Originally posted by J_A_B:
They don't need to revolve the game around education--but they should make some small effort to hammer home the fact that the REAL war was no game.
It was no game for the ground pounders. I get the distinct impression that successful fighter pilots from past wars enjoyed it and loved doing it.
That's what sims are all about. Getting all the thrill and exhilirattion of combat without paying the penalty for failure.
I can't speak for the infantry types or anyone else, but I had fun in the Persian Gulf. Yeah... it was serious, but that's part of the excitement. No one gets a charge out of doing drills. Going into combat is the ultimate test.
Gaming is an important element to war. In a sense, it is indeed a game. That's why the CINCs participate in war gaming execises all the time.
screamin blue messiahs[This message has been edited by Sandman_SBM (edited 03-17-2001).]