Originally posted by NHawk
Personally, I think towns and bases should be capturable separately. Perhaps by making the town out of the city objects and placing a map room in them. After all, just because a town falls 10 to 20 miles away doesn't mean the base fell.
In the MA, fields with a map room and no Town would be too easy for a couple of guys to capture during off hours. A compromise in the MA between the old style Town and the large new Town would be good IMO, it would also spread out the front in prime time as 6-7 guys could make a capture instead of the 10-20 now. Regular HtH rooms shouldn’t have Towns IMO but the SEA should have Towns, of different sizes, some small and some large.
In the MA you could add additional Towns with a Vehicle hanger like those in the Kurland (AH1) terrain. Fester tried something like that with clusters of VHs and Towns but I didn’t think it played as well because it took a horde of GVs and planes to capture them. I liked the idea of putting the GV battle further away from the airfields and think it’s still worth pursuing on a limited scale with strings of bases with a single VHs surrounded by town buildings instead of what we have now or the clusters Fester used.
By building Kurland style Town/VH bases, you could string them 4-7 miles or 9-17 minutes apart along a road and not need remote spawn points. It would make for a more exciting game. Ok, so the clipboard map would look ugly. If you insist on spreading them out, 8-10 miles also works with spawn points. The fixed place gun batteries on Kurland were fun, but too easy to target and destroy so I’d say put in some manned ack guarding the gates of the town, throw in a couple of AI AAA ack and let it go at that. Someone spawning at the VH will need to drive to the edge of town to fire on the approaching enemy. Attackers will need to shell the town before they can see the VH and take it out. To flesh this out further, imagine a ladder laid out on the terrain with one of these bases at the intersection of each rung and side rail. If one guy in a Tiger has stopped an assault, the attackers can use the other path to go around the blockage and push further into enemy territory. At key points, add remote spawns to some of the airbases. As the assault pushes further into enemy territory, the airbases are closer and it becomes easier, but not too easy, for the defenders to up aircraft and support their GV defenders.
On Raptors’ ETO map, GV base like this might be fun and looking at modern maps, realistic placement might not be a problem.