Author Topic: Who's fault is it??  (Read 1177 times)


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Who's fault is it??
« on: December 03, 2000, 04:31:00 PM »
I had an interesting situation today.

The scene: I live just off a larg city street with 3 lanes going in each direction and a turn lane in the middle, the speed limit is 40, There is a stop light at the intersection of the street leading into my neighborhood and the larg 6 lane.

The problem: the light has a protected left arrow on it HOWEVER it almost NEVER comes on, you can sit there all day and never get a safe turn arrow, so of course everybody just eases out into the intersection when they have a yellow and when all the traffic slows down and right as the light turns red they turn into my hood.

The result: My gf was coming over and she was at the intersection and as usual she eased out into the middle and as soon as the light turned red she began to turn, then all the sudden this silver lincon shot out into the intersection going VERY fast (was trying to make the light) and she clipped the side of it.  it dented in her right fender, but she managed to continue to drive into my neghbor hood street where she stopped.  The other car however was going so fast that it went out of control and glanced off a power pole and slid about 50 yeads down the street.  The driver of the silver car was a 70 year old woman by the way.

An interesting fact:
The car that my GF "hit" was the only one that tried to go through the light, the rest had stopped

The conclusion: My gf called the cops and stuff like your supposed to do and waited.  I had seen the whole thing from my balcony so I was on the scene by now.  The cops arrive and she told them what had happened, they spent like 20min talking to the old woman and the came over and asked what happened.  She said "well i got out into the middle and as soon as everyone had stopped and as i was turning the light turned red and that car came shooting across and we hit."  This is what the cop said.  "Did you have a protected left" my gf "no the arrow never comes on" the cop "so you were turning on a red light correct"  My gf "yes thats the only way to get in here because it such a buisy street"  "the cop so you ran a red light?"  My gf "no i waited till the light turned yellow and when everybody had stopped i began to turn, as i was turning the light turned red"
The cop goes to talk to the old woman some more.  Then he came back and said the following  "the lady says that you turned out in front of her and that she had a green light" my gf "no she didnt even have a yellow light she came into the intersection just as it turned red"  the cop "well then why didnt she stop? huh?" my gf "well she was going so fast i doubt she COULD stop" (another cops tells this one that judging by how far the other slid it had to be going at least 55 which is 15 over the speed limit and that a witenss said that the light was for sure at least yellow if not red and that no other cars tried to go when this one did)

All in all, according the cop that showed up  first My GF is at fault and is liable for all the damage to the other car (even the damage the pole did)

The arrow doesent work, the old lady was speeding, and ran the  red light.  My gf's only options were to turn the way she did (which everybody does every day) OR sit there forever.

Who is at fault in your opinions?

On a side note
The intersection where this happened is known as one of the most dangerous in town because of people speeding through the red light.

Another Question
what would i need to to to bring to attention the danger of that stupid non working turn arrow and such???  before somebody gets killed.

Offline AKDejaVu

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Who's fault is it??
« Reply #1 on: December 03, 2000, 05:21:00 PM »
Doesn't matter who's fault it is.  Your girlfriend ran a red light and admitted it to the cop.

By "doesn't work" do you mean the signal NEVER comes on.. or it just takes a long time.  If it never comes on, you really need to report it to the city/county departments.


Offline bloom25

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Who's fault is it??
« Reply #2 on: December 03, 2000, 06:45:00 PM »
Honestly IMO both are at fault.  The old lady ran a red light (or proceeded through a yellow, which in Oregon at least I've heard of people being pulled over for.)  She was also speeding.  Your girlfriend ended up being caught in the intersection after proceding beyond the crosswalk.  I see this happen day after day, people creep into the middle of the intersection, and then punch the gas when they get caught in the middle after the light turns red.

Another way to look at it is this:

Would the accident have happened if your girlfriend had not illegally advanced into the intesection, and ended up stranded in the center?  No.

Would the accident have happened if the elderly lady had not tried to beat the yellow light (or ran the red)?  No.  Does the fact that she was speeding somehow make a difference in the final outcome?  My answer is that the accident would have happened if she was going 40 mph or 90 mph.

The truth is that if your girlfriend had been more patient the accident wouldn't have happened.  The old lady *may* have collided with someone else though.

IMO the old lady should be cited for speeding and running a red light.  Your girlfriend should probably be cited for an illegal left turn.  The accident should be a "no-fault."  If it went to court it would probably come down to who had the better lawyer...  



[This message has been edited by bloom25 (edited 12-03-2000).]


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Who's fault is it??
« Reply #3 on: December 03, 2000, 07:57:00 PM »
The thing is that the light's protected left turn arrow never turns on.  This is a buisy 6 lane street so its almost impossible to ever get a chance to turn left and have the green.  the thing is that you HAVE to get out there and make that "illegal" turn.  There is no way around it, i have done it right there in the same spot RIGHT in front of a cop and he did nothing.  My feeling is that seeing as how the frigin arrow wont come on it forces anyone who is gonna turn there to turn that way.  My gf had no choice.  Earlier i got my vid camera and decided to make some evidence.

I pulled up the the light while it was green but i couldent make the turn so i just waited, it turned red and the other direction turned green.  Then after about 1 min the other dir turned yellow and then red and then my dir turned green but guess waht no arrow, even though i had been sitting there for a long time.  i decided to wait until i could actually turn AND have a green light.  Well i had to wait through 4 light rotations and i never got a green arrow, but cars got behind me and i didnt want to be an ass.  So i finally went, but in order to turn i had to do the exact same thing my GF did.  This just isnt fair.  The cops might aswell pull you over and then write you a ticket for illegal parking because ya pulled over!


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Who's fault is it??
« Reply #4 on: December 03, 2000, 08:00:00 PM »
Bloom, sorry i forgot 1 thing
I agree with you, had there ben a normal WORKING light they would have both been at fault, however i think that in this case the fault that would have been on my gf should be placed on the city because it turns out that several people have complained about that light over the past 2 months and they keep saying they will fix it but havent yet.  And being in the state it is in anyone who wants to turn is forced to do it that way.

Offline Crapgame

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Who's fault is it??
« Reply #5 on: December 03, 2000, 09:27:00 PM »

As a police officer, let me try to shed a little light on it from the POV of what would probably be done by our traffic division here in Reno, Nv.

Based on your description, had I been handling the accident scene, I would have completed a report and submitted it to traffic investigators for further review. No citations would have been issued on scene by me.

However, also based on what you've stated, our traffic guys on the street would probably have cited your GF for a Right of Way Left turn violation and or Red Light violation. It's a better than even chance that the old broad would have gotten a ticket for Duty to Decrease Speed or Speeding or even a Green Light violation. I know this last one doesn't make much sense at first, but here in Reno when entering an intersection, even with a green light, you have a responsibility to exercise due care and caution which it strikes me the old broad did not.

Anyways, our traffic guys like many others around the country have to maintain stats so I'm thinking they probably both would have gotten citations. Me? I'm just too easygoing, never liked writing tickets much. Seems counterproductive to always cite Joe and Jane Taxpayer when there's always some real maggot who really deserves a ticket or a trip to jail out there.

2nd Lt. Crapgame
62nd F.S.
56th F.G. "Zemke's Wolfpack"

Offline mrfish

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Who's fault is it??
« Reply #6 on: December 03, 2000, 10:34:00 PM »
your gf is at fault: she ran a red light


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Who's fault is it??
« Reply #7 on: December 04, 2000, 12:43:00 PM »
everyone that pulls up to that light to turn is forced to run a red light because the turn arrow never comes on, do you thing every single person that turns deserves a ticket?
Plus the ond lady ran the a red light too and she was speeding,  If my gf ran a red light so did the old bat, if not my gf would have been the only one running it any couldent have hit anyone.

Offline Maverick

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Who's fault is it??
« Reply #8 on: December 04, 2000, 01:03:00 PM »

Let me try a bit here. I was a traffic cop with primary duty of accident (collision) investigation for over 12 years until a kid in a mustang took me out of the street.

First about the turn situation. What do you mean by "protected" left turn light? If you mean left turn arrow, I understand that fine. If this is an intersection with a "left on green arrow only" sign, your GF is at fault. You simply cannot turn without the arrow. If this is a signal with a left turn arrow but NO sign saying left on green arrow ONLY, then she can do what she did, but only if there is no other vehicle so closely approaching so as to constitute a hazard or a collision results. She must also be in the intersection before the light turns red for her.

If there is an outside witness to the signal then you "might" have a chance about the red light violation on the old lady. But it HAS to be an outside witness in a position to see the light from the old lady's position to refute her story. You don't count due to the relationship you have with your GF. You can't be considered "unbiased". The witness must be able to state clearly that the light was red before the old lady entered the intersection. That means the old lady must not have gone past the curb line of the intersecting street before the light she was facing turned red. A witness is absolutely crucial unless the old lady "fesses up" to a red light. If she (the old lady) passed the curb line of the intersecting street before the light turned red she can legally proceed through the intersection. If not, then she ran a red light. Proving it requires a witness.

As you see there isn't much hope here for the situation absent an outside witness. It is just one parties word against the others.

Now here is the speeding angle. By measuring the scruff or scrub marks(assuming the car was sliding not in line with the normal direction of travel) the tires made a reasonably accurate guestimate of the speed the old lady was going can be made. I say guestimate as the impact ALWAYS has a bearing on the speed. In this case an argument can be made that the impact did not add any speed to the old lady's car as the impact was almost in opposite directional conflict rather than parallel where speed could be added to her vehicle from the impact with your girlfriends car. This is assuming an impact that was not a 90 degree collision but where your gf was still almost in opposite direction to the old lady. (Much easier to explain with drawings or physical examples) If the marks on the pavement are measured and the coefficient of friction of the pavement is reasonably known a speed can be extrapolated. In other words the vehicle can be shown to have had to travel x mph to create y amount of skids / scuff on the pavement given a known coefficient of friction. A skid test can be done with another vehicle going a known speed over the same kind and condition of pavement in the same area to confirm the coefficient of friction. This will confirm the speed determined from a skid nomograph. Based on this work you can derive an "approximate" speed of the old lady's vehicle. In my jurisdiction a speed of more than 15mph over the limit woud be sufficient to show a negligent behavior while approaching the intersection and would negate the legal assumption that anyone turning as your gf did at the intersection would be failing to yield to oncoming traffic. In effect, the speeder has forfeited the right of way due to the excessive speed and it would not be reasonable for anyone turning to expect a car to be traveling that fast at that location under the circumstances. It almost always has to go to court to get this ruling or assumption to stick.

Now after looking at these assumptions and the situation, what would I have done? I would have cited both of them. All of the measurements and computations can be easily done at the scene to determine findings. I would have cited the old lady for "speed greater than reasonable or prudent" and your gf for "failure to yield making a left turn". This would allow the court to make a determination of "actual" fault. I have investigated a collision almost like this and did cite both parties.

Now here is what YOU do about the signal.

1. Get a video camera and film several hours of cars NOT getting the left arrow even though they should have. You must film it to show the car arrived in plenty of time to trip the sensor to phase the arrow in. You must be able to show the signal is malfunctioning not once in a while but regularly.

2. Contact the highway repair division of the legal entity responsible for the signal and find out when it was last repaired and if they have repair complaints on file for the date of the collision. Find out if it has been repaired yet. Get this in writing. Go to the office if you have to or hire an attorney to subpoena the records.

3. IF the film and the records show the signal was malfunctioning AND the highway department knew about it but had not fixed it your gf has an outstanding opportunity to sue the entity responsible for the intersection and signals. She may not be found to be not at fault for the actual collision but can get compensated for the negligence of the highway department for not fixing a known malfunctioning traffic signal.

To gain additional weight for this you should also contact a local tv station news desk and offer them a copy of the tape you made showing the signal screwing up. Some stations love to dump traffic problems on the screen and embarrass the county / town or whatever entity is responsible for this.

Long post here as it is easier to explain in person than by typing. Hope this helps.    


[This message has been edited by Maverick (edited 12-04-2000).]
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Who's fault is it??
« Reply #9 on: December 04, 2000, 03:41:00 PM »
dual fault. The old lady was speeding and ran a red light. your GF failed to give right of way, and ran the red light. ( even tho the old lady ran the red light, your GF still has to give ROW) each pays for thier own car's damage. your GF should sue the city too.

Oh, and, your GF need to find a new way to get to your place till the city fixes the light.  

Nathan "NATEDOG" Mathieu
Art Director
HiTech Creations

".... And on the eighth day, God created beer. "

[This message has been edited by NATEDOG (edited 12-04-2000).]

Offline Corwin

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Who's fault is it??
« Reply #10 on: December 04, 2000, 04:06:00 PM »
I think the Lincoln is over modelled.  Everyone knows that a post 1975 Lincoln should only slide 30 yards in a collision max (unless it's a Town Car which has been known to slide a bit further given tire sizing problems).  Further you should tell the cop that the old lady was warping all over the street and that your girlfriend had a reduced frame rate which is probably attributable to DMV server lag.

Hehehe.  Couldn't resist and sorry to hear about this situation but I am glad nobody was hurt.

Offline mrfish

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Who's fault is it??
« Reply #11 on: December 04, 2000, 04:31:00 PM »
Originally posted by TheWobble:
everyone that pulls up to that light to turn is forced to run a red light because the turn arrow never comes on

That is no one else's problem but the driver.  This isn't a matter of convenience - if they can't turn when it is green - then they have to wait - even if it is 136,000 cycles of the light - practical? no - but your question was - who is at fault. if you run a red - you run a red. period - there is no "well the arrow doesnt come on" excuse - if it doenst come on then you cant turn - the people going the other direction see a green  - therefore they have the right of way - it isn't their problem that  the driver is inconvenienced by the missing arrow!
if your question is who is at fault then that is my opinion - if your real question is 'who will support that my gf is not at fault' then i can't help you - you are mixing the practical and the legal at will.

red light = don't go

-regardless - you dont have a 'right' to make it thru the light in one turn. the missing arrow is totally irrelevant. - it doesnt sound like the old lady ran any light - it sounds as if she was execrcising her right of way on a yellow when your gf barged in on her by running a red.
"she waited til it turned yellow" - what does that have to do with anything? if it is yellow then the other people still have the right of way by law - it isnt up to granny to interpret your girlfriend's logic as she is pressing the yellow light - she sees a yellow she can go. your gf sees a red - she should stop - but she didnt because it was inconvenient - sorry but she is still at fault - you cant pick and choose when to follow the law and usurp someone else's right of way


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Who's fault is it??
« Reply #12 on: December 04, 2000, 05:12:00 PM »
It is a state law that any street haveing more than 2 lanes going in each direction or has a speed limit exceeding 45mp MUST have a protected left arrow.  This one is a 6 lane street with a 40 mph speed limit, therefore the absence of a FUNCTIONING turn arrow is negledgence on the part of the city, not My gf.

And the old woman didnt see yellow,  the police have spoken to sever witnesses that said they saw the old bat speeding up to try to make the yellow light but it turned red about 3 to 5 seconds before she reached the intersection, but she never even slowed down.

As far as the arrow being a matter of " the missing arrow is totally irrelevant" this intersection is one of the most dangerous in town and having a non function turn arrow violates state law.  Therefore seeing as how the faulty light forces to my gf or anyone to turn the way she did how can it be her fault.  

Offline Maverick

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Who's fault is it??
« Reply #13 on: December 04, 2000, 07:45:00 PM »

Read again what I posted. I think that situation was covered there.

Left on red light...

Unless there is a sign saying left on green arrow only, a driver can enter the intersection while the main (round) signal is green or yellow. From that point the driver may perform a left turn IF there is no other traffic with the right of way approaching or traffic so closely approaching so as to constitute a hazard / collision. In other words you can go into intersection and wait for light or traffic to allow you to make a safe turn.

Wobble the witness HAS to see the signal from the older woman's perspective to be able to testify that she ran a red light.

In short you have vehicle damage only. No lives lost and no one injured. Use the insurance and get on with living. If you want to ding the entity that is responsible for the light do so. I told ya how to go about it. Don't sweat the "fault" aspect at this time. Unless you or the old woman have witnesses that will testify neither she or your gf have a case to stand on about a red light violation. That is what the big problem with signal collisions is.

If this is the worst thing that happens to you or your gf you will have a very boring life.  

A Veteran - whether active duty, retired, national guard or reserve - is someone who, at one point in their life, wrote a check made payable to "The United States of America", for an amount of "up to and including my life."
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Who's fault is it??
« Reply #14 on: December 04, 2000, 09:18:00 PM »

As it turns out My gf has not been held responsible for ANYTHING!  not only that the city has agreed to pay her 5k in damages and payed for all damage to BOTH  the vehicles!

Thanks for all your imput, it helped me help her decide what route to take twords resolving this.
Thanks Guys