as is" by install except turned Vsync on and changed temp and fan settings to keep things cooler.

1024x768 res. at 85hz refresh.

Ingame settings

512 Max Texture size

All sliders at approximately 1/2.  

Preload textures and skins.

Offline StarOfAfrica2

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Test results, Nvidia Geforce drivers
« Reply #2 on: May 11, 2005, 03:39:17 AM »
Ok.  First warning if you have an FX 5xxx series card, and want to use the newest drivers.  Beware of your temps, or download the coolbits/NvTweak tool so you can adjust your temp settings manually.  71.89 WQHL driver does NOT set temp threshold right for the older cards, and the fan doesnt come on soon enough.  Second warning, if you are upgrading from a 6x.xx series driver MAKE SURE YOU UNINSTALL AND DELETE ALL REFERENCES TOO THE OLD DRIVERS.  I even recommend running a registry cleaner to remove anything Nvidia before proceeding with the install.  I ended up with 3 corrupt installs before doing the deep clean and registry cleaning, and it finally took.  That said, time for the tests.

Repeated all previous tests.  Seems to fluctuate less than the Omega 66.93 drivers (Quality drivers).  Still takes a hit from flames and smoke, but its bearable.  Ran mid 70s to high 60s for most of the offline test, dropped into the low 50s to mid 40s during flames and smoke.  Distance doesn't seem to matter so much, but finishing off the burning plane and ending the pyrotechnics makes for a sudden jump back up in the fps.  Never saw anything less than 42 offline.

Went online, was hovering in low 40s at base.  Flames from the ground do not seem to be the same at all as flames and smoke from burning planes, regarding the performance hits.  Stayed in the FW 190A-5 to keep things the same.  Low over base in furball, still dropped into the mid 30s.  Never got below 30.  

Pushing my AA back up to 2x where I normally have it did drop me down to a low of 26 fps in a furball on the deck over a base, but I liked the looks better so I'll live with it.  Just 3k is enough alt to push my fps back up to the 40s even in a furball.

After an hour of online play, no lockups, no crashes, no CTD with the newest driver straight from Nvidia's website.  Pass.  As I said though, if you are running a 5xxx card download the coolbits tweak and check your temp and fan settings.

Offline StarOfAfrica2

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Test results, Nvidia Geforce drivers
« Reply #3 on: May 11, 2005, 03:47:45 AM »
Bottom line is that both the Omega 66.93 drivers and the Nvidia WQHL 71.89 driver work for the new cards AND the old cards just fine.  And its about time.  Nvidia did include a little color optimizer for people with flat screens in the new driver.  I sent them an email about the temperature issue with my card and the new driver, but didnt hear anything back yet.  

While my tests with the Omega had alot of fluctuation in the fps, none were bad.  And i was using the Quality drivers.  I'm thinking that a newer computer with better hardware could keep those fps more steady with this driver.  On an older rig like mine I'd suggest installing the Performance drivers.  Nvidia's "official" new driver works just fine as well, but it becomes necessary to add the coolbits tweak for temp control on the older cards like mine.  Not a biggie, but I'd hate for someone to buy one of these 5xxx cards and install the updated drivers, only to fry their card.

Good luck!

Offline Skuzzy

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Test results, Nvidia Geforce drivers
« Reply #4 on: May 11, 2005, 06:46:50 AM »
Good stuff Star.  Thanks a lot.  I figure the lockups most people are having are due heat.  The FX5xxx cards run very hot as it is.
Roy "Skuzzy" Neese

Offline StarOfAfrica2

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Test results, Nvidia Geforce drivers
« Reply #5 on: May 11, 2005, 12:03:30 PM »
Mine usually runs in the mid 40s (Celcius), but when I installed the new drivers it zoomed up to around 75C.  I dont know how far back the temp glitch goes, and it may only be with the 5900 for all I know.  But I figure better safe than sorry.  Adding Coolbits gave me back control of the temp settings and I'm running around 50C now under load.  The nice thing about the Omegas is they include those tweaks already.

Offline Blammo

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Test results, Nvidia Geforce drivers
« Reply #6 on: May 11, 2005, 12:36:36 PM »
When I first installed my 5900 Ultra the temps stayed ~45.  After some dirver upgrades it now runs in the high 50s.  Everything runs fine, but I'd love to have it a bit cooler.  Do you know if the fan information for the card is held in the registry?  If so, should I be able to adjust those properties to get better cooling effeciency?  Or, is this just the old heat up problem skuzzy talked about before.  I went to older Omega drivers (61.77) after uninstalling the newer drivers and running Driver Cleaner, but have seen no real change in the heat issue.  I was thinking of formating and reinstalling, but Skuzzy indicated he didn't think that would help.

Any thoughts on this?

Offline StarOfAfrica2

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Test results, Nvidia Geforce drivers
« Reply #7 on: May 11, 2005, 12:40:23 PM »
I'd try uninstalling all the drivers, run the registry cleaner utility, run the driver cleaner utility, do whatever you feel you have to do to clean out the driver settings installed by those other drivers.  Then reinstall your current drivers and see if you notice a drop in temps.  Yes, the temps are govorned by registry info, but its very hard to clean out everything once you install something in Windows.  Installing Coolbits/NvTweak allows you (in most cases) to keep the fan going non-stop, regardless of temp settings, so that helps.  You can also change the temp threshold.  Worth a shot.

Offline 38ruk

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Test results, Nvidia Geforce drivers
« Reply #8 on: May 11, 2005, 09:15:50 PM »
nice write up star, hope alot of nvidia guys read this , could save skuzzy some headaches .  38

Offline OOZ662

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Test results, Nvidia Geforce drivers
« Reply #9 on: May 12, 2005, 09:50:33 PM »
My FX5200 doesn't even have a fan. Almost dropped it when I took it out the other day because it was so warm. :rolleyes:

Oh well, just waiting on my FX6800... :D
A Rook who first flew 09/26/03 at the age of 13, has been a GL in 10+ Scenarios, and was two-time Points and First Annual 68KO Cup winner of the AH Extreme Air Racing League.

Offline RSLQK186

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Test results, Nvidia Geforce drivers
« Reply #10 on: May 14, 2005, 01:33:45 PM »
OOZ I also have a  5200 and my temp probes don't reflect the rise in temp of the vid card so my 2 case fans and PS fan don't speed up on their own. After an hour of play it started to look like I was in ground vis all the time and a few mins later CDT. I use speedfan to run them wide open and it still gets a little flat looking but liveable after 3 hrs or so and no CDT. (Does this take power away from FSB and/or prossesor?) I know I'll have to clean it out more often now- sure it sucks up more dust this way. The headphones help muffle that 262 sound comming from under the my desk.:D
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Offline OOZ662

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Test results, Nvidia Geforce drivers
« Reply #11 on: May 14, 2005, 01:46:40 PM »
I didn't notice the "Set Fans 100% on closing" option was checked the first time I used it. Scared the crap outta me...
A Rook who first flew 09/26/03 at the age of 13, has been a GL in 10+ Scenarios, and was two-time Points and First Annual 68KO Cup winner of the AH Extreme Air Racing League.

Offline StarOfAfrica2

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Test results, Nvidia Geforce drivers
« Reply #12 on: May 29, 2005, 01:05:24 AM »
Well, after using the 71.89 drivers for most of the month, they have shown some less than stable results in the long term.  For the first couple of weeks everything was fine, but I really hadnt been online as much the first part of the month as I had in the past.  As May has progressed, I have had more time to get online, and the longer I spend in Aces High, the more problems I have encountered.  Started with freezes, some that would last as long as 15-20 seconds before releasing my FE and giving me control again.  Sometimes, I would get the dreaded "Aces High has encountered a problem and must shut down" thing.  Every time that happened, I lost my Aces High video config and it would redetect my video card after rebooting and restarting the game.  To rule out the drivers, I started examining the other areas of my system (note that before this I was using the 61.77 Omega drivers and never had freeze or CTD problems).

I did find some Direct X files that seemed to have changed, so I reinstalled DX 9.0C.  For a couple of days, no problems so I thought perhaps that had solved it.  But no, the problems resumed.  

Double checked my temps, and they were a tad high.  CPU temp ingame was reaching 52C.  It's not supposed to do anything until 55C, but I figured better safe than sorry.  I took the video card out, cleaned it off (even though it never runs over 44C with the Coolbits tweak in place), took the fan and heatsink off the CPU.  Found some dust, and cleaned it out.  Found a couple of minorly bent fins on the heatsink, fixed that, cleaned off the old thermal paste and put a fresh drop of Arctic Silver on, reinstalled heatsink and fan, reinstalled video card.  I'm topping out about 48C now.  Still having the same problems.  So today I uninstalled the 71.89 drivers.  Cleaned the registry, deleted any folders leftover from the previous install, then installed the 61.77 drivers again.  Not a hitch.  No freezes, no nothing, so I think I can put the blame on the drivers.  

So I previously passed the 71.89 drivers for the older FX series cards.  I take that back.  They dont work.  I have installed the 66.93 Omegas now, as I had passed those previously also.  I'm going to leave them on for awhile and see if they give me any long term problems.  Keeping my fingers crossed.

So that means the 61.77 drivers are STILL the only ones that are proven stable long term.  I'll let you konw after 3 weeks how these 66.93 Omegas hold up.

Offline StarOfAfrica2

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Test results, Nvidia Geforce drivers
« Reply #13 on: June 11, 2005, 06:56:02 PM »
Well, I've been running the 66.93 Omega drivers and so far this tour I havent had any problems except those related to the internet.  All the freezes and CTDs I experienced with the 71.89 Nvidia WHQL drivers dissapeared.  Gameplay has been smooth, although I really dont see any improvements over the 61.77 drivers.  I also do not recommend the 66.93 Nvidia WHQL drivers, they caused CTDs quite often for me.

So to wrap up my tests, Omega is the way to go for Nvidia cards.  Something in the official versions beyond 61.77 causes CTDs and screen freezes.  61.77 is safe for (as far as I know) all older cards, whether the official Nvidia version or the Omega version.  This driver was tested on the FX 5900XT, FX 5950U, FX 5700, MX 4000, and the MX 440.  66.93, ONLY the Omega version is safe for older cards.  The official Nvidia version isnt compatible.  Neither is the newer 71.89 version.  

61.77 WHQL  - Passed
61.77 Omega - Passed

66.93 WHQL  - Failed
66.93 Omega - Passed

71.89 WHQL  - Failed

Offline 2bighorn

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Test results, Nvidia Geforce drivers
« Reply #14 on: June 11, 2005, 07:37:49 PM »
I have Gainward FX5900XT Golden Sample, GPU core running at 480MHz and memory at 850MHz.

Having WHQL 66.93 since release date with no isssues (very stable, no heat issues, neither any CTDs, freezing, etc in AH).

Have an old MX440 on one machine and last "stable" driver was 61.77, as SOA2 mentioned.