Dammit Toad I'm *trying* to give ya a show here, what with ya havin' to run out and get the brats and all... but I aint gettin' nuthin. People! - I can't work like this!
Er... and I wasn't aware this thread was about "proving Gore's expertise in foreign affairs". I suppose though, if you were in his position, ya woulda called an emergency security briefing to the entire congress, perhaps even engaged in a televised address from the Oval office, and proposed that we either test Putin's mettle by declaring an all encompassing embargo/blockade on Russia, repleat with a no fly zone, the whole nine yards... or started lobbing ord on both the Russians and Iran, solving both those pesky problems in one tidy package
Actually, it *is* a good question.
But first... ferget the crap about Gore - last time I checked Bill was still the commander in chief. You think Bill relenquished his job to Gore WRT foreign policy or something? You and I both know why Gore was the focus of this. Ah well, this is the folly of gettin' yer information from Fox News (Fox News!!). These people are the same bunch of geniuses that bring you such things as "When senile pets attack their owners!"....or.... "When magic tricks go very, very wrong". Puhlease. But anyways...
Back to the question. Russia (who's economy is in tatters, who's top dog is text-book KGB era... a complete X-factor) is selling arms to Iran.
You condemn "Gore"? Ball is in yer court then. How would *you* approach this?