Originally posted by Guppy35
Wow! Funny how the winds can change. Don't any of you gents remember that time?
Gotta love revisionist history.
All I know is some of you guys are really starting to scare me. Ben Stein included.
What planet was he on at the time.
truly. lol.
and let's not forget the iran contra affair. you know the one where reagan couldnt recall what had occurred (not to scary...alzhiemers and "the football" to contend with.
oliver north proudly wearing his,' i got away with defying the congress, breaking the law and farting at the constitution' look on that smug little chip toothed face. all while his barbie doll secretary with the headlips winks for the camera and blinks her little doe eyes at the mastadons. look over there!!! (criminals, exit stage left, sign good bye contracts, get yer pin)
who goes to hell first?
a. the guy who gets a hummy (which in lew of his wife is certainly an understandable...talk about taking one for the team, and who then lies when his little girl is watching television too...while all the little girls are watching. shame realyl. they coulda waited a few years before the conversation turned to lipjobs. that's how i saw it anyway. and for all of you anti feminists, dont you think for one moment that there wasnt an agenda in play there either)
but yes. it's wrong.
and no, its not worth making our country of the free look like a petty people with way too much free time)
and yes, he should have to meet the same standard as his officers, except that the president is a government employee not an enlistee.
but whatever.
it was fun fantasizing about monica lewisky you friendly neighborhood dusty cummins with her mouth on a lollipop wasnt it? (GAG)
I KNOW, i know... that if he would have just admitted it.
nixon presiding over a government at the height of it's (and his) paranoia while using the presidency as a personal revenge tool.
he tried to duck the rap too.
he forgot that the first rule of leadership is accepting accountability for your actions. for you are a servant of the people.
both of them did.
the only disturbing thing about our deepthroat revealed is this.
he was skipped over.
like the republicans to clinton, he waged his war personally. i am glad in a sense that he did it. it reminds power that there is never an absolute. a story for the storybooks.
its probably why nixon skipped him over too. he probably sensed it.
yet, i dont disagree with what he did...except for not taking responsibility for it himself.
its scary to think that there are so many vendettas in the world.
silly garbage.
the lot of it.