Anyone care to comment on the fact that Felt himself was tried and convicted of illegal wiretapping and other "black bag" jobs, the same things he claimed to be so vehemently opposed to and so deeply concerned about? It's a fact. Oh, and Nixon testified in his defense, and Reagan pardoned him. Nixon congratulated him on the pardon as well.
The fact is, regardless of what Nixon did, Felt is no hero, nor is he a patriot. Not when he was doing EXACTLY the same things he complained the Nixon administration was doing. He was merely pissed that he was the deputy director of the FBI and got passed over for the director job when Hoover kicked the bucket. He also lacked the balls to follow his oath and take it to the grand jury, and instead skulked around and stole documents and leaked them in violation of both his oath and the law. He hid for 30 years because he knew he was wrong, criminally wrong, and was ashamed. His family has outed him for the money, now that he is practically dead and only about 50% mentally coherent, about 50% of the time.
In keeping with the original question, which was NOT about Nixon, the answer is neither, he is no patriot, nor a traitor. He is no hero either.