Here is my hesitation on the "have to fight enemies in icon range" issue.
One thing that makes the KOTH great is flexability. I don't want to see the events rules so rigid, that we are forcing players to fight a certain style, or way.
I like the fact that we have all differant styles of fighting. I enjoy the different and contrasting styles of various players, and that is what the KOTH Team is trying to preserve/support. My opinion is LESS IS MORE as far as rules are concerned. I don't want to have to type 10 wall o' text posts to explain to a player the rule system. Needs to be easy.
Currently the KOTH team has made two changes to the rules. The 6k alt cap (which we like) and we added "either be in a fight, or heading to a fight at all times" in the MOTD/Rules. So far, going by EKOTH it worked out great. We only had one "issue" in the whole time it was flown.
We are kicking around changing the 60 sec rule, and the KOTH Team will post about that soon.
Rest assured that we want the King of the Hill to stay about as close to how it has been that past years BigMax has hosted it. It's just now BigMax has two other people to kick around ideas with, and we are tweaking some that needed tweaking.