Originally posted by Mini D
On the 32bit note... you need to read the list of OS's offered up by sun on those opteron systems. 1 of the 5 supports 64bit. 2003 only supports ia64 (Itaniums)... not 64bit extensions. XP-64 was not on the list. It's not a matter of what programs they use, it's a matter of what operating system Sun is offering on them.
Why should i bother with OS supported by sun ? I already told you, that most (in our case all Suns) are running linux.
On SPARCs its Solaris. Can you imagine that we dont buy OS by sun, since we use linux ?
Originally posted by Mini D
That pretty much does it for me. This started because you decided to come in and piss in a thread with an irrelevant comment in order to try to prove a point and failing miserably. Take it to the hardware forum where you and kev can polish each other while chanting AMD and pretend the rest of the world is of the same oppinion because you read it on-line.
Ahhh ... you didnt get it and now i came here to piss on your thread... ahh ok...
I will ask again for those who got pissed during my first piss.
Why Apple decide to use CPU whitch other manufactures leaving ?
If i pissed on you again MiniD, im sorry but if you have nothing to say, then simply dont respond.