Author Topic: REN and BK fight  (Read 3931 times)

Offline SkyRock

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Re: Re: REN and BK fight
« Reply #15 on: May 21, 2005, 10:19:39 AM »
Originally posted by DamnedRen
What you fail to realize is it's not a Ren vs BK fight. It a Ren vs any tard's who put down other players because they chose to play the game their way and not those of a few select BK's. The issue is they just gotta make sure everyone see's what a buncha tard's they are.

Think about it for a second...some dude is with others trying to take a field. He suckers a buncha tards away from their trying to protect the field and drags them a few miles clear of the field. He then bails laughing his butt off because they were stupid enough to follow him. They call foul. What a jerk he is for not fighting them at the field and dying all over the place just for them. Makes ya wonder what kinda tards they are for all trying to chase him all over the place for a kills. MUAHAHAHAHA! So now they all get up on the BB and tell the whole world what a buncha of tards they are by whining about this dude. He reads it and laughs in their face just as many of us where doing. Then they begin telling all how he is ruining the community. For a group that prides themselves on not taking fields or whatever it is they do or don't do they sure whine about it. Hell. I'm not sure what they do anymore. They don't furball? They do furball? They don't take fields? They do take fields? They're bored. Isn't what you hear from whiney babies all the time? "Mommy, you buy me everything I could ever possibly want but I'm so bored, because I have so many thing given to me and I'm a tard, I just can't think of anything to do so I'll whine at you." Mommy says, "now dear, why don't you go play AH for a while or have fun writing to your little friends there. You notice she doesn't want you hanging around bugging her so we now have to suffer. :rofl And, all these tards  seem to do on a daily basis is come to the boards and whine about what someone did to them, complain about the game because its not doing what they want or attack some dude for playing the game. If that's not a group of tards I don't know what is.

An easy fix is let them use their own website to make up thier own little BBS where they can post all they're crap so they can laugh and whine to each other. See how many go there to read that crap. Wait!!! That's no good for the ego's of these tards. So we'll never hear the end of it! Can I help it if most of them are bk's? I think Mommy needs to up their dose of retlin.

I consider BK's "ahight fellas"  but I can say that is one helluva a roast!  Maybe this could be a roast vs roast tween the BK's and Ren.  Ren could be Wabbit and live on 7 1/2 mile road!

The Damned

Triton28 - "...his stats suggest he has a healthy combination of suck and sissy!"

Offline SkyRock

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REN and BK fight
« Reply #16 on: May 21, 2005, 10:21:29 AM »
Sorry for writing inside the "     ":(

Triton28 - "...his stats suggest he has a healthy combination of suck and sissy!"

Offline SuperDud

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Re: Re: REN and BK fight
« Reply #17 on: May 21, 2005, 10:55:06 AM »
Originally posted by DamnedRen
What you fail to realize is it's not a Ren vs BK fight. It a Ren vs any tard's who put down other players because they chose to play the game their way and not those of a few select BK's. The issue is they just gotta make sure everyone see's what a buncha tard's they are.

Think about it for a second...some dude is with others trying to take a field. He suckers a buncha tards away from their trying to protect the field and drags them a few miles clear of the field. He then bails laughing his butt off because they were stupid enough to follow him. They call foul. What a jerk he is for not fighting them at the field and dying all over the place just for them. Makes ya wonder what kinda tards they are for all trying to chase him all over the place for a kills. MUAHAHAHAHA! So now they all get up on the BB and tell the whole world what a buncha of tards they are by whining about this dude. He reads it and laughs in their face just as many of us where doing. Then they begin telling all how he is ruining the community. For a group that prides themselves on not taking fields or whatever it is they do or don't do they sure whine about it. Hell. I'm not sure what they do anymore. They don't furball? They do furball? They don't take fields? They do take fields? They're bored. Isn't what you hear from whiney babies all the time? "Mommy, you buy me everything I could ever possibly want but I'm so bored, because I have so many thing given to me and I'm a tard, I just can't think of anything to do so I'll whine at you." Mommy says, "now dear, why don't you go play AH for a while or have fun writing to your little friends there. You notice she doesn't want you hanging around bugging her so we now have to suffer. :rofl And, all these tards  seem to do on a daily basis is come to the boards and whine about what someone did to them, complain about the game because its not doing what they want or attack some dude for playing the game. If that's not a group of tards I don't know what is.

An easy fix is let them use their own website to make up thier own little BBS where they can post all they're crap so they can laugh and whine to each other. See how many go there to read that crap. Wait!!! That's no good for the ego's of these tards. So we'll never hear the end of it! Can I help it if most of them are bk's? I think Mommy needs to up their dose of retlin.


The Damned

Ouch! Why the hatin?:confused:
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Offline megadud

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REN and BK fight
« Reply #18 on: May 21, 2005, 11:10:52 AM »
Personal attack
« Last Edit: May 23, 2005, 10:35:03 AM by Skuzzy »

Offline DamnedRen

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Re: Re: Re: REN and BK fight
« Reply #19 on: May 21, 2005, 11:25:16 AM »
Originally posted by SuperDud
Ouch! Why the hatin?:confused:

SuperDud, there isn't any hatin. It's all luv!!!:D

The Damned

Offline beet1e

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REN and BK fight
« Reply #20 on: May 21, 2005, 02:07:30 PM »
Ren is right.

In the *other* thread (since closed) I admit I whined about the way some people played this game, back around 2-3 years ago. I was told to STFU etc., as it was *their* $14.95. OK, you got me there - I had to lie down and take it.

But now here we are, with some tardz whining because a guy bails out of a perfectly good plane. And guess what? It's his $14.95, and he can do whatever the hell he likes.

I love these sauce/goose/gander topics! :D

PS - Hiya Morph! :p

Offline Jish102

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REN and BK fight
« Reply #21 on: May 21, 2005, 02:23:13 PM »
:lol I laugh at this thread
MA: Irish
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Offline x0847Marine

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Re: Re: REN and BK fight
« Reply #22 on: May 21, 2005, 03:19:27 PM »
Originally posted by DamnedRen
What you fail to realize is it's not a Ren vs BK fight. It a Ren vs any tard's who put down other players because they chose to play the game their way and not those of a few select BK's. The issue is they just gotta make sure everyone see's what a buncha tard's they are.

Think about it for a second...some dude is with others trying to take a field. He suckers a buncha tards away from their trying to protect the field and drags them a few miles clear of the field. He then bails laughing his butt off because they were stupid enough to follow him. They call foul. What a jerk he is for not fighting them at the field and dying all over the place just for them. Makes ya wonder what kinda tards they are for all trying to chase him all over the place for a kills. MUAHAHAHAHA! So now they all get up on the BB and tell the whole world what a buncha of tards they are by whining about this dude. He reads it and laughs in their face just as many of us where doing. Then they begin telling all how he is ruining the community. For a group that prides themselves on not taking fields or whatever it is they do or don't do they sure whine about it. Hell. I'm not sure what they do anymore. They don't furball? They do furball? They don't take fields? They do take fields? They're bored. Isn't what you hear from whiney babies all the time? "Mommy, you buy me everything I could ever possibly want but I'm so bored, because I have so many thing given to me and I'm a tard, I just can't think of anything to do so I'll whine at you." Mommy says, "now dear, why don't you go play AH for a while or have fun writing to your little friends there. You notice she doesn't want you hanging around bugging her so we now have to suffer. :rofl And, all these tards  seem to do on a daily basis is come to the boards and whine about what someone did to them, complain about the game because its not doing what they want or attack some dude for playing the game. If that's not a group of tards I don't know what is.

An easy fix is let them use their own website to make up thier own little BBS where they can post all they're crap so they can laugh and whine to each other. See how many go there to read that crap. Wait!!! That's no good for the ego's of these tards. So we'll never hear the end of it! Can I help it if most of them are bk's? I think Mommy needs to up their dose of retlin.


The Damned

I wish I could quantify the number of serious laughs I've had playing this game AND posting / reading this BBS.

One of these days I will post my own film.

It'll be myself and a few friends at my place drinking beers and laughing ourselves to tears twisting the nipples of the likes of dorf & (some of) the BK's.

I'm having lots of fun twisting my stick, that's what gaming is all about. yet according to "them" I am the #1 destroyier of the game, public enemy #1.. and whatever canards they can think of... LMAO...oooook dorks, I'll keep laughing at you and having fun.

These guys take this oh so seriously, it's thier life, if they didn't have such big net mouths, I'd feel sorry for them... maybe.

I'm not one of "them", playing a game is not about boosting my ego, trying to prove something, or making friends...  I don't fool myself into thinking because I've had endless hours of practice at one particular game that I'm a "pilot" who "fights" with any special "skill", "bravery" or "talent".. as a combat vet, IMO, the rhetoric alone these guys cling to in order to validate themselves cheapens the meanings of these terms.
The only thing "brave" about these dorks is thier ability to type trash from the safety of thier keyboards

One of these guys in particular cracks me up the most, his on-line AH persona he firmly believes he's a "vet" "pilot" with "fighting skills"... while submerged in his AH world it stinks in here because he's the she-it. The instant you remind him he's not a real warrior and this game simply requires practice at twisting and jerking a joystick against icons on a computer screen... watch out because he'll type-cry until his fingers bleed, how dare I remind him he's just a gamer dork and not the super brave badass he wants to be.

It's about my fun, sometimes I have fun suckering these clowns into a chase then denying them the pleasure of shooting me down, other times I have fun shooting them down.. depends on my mood, either way I spend a lot of time lmao.

And don't think for a second these dorks don't have a motive, they are well practiced at one particular type of game play, figured out all the tricks.. of course they want to steer everyone in that direction so that can better thier score, do more chest thumping and ultimately validate themselves as brave fighter pilots with skills on loan from god... it makes them feel like "someone"  because when they log off they know they as far from warriors as it gets, have zero to brag about, mom still makes them clean thier room and girls still hate them.

It'll never happen, but I wish some of these gamer dorks would take cues from REAL PILOTS with REAL SKILL and REAL ACCOMPLISHMENTS.. when's the last time you saw a REAL fighter pilot being interviewed on the Mil channel acting like a dork?

"dood, I pwned that no skill dweeb Iraqui foo, that Mig-tard tried to hoe me but my F16 is the shiznat!!!, beeaaaych"

Offline Morpheus

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REN and BK fight
« Reply #23 on: May 21, 2005, 03:28:18 PM »
holly watermelon its voss.
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Offline megadud

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REN and BK fight
« Reply #24 on: May 21, 2005, 03:35:42 PM »
i use GAME TERMS such as "fight" "pilot" because thats what they are game terms. The main point of a combat SIM game is to imitate real life. why else would you play this game? you like to act like your flying right? if you don't like to act like your flying take your arse to tetris. as for the bravory thing it is also a game term. In the GAME you are brave to fly into a 10 on 1 and it has nothing to do with real life. the skill comes from being good at the game. it's a synonym. And i don't understand why you would laugh at people who play the same game as you. Is it because they write stuff that "sounds" like they are angry through the computer? How do you know they aren't just writing that stuff laughing knowing that you will take the time to write back a looong response explaining how funny it is that they are writing that? I have rambles on for way to long. see what i mean it's funny..i should stop but i just keep going. lalalala

i'm editing this to add that if this is what you find humerous thats kinda well...why don't you and your buddy just go to a club or watch dumb and dumber or somthing? how entertaining could reading stuff on a computer be for your buddys? do they play?
« Last Edit: May 21, 2005, 03:38:15 PM by megadud »

Offline Cooley

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REN and BK fight
« Reply #25 on: May 21, 2005, 03:36:09 PM »
Ha! :rofl
Cooleyof 367th

Offline culero

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Re: Re: Re: REN and BK fight
« Reply #26 on: May 21, 2005, 03:42:01 PM »
Originally posted by x0847Marine

It'll never happen, but I wish some of these gamer dorks would take cues from REAL PILOTS with REAL SKILL and REAL ACCOMPLISHMENTS.. when's the last time you saw a REAL fighter pilot being interviewed on the Mil channel acting like a dork?

"dood, I pwned that no skill dweeb Iraqui foo, that Mig-tard tried to hoe me but my F16 is the shiznat!!!, beeaaaych"

Well, actually just last night I watched a show on History channel about the F22 Raptor.

One segment depicted an exercise conducted in which 5 F15s engaged 1 F22. The F22 splashed all of them.

But the cool part was what the F22 pile-it said during the interview...."It was like clubbing baby seals!"

I about broke a rib laffing :D

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Re: Re: Re: Re: REN and BK fight
« Reply #27 on: May 21, 2005, 03:53:23 PM »
Originally posted by culero
Well, actually just last night I watched a show on History channel about the F22 Raptor.

One segment depicted an exercise conducted in which 5 F15s engaged 1 F22. The F22 splashed all of them.

But the cool part was what the F22 pile-it said during the interview...."It was like clubbing baby seals!"

I about broke a rib laffing :D


:rofl :rofl :rofl

Offline DamnedRen

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Re: Re: Re: Re: REN and BK fight
« Reply #28 on: May 21, 2005, 05:40:13 PM »
Originally posted by culero
Well, actually just last night I watched a show on History channel about the F22 Raptor.

One segment depicted an exercise conducted in which 5 F15s engaged 1 F22. The F22 splashed all of them.

But the cool part was what the F22 pile-it said during the interview...."It was like clubbing baby seals!"

I about broke a rib laffing :D


Ah, another satisfied ex-AW customer!!! :rofl

The Damned

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REN and BK fight
« Reply #29 on: May 21, 2005, 05:49:20 PM »
Originally posted by megadud
In the GAME you are brave to fly into a 10 on 1 and it has nothing to do with real life.

So what yer saying is brave = stoopid? You're the 1v10? Or are you the one of the 10v1 asking some poor seal to come and die for you? You are spending way too much time with the tards! Next thing ya know you'll be parking on the runway so the tards can vulch you and up their scores. Opps hasn't that been done already? :rofl

Stop it!!!Yer killing me! I'm getting old and everytime I fall outa my chair it hurts! :rofl

Opps, I'm getting so old  I already forgot who the tards were. I know its not the average AH player or the noob's minus the glasses account. Can someone remind me? Wasn't it some members of a particular squad. Ah well never mind. :rofl

The Damned