Did Adolf Galland ever live in California USA, specifically the Los Angeles area? My dad's stepfather recently passed away and I got a few books on WW2 stuff. One is a 1967 Aero#14 on the ME262 and Adolf Galland writes in the front cover "Best regards to XXX, the best automobile chassis straightener." Then signs it with something that looks like "Homido" or "Horrido" and his signature. At first I couldn't tell whose signature it was though it looked familiar and then flipping through the booklet the signature is again found under a picture of Adolf Galland. Then the reason why it looked familiar to me is because I have a signed print by Jerry Crandall of him in his yellow nosed 109 during the Battle of Britain. My dad knows next to nothing about WW2 but he says his stepfather knew the guy and that Galland was a cop in Los Angeles for a time. I think my dad has his stories mixed up and I don't believe that, but I can't figure out why Galland would write a personal msg such as "best chassis straightener" of which my grandfather owned his own business. So, did Galland ever live in LA? Or crash his car in LA???