Originally posted by humble
Personally I think the squads will need to self police. For example, create a couple of wings...less than X people in the arena fly split squad. Keep the people who log in
Well, if we can get some numbers up, you wont have to worry about that. As I have said many times, my squad, The Gunfighters is a non-aligned squad who's only rule is that we switch sides to even things up. We might fly Axis all week, or allied all the next week, or we might switch back and forth hourly, whatever is needed. When we first started it was only Oldman and I it was hard to have a meaningful effect on the arena though I feel it was important to do it anyway. Now we have 13 guys, all quality sticks, and we can play a crucial role in keeping the arena even.
Most of us dont fly in the CT much, but we would if there were enough up. I would spend most of my time in the CT like I used to if it could reach critical mass.
I think if we can get a couple good Allied and Axis squads, and get most of the Gunfighters in there switching sides as needed, the aligned squads wont have to worry about policing themselves or having to fly on the opposite side.