This x36 set will be a good present for my brother, who I regularly fly with over LAN in Aces High. He's been squeaking about me being better because of having a HOATS rig.
I just cannot fly with this set. First of all, the hat switches are too slippery. I am one of those "white knuckle" fighter pilots - my knuckles are white when I am in an intesne dogfight. So, when I go to view system, my thumb slips all over the Saitek hats.
Also, not enough hats to have every view programmed in without having to use the pinkie to switch between up and down.
Ergonomically, I find it a nightmare. The mouse move thingy shouldda been placed where the big red button is, and one or both of those turn knobs switched for buttons or hats..
Fear I am still grounded til I get new pots.
On a positive note; I managed to put my CH stick back together. I had removed the pots without taking down what wires went where. First, no connect. Then connect but no movements on axis. Then after an hour, connect, one axis ok the other inverted. Then finally got it together.
Flew nicely for about one hour, then pots were shot to hell again.
Got killed
mrniel has a ch combat stick that isn't woprking and I am hoping to cannibalize it for pots
. That'll give me something to use while I wait for completely new ones.
<S!> and thanks to mirniel for his most generous offer!
9./JG 54 "Grünherz"
while(!bishRookQueue.isEmpty() && loggedOn()){
System.out.println("LW pilots are superior");